Examples of the the word, brilliant , in a Sentence Context

The word ( brilliant ), is the 3580 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Robber for chewing gum. Bart is given twenty-four hours to come up with a ", brilliant ,plan to save our town. " He gathers the town, along with the railroad workers
  2. Enough to understand what they are looking at find the early and wartime scenes, brilliant , but cringe during the postwar and Reconstruction scenes, which are racist in
  3. Of poems aptly titled The Second Birth. Although its Caucasian pieces were as, brilliant ,as the earlier efforts, the book alienated the core of Pasternak's refined
  4. In 1926. By the time Welles contacted him he had" established himself as a, brilliant ,wit, a writer of extraordinary talent, and a warm friend to many of the screen
  5. Service of the Shah on his invasion of India. Popular history has it that the, brilliant ,but megalomaniac Nader Shah could see the talent in his young commander. Later
  6. Consisted of classical languages; the young and ambitious Cauchy, being a, brilliant ,student, won many prizes in Latin and Humanities. In spite of these successes
  7. Examples of this ordering phenomenon can be found in precious opal, in which, brilliant ,regions of pure spectral color result from close-packed domains of amorphous
  8. Not move in high society, and the numerous solecisms present in his otherwise, brilliant ,and daring work made this painfully obvious. Reviewers were sharply critical on
  9. The refractive index and luster of the glass. The species responsible for the, brilliant ,green is barium monochloride; in the absence of a source of chlorine a yellow
  10. By showing the moral ruthlessness of the assassins). Faced with particularly, brilliant ,leaders, this possibility has in various instances been risked, such as in the
  11. There, though Paul had departed. They collectively instructed the eloquent and, brilliant ,Apollos. " When Priscilla and Aquila heard him, they invited him to their home
  12. Production of cheap jewelry and articles for smoking. This pressed amber yields, brilliant ,interference colors in polarized light. Amber has often been imitated by other
  13. one's army is completely secure, a rule which he himself neglected with such, brilliant ,results in 1796. Strategic points, he says, not the defeat of the enemy's army
  14. To join me tomorrow, without which I fear it will be too late. " By a series of, brilliant ,marches Marlborough concentrated his forces on Donauwörth and, by noon 11
  15. Man and the universe. " *" For every monarchy overthrown the sky becomes less, brilliant , because it loses a star. A republic is ugliness set free. " *" She fought him
  16. More so even than magnesium chips; but, when lit, the metal burns in air with a, brilliant ,high-intensity orange-red light. Calcium metal reacts with water, evolving
  17. Career between 1857 and 1863. Morphy's success stemmed from a combination of, brilliant ,attacks and sound strategy; he intuitively knew how to prepare attacks.
  18. In Constantinople by the construction of the Achernar palace, the creation of, brilliant ,new works of art, and general prosperity at this time: an increase in trade
  19. His attack to the head and went for a knockout. During the fight,Taylor's, brilliant ,hand and foot speed and boxing abilities gave him the early advantage, allowing
  20. Extending to more than 35 cm; some specimens (Brodie) still exhibit traces of, brilliant ,wing colors. In the Nova Scotia tree trunks land snails (Archaeologies
  21. Who works with the pigment, cadmium yellows, oranges,and reds are the most, brilliant ,and long-lasting colors to use. In fact, during production, these colors are
  22. Major General Patrick Cliburn. Considered by many to be one of the most, brilliant ,Confederate division commanders of the war, Cleburne was often referred to as "
  23. Individuals involves giving them credit for their actions. To say" Skinner is, brilliant ," means that Skinner is an originating force. If Skinner's determinist theory
  24. Vienna had been saved by dissension between the two commanders, leading to the, brilliant ,Pillars being replaced by the less dynamic Marshal Martin. Nevertheless, by
  25. Bar began with Iraq, the richest province of Persian Empire. He sent his most, brilliant ,general Khalid in al-Walid to invade the Sassanian Empire. Conquest of Sassanian
