Examples of the the word, historian , in a Sentence Context

The word ( historian ), is the 3579 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Was the first anarchist periodical published, For American anarchist, historian ,Eunice Dinette Schuster" It is apparent ... that Proudhon Anarchism was to
  2. Second World War period could be considered fascist propaganda. The cultural, historian ,Peter B. High sees Kurosawa’s wartime cinema as part of the propagandistic
  3. Scientific method, and rejects the use of empirical data. Thomas Mayer Economic, historian ,Bruce Caldwell has described Ludwig on Miles as the mid-20th century's "
  4. Deaths—two-thirds by disease. Name "/NP"> StatsWarCost"/> Binghamton University, historian ,J. David Hacker believes the number of soldier deaths was approximately 750,000
  5. Wisconsin state historian William F. Thompson," ... a very competent regional, historian ,who based his historical writing upon research in the primary documents and who
  6. Abacus The use of the abacus in Ancient Egypt is mentioned by the Greek, historian ,Herodotus, who writes that the Egyptians manipulated the pebbles from right to
  7. Miller, American photographer (d. 2010) *1916 – Richard Hofstadter, American, historian , ( d. 1970) *1917 – Robert Mitchum, American actor (d. 1997) *1918 – Norman
  8. Cause the war. Most historian s now disagree with the economic determinism of, historian ,Charles Beard in the 1920s and emphasize that Northern and Southern economies
  9. By fire, would sting itself to death. " According to, historian ,Chandra Manning, both Union and Confederate soldiers who did the actual
  10. Met with many difficulties in maximizing the use of Loyalist factions. British, historian ,Jeremy Black wrote," In the American war it was clear to both royal generals
  11. Refered to as the Kingdom of Kabul, as mentioned by the British statesman and, historian ,Mountstuart Elphinstone. Afghanistan was officially recognized as a sovereign
  12. Animal rights activism. Anarchist anthropologist David Grabber and anarchist, historian ,Andrej Gracie have posited a rupture between generations of anarchism, with
  13. And areas inhabited by their cultural neighbors, the Mongolian. The contemporary, historian ,James W. Louie agrees with the oral traditions in his book, Lies Across
  14. Public Policy and an Acton University faculty member. * Thomas Woods: American, historian ,and New York Times-bestselling author, now resident scholar and senior faculty
  15. Earlier in the day) but does not mention Himmler's speech. In 1971,American, historian ,Erich Golden published an article arguing that Speer was present for Himmler
  16. American author, poet,naturalist, tax resister, development critic, surveyor, historian , philosopher, and leading transcendentalist. He is best known for his books
  17. East, across the breadth of the layout, like a gigantic windshield wiper as the, historian ,Gee rt MAK calls it – and not from the center outwards, as a popular myth has it
  18. And social standards that marked them out. Hecataetus of Andrea, a Greek, historian ,of the early third century BCE, wrote that Moses" in remembrance of the exile
  19. In June 1912 he married Helene Bissau, daughter of the Jewish pan-Germanist, historian ,Harry Bissau. In 1912,now armed with a medical degree, Schweitzer made a
  20. Four categories: religious, racial,economic and political. The Roman Catholic, historian ,Edward Flannery distinguished four varieties of antisemitism: *political and
  21. To be written by artists, not academicians. Delete, while not a professional, historian , was, according to former Wisconsin state historian William F. Thompson," ...
  22. Mummy. Asphalt was also used by ancient Egyptians to embalm mummies. The Greek, historian ,Herodotus said hot bitumen was used as mortar in the walls of Babylon. In the
  23. For them a misanthropic and inhospitable way of life. " Mane tho, an Egyptian, historian , wrote that the Jews were expelled Egyptian lepers who had been taught by Moses
  24. And population. Confederate actions, they argue, only delayed defeat. Civil War, historian ,Shelby Foot expressed this view succinctly:" I think that the North fought
  25. Graphic artist and avant-garde (d. 1976) * 1888 – Gerhard Ritter, German, historian , ( d. 1967) *1890 – Anthony Fokker, Dutch aviation engineering pioneer (d.
