Examples of the the word, unity , in a Sentence Context

The word ( unity ), is the 3582 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The world. Fixity does not lie in a hidden decree, therefore,but in corporate, unity ,of the Church with Christ, whom it has come to know in the gospel and has
  2. Of the names is strictly coincidental and does not reflect any ethnic, unity ,beyond Germanic. The Sue vi Angel would have been in Lower Saxony or near it
  3. Church of North America entered into discussions about possible organic, unity , In January 2009 one bishop from each jurisdiction consecrated three suffragan
  4. Tribe, to defeat the influence of the Ghana Empire in the area. Almoravid, unity ,also protected other tribes from the domination of the Renata tribes to the
  5. Sri Satya SAI Baba, Sri Sizable Yogi Sahara who advocates religious, unity ,in worship; Swami Sunday Chaitanyanandaji of the Aurobindo Mission; and
  6. Post-Achaemenid Aramaic The conquest by Alexander the Great did not destroy the, unity ,of Aramaic language and literature immediately. Aramaic that bears a relatively
  7. Body. In his late treatise: Augustine's favorite figure to describe body-soul, unity ,is they are now experiencing dramatic combat between one another. They are two
  8. Point out this fact of avoiding bloodshed between Muslims and preserving the, unity ,of the state as of paramount importance, or it would have led to
  9. i. e., matter and form),Aristotle tries to solve the problem of the, unity ,of the beings, for example," what is it that makes a man one "? Since
  10. Demonstrated that the bishops of disparate churches could manifest the, unity ,of the church in their episcopal collegiality despite the absence of universal
  11. A lesser extent, the Thirty-nine Articles of Religion, provide some basis for, unity ,in the movement, but the jurisdictions are numerous, usually quite small in
  12. In the decades leading up to Theodosius' accession, he managed to achieve, unity ,on the basis of the Nicene creed. In 381,at the Second Ecumenical Council in
  13. Regime into power in Verona, and possibly in the long run break the, unity ,of the Lombards' kingdom, winning over the dukes with honors and emoluments.
  14. A cyclotomic extension, and the extension of a field generated by all roots of, unity ,is sometimes called its cyclotomic closure. Thus, algebraically closed fields
  15. Phenomenon, discussed in a culture or context. Is there some underlying, unity ,to aesthetic judgment and is there some way to articulate the similarities of a
  16. With very clear anthropological vision. He saw the human being as a perfect, unity ,of two substances: soul and body. In his late treatise: Augustine's favorite
  17. Plato felt that beautiful objects incorporated proportion, harmony,and, unity ,among their parts. Similarly, in the Metaphysics, Aristotle found that the
  18. Of men from across the nation into an organized corps helped breed national, unity ,and patriotism, and during this period the modern notion of the nation state
  19. Great Britain and Ireland, the Communion sought to establish new vehicles of, unity , The first major expression of this were the Lambert Conferences of the
  20. He was the first emperor in human history who has taught the lesson of, unity , peace, equality and love. Ashoka's aim was not to expand the territories but
  21. A celebration of the Eucharist at Porto Cathedral in 1992,this agreement of, unity ,includes the mutual recognition of the traditional apostolic succession among
  22. Closed field and n is a natural number, then F contains all nth roots of, unity , because these are (by definition) the n (not necessarily distinct) zeroes
  23. Of Aramaic at this early period seems to be based on Phoenician, and there is a, unity ,in the written language. It seems that, in time, a more refined alphabet
  24. The Church's teachings about apostolic succession's effect on Christian, unity ,and downplay the doctrine's sacramental aspects. Nonresponsive, however,some
  25. That interpretation, emphasizing instead the high level of ideological, unity , Just as there were rich and poor Loyalists, the Patriots were a 'mixed lot '
  26. Marriage. More recently, disagreements over homosexuality have strained the, unity ,of the Communion as well as its relationships with other Christian
  27. A field extension that is contained in an extension generated by the roots of, unity ,is a cyclotomic extension, and the extension of a field generated by all roots
  28. Thus the Archbishop of Canterbury, in his person, is a unique focus of Anglican, unity , He calls the once-a-decade Lambert Conference, chairs the meeting of Primates
  29. Downfall, for there is" no longer any implicit consensus on which to base the, unity ,of the social, identified with the real. " The Annals School kept its
  30. By that which is beautiful and attractive. John Dewey has pointed out that the, unity ,of aesthetics and ethics is in fact reflected in our understanding of behavior
  31. Episcopal polity, a characteristic which has been vital in maintaining the, unity ,of the Communion by conveying the episcopate's role in manifesting visible
  32. According to Plato there are two Ideas: animal and biped, how then is man a, unity , However, according to Aristotle, the potential being (matter) and the actual
  33. The constitution transform Libya (United Kingdom of Libya) into one national, unity ,(Kingdom of Libya) and allows for female participation in elections. *1964 –
  34. And q is the frequency of the alternative allele, which necessarily sum to, unity , Then,p2 is the fraction of the population homozygous for the first allele
  35. The Ashoka dharma as a" religion to be used as a symbol of a new imperial, unity ,and a cementing force to weld the diverse and heterogeneous elements of the
  36. Join any of the movements, and spent the last few years of his life working for, unity , before dying in 1849. Denominations The Handbook of Denominations in the
  37. Almost turned bloody, and delivered his famous speech to show the path of, unity ,between the Muslims and declared that Umar should become the first caliph. In
  38. Appearances. Thus, the bull UNAM Sanctum (1302) presents themes of the, unity ,of Christendom with the pope as its head in which the allegorical details of
  39. Close lifelong friends. Among Schoenberg's teaching was the idea that the, unity ,of a musical composition depends upon all its aspects being derived from a
  40. To have been named by Jesus as head of the Apostles and as a focus of their, unity , who became the first Bishop of Rome, and whose successors accordingly became
  41. American colonies enabled Britain to deal with the French Revolution with more, unity ,and better organization than would otherwise have been the case. Concluding the
  42. Politics. Nevertheless, he found it a necessary evil in order to maintain party, unity ,and ensure the loyalty of his fellow Liberals. As prime minister, he asked the
  43. Be anticipated, but are observed and chosen at the moment. Psycho-physical, unity ,Global concepts such as" Psycho-physical Unity" and" Use" describe how
  44. Consultation. It is a forum for bishops of the Communion to reinforce, unity ,and collegiality through manifesting the episcopate, to discuss matters of
  45. Should its cooking not illustrate the American transformation of diversity into, unity , Puck's former colleague, Jeremiah Tower became synonymous with California
  46. Script of the Achaemenid Empire. After the fall of the Achaemenid Empire,the, unity ,of the Imperial Aramaic script was lost, diversifying into a number of
  47. Originally, the Church of England was self-contained and relied on for its, unity ,and identity on its own history, its traditional legal and episcopal structure
  48. Origine) functions as the spiritual head of the Communion. He is the focus of, unity , since no church claims membership in the Communion without being in communion
  49. And developed the belief that true Christianity should always work towards a, unity ,of faith and purpose. Schweitzer's home language was an Alsatian dialect of
  50. Administrators under the control of a Pharaoh who ensured the cooperation and, unity ,of the Egyptian people in the context of an elaborate system of religious

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