Examples of the the word, geological , in a Sentence Context

The word ( geological ), is the 5293 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Inverted the Amazon's direction of flow from westward to eastward,Brazil's, geological ,formation is very old. Precambrian crystalline shields cover 36 % of the
  2. Portion of arable land is that from sediments left by rivers and the sea in, geological ,times. In modern times, rivers do not generally flood as often in areas
  3. Late 1950s. At first Silver would take the prime and backup crews to various, geological ,sites in Arizona and New Mexico as if for a normal field geology lesson, but as
  4. Also identified as possible locations, notably the Azores. However detailed, geological ,studies of the Canary Islands, the Azores, Madeira,and the ocean bottom
  5. For example Museum of Soviet Arcade Machines in. The Cambrian is the first, geological ,period of the Paleozoic Era, lasting from MYA; it is succeeded by the
  6. Basin and significant volcanic activity in the Anatolian region. It is these, geological ,mechanisms which, in the long term, have caused the periodic isolation of the
  7. A much older map. These maps indicated directions, roads,towns, borders,and, geological ,features. Anaximander's innovation was to represent the entire inhabited land
  8. And numerous rodent species can all be found in China's diverse climatic and, geological ,environments. The famous giant panda is found only in a limited area along the
  9. Elsewhere. In Cumbria, it occurs largely in the New Red rocks, but at a lower, geological ,horizon. The alabaster of Nottingham shire and Derbyshire is found in thick
  10. Dispersal and distribution, the nature of plant associations and the impact of, geological ,history. The cell nucleus was discovered by Robert Brown in 1831. Modern botany
  11. Concern the evolution of living organisms, the idea of common descent,the, geological ,history of the Earth, the formation of the solar system and the origin of the
  12. In Australia, though this record has now been far surpassed. Other specific, geological ,places of interest include the State Circle cutting and the Deakin anticline.
  13. Appears to be much older than it is, and that this appearance is what gives the, geological ,findings and other methods of dating the earth and the universe their much
  14. PICO (0.27 Ma). Although all islands have experienced volcanism during their, geological ,history, within recorded" human settlement" history the islands of Santa
  15. Also, at the back of Conrad's checklist were two pages of pre-prepared complex, geological ,terminology, added as a joke to give him the option to sound to Mission Control
  16. In Bavaria, southern Germany, which is a lagerstätte, a rare and remarkable, geological ,formation known for its superbly detailed fossils. In 2010,Robert L. Nudes and
  17. And Shuttling. The sands on a hill stemming from the Early Pleistocene are of, geological ,importance, and the various grove structures offer habitat to severely
  18. Submerged peaks of the extreme northern edge of the Andes range, but ongoing, geological ,studies indicate that such a simplification does not do justice to the complex
  19. Countries and districts in Southeast Asia, such as Vietnam and Cambodia have, geological ,environments conducive to generation of high-arsenic groundwater. Is suspected
  20. Australia and the McCurdy Dry Valleys of Antarctica, are also considered to be, geological ,analogs to regions of Mars, and as such, might be able to provide clues on how
  21. Was in 1774 by John Williams, who provided the first account of the mountain's, geological ,structure. John Keats climbed the mountain in 1818,comparing the ascent to "
  22. As testable predictions about phenomena such as the age of the Earth, its, geological , history and the origins, distributions and relationships of living organisms
  23. Is 470 m. The contemporary relief of the country is a result of continuous, geological ,evolution. Due to that evolution there are magmatic, sedimentary and
  24. History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. Geology and bathymetric The, geological ,origins of the basin can be traced back to two distinct relicts back arc basins
  25. Of $1–3 trillion worth untapped mineral deposits in Afghanistan. Another US, geological ,survey estimate from 2011 shows that the Shanahan carbonates in the Helm and
  26. On the west by Turkey. Topography and drainage Twenty-five million years ago,a, geological ,upheaval pushed up the Earth's crust to form the Armenian