  26. On emancipation. Despite the still high rankings for Lincoln in many polls, historian ,Barry Schwartz wrote in 2009 that Lincoln's image suffered" erosion, fading
  27. Flames of greed, hatred,and delusion that assail a person's character. Occult, historian ,Joscelyn Godwin (1945-) stated," It was Buddhism that inspired the
  28. In the second half of the 19th century, especially as Prussian nationalistic, historian ,Heinrich von Tranche did much to promote this form of racism. He coined the
  29. Former Greek Prime Minister Andreas Papandreou *1957 – Aviva Chomsky, American, historian , daughter of Noam Chomsky *1958 – Charles Berlin, French actor, director and
  30. Specifically Herodotus, often called the" father of history" and the Roman, historian ,Tacitus, who wrote many of our only surviving contemporary accounts of several
  31. Albeit others reserve that title for Robert Boyle or Antoine Lavoisier. The, historian ,of science, Paul Kraus, wrote: Jair himself clearly recognized and proclaimed
  32. Certain this was the same place. In his History written in 1079–1080,Byzantine, historian ,Michael Retaliates was the first to refer to Albania as having taken part in a
  33. Of the Hebrew Bible, was produced there. Mane tho, an Egyptian priest and, historian ,of that time, wrote scathingly of the Jews and his themes are repeated in the
  34. From his own lifetime, probably encouraged by Alexander himself. His court, historian ,Cleisthenes portrayed the sea in Militia as drawing back from him in
  35. Of American Fantastic Tales. Other works Although Delete was not a trained, historian , he wrote many historical novels, as part of both the Sac Prairie Saga and the
  36. Photographer and artist (d. 1976) *1895 – Andres Alford, Hungarian-born, historian , and archaeologist (d. 1981) *1896 – Fauna Ranevskaya, Russian actress (d.
  37. The Long Depression in the United States and much of Europe. Austrian School, historian ,Thomas Woods argues that the crashes were caused by various privately-owned
  38. Superseded. Empirical research program Aristotle is the earliest natural, historian ,whose work has survived in some detail. Aristotle certainly did research on the
  39. Second thoughts, especially regarding Lincoln's views on racial issues. Black, historian ,Throne Bennett won wide attention when he called Lincoln a white supremacist in
  40. Painter and printmaker (d. 1853) *1773 – James Mill, Scottish philosopher and, historian ,(d. 1836) *1810 – Philip Henry Goose, English naturalist (d. 1888) *1812 –
  41. And that blacks" were treated as less than human beings. " National Park, historian ,Bob Sutton said that slavery was the" principal cause" of the war. Sutton
  42. A way that they mean nothing beyond themselves. " In 1972,Tchaikovsky told film, historian ,Leonid Koziol his ten favorite films. The list includes: Diary of a Country
  43. Commander with one eye dark as the night and one blue as the sky. British, historian ,Peter Green (born 1924) provides a description of Alexander's appearance
  44. As a whole. Room refers to his story as a chronicle, and he sees himself as an, historian , which justifies his decision to stick to the facts and avoid subjectivity.
  45. La Rose, Bavarian general (b. 1710) *1814 – Charles Burned, English music, historian ,(b. 1726) *1817 – Charles Messier, French astronomer (b. 1730) *1850 –
  46. The center pushed through with the advantage of its long pikes. Another Greek, historian ,Adrian (Lucius Flavius Arians 'Xenophon' ca. 86 – 160) described Alexander
  47. Expelled from Rome Jews who had gone to live there. The 18th century English, historian ,Edward Gibbon identified a more tolerant period in Roman-Jewish relations
  48. The Institute for Objectives Studies, now known as The Atlas Society. In 2001, historian , John McCauley organized the Anthem Foundation for Objectives Scholarship
  49. Contemporaries who wrote accounts of his life include Alexander's campaign, historian ,Cleisthenes; Alexander's generals Ptolemy and Searches; Aristobulus, a junior
  50. While not a professional historian , was,according to former Wisconsin state, historian ,William F. Thompson," ... a very competent regional historian who based his

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