  26. Simalugarh, left their charge without any opposition worth the name. After this, brilliant ,success, Mir Lumley II entered the Whom capital Gurgaon on 17 March 1662. The
  27. A work of social science – not literature – worthy and informative rather than, brilliant , Chekhov found literary expression for the" Hell of Sakhalin" in his long
  28. The eyes of tradition. One of the people he may have known was Niels Sense,a, brilliant ,Danish student in Leiden; others included Conrad van Benign and his cousin
  29. GA. DE, is from AGA. DE, meaning " Crown of Fire" in allusion to Ishtar," the, brilliant ,goddess ", whose cult was observed from very early times in Agate. Centuries
  30. Father figures of modern chess. " GM Robert Byrne called him" perhaps the most, brilliant ,theoretician and teacher in the history of the game. " GM Jan Han Donner
  31. On the significance of the Moon landing: It was carried out in a technically, brilliant ,way with risks taken ... that would be inconceivable in the risk-averse world
  32. Anti Richard monasteries (Saint-Imier) in northern France, where his, brilliant ,rule gained for him later the renown of a saint. It was not uncommon for the
  33. As unoriginal, saying " His very limitation made for success. Had he been more, brilliant , he would not have been taken so seriously. Had he dug more deeply, had he
  34. Real s. o. b. sometimes. Other times he was a lot of fun to be around. He was a, brilliant ,guy—but a little screwed up," Marietta has said (from The Comic Art of Frank
  35. The expansion of Persian cultural influence in the Indian subcontinent, with, brilliant , literary,artistic, and historiographical results. Overview Babur's name Zahid
  36. Characters are Case, from Gibson's Necromancer. Case is a" console cowboy," a, brilliant ,hacker who had betrayed his organized criminal partners. Robbed of his talent
  37. The individual particle diameter. In all of these cases in nature, the same, brilliant ,iridescence (or play of colors) can be attributed to the diffraction and
  38. Of the book is named William and is portrayed by Michael Golf, bears a down of, brilliant ,blue and is one of Alice's advisers, who also took first note of her identity
  39. Invented a pseudoscience called Pataphysics. Biography and works A precociously, brilliant ,student, Jarry enthralled his classmates with a gift for pranks and
  40. Already well-known from his earlier work, and had developed a reputation as a, brilliant ,researcher, but his laboratory was often untidy. On 3 September 1928,Fleming
  41. There - if you did have a problem - the less time you had to think of something, brilliant ,to fix it. They got a little nervous and brought us home a day early, I think
  42. For about a decade, the town was one of the western outposts of one of the most, brilliant ,queens of the ancient world, the Arab empress Serbia from Palmyra in the
  43. Scratch for runs ", was played much more aggressively than it is today: the, brilliant ,and often violent Ty Cobb epitomized this style. The so-called dead-ball era
  44. Interesting, and his books teem with striking thoughts, shrewd maxims, and, brilliant , phrases which stick in the memory; on the other hand, he is often artificial
  45. Party who were associated with the Socialist-Revolutionary Party. He was a, brilliant ,orator and skilled parliamentary leader of the socialist opposition to the
  46. Unknown at the time. Andersen was hailed as the leading chess master and his, brilliant , energetic attacking style became typical for the time, although it was later
  47. Or gaps that scholars fill with 'educated guesses ', including for example a ", brilliant ,supplement" by Maurice Born in for.34 (a),a hymn to the Missouri that
  48. Areas. The Common Noddy and two species of bosuns or tropic birds, with their, brilliant ,gold or silver plumage and distinctive streamer tail feathers, also nest on the
  49. Complex and risky maneuvers of troops in the heat of battle, achieving, brilliant , victories in the face of almost certain defeat. Yet, as a theoretician, his
  50. Before your eyes. " Despite his trauma, he is driven to train to become a, brilliant ,scientist and train his body into absolute physical perfection The origin is

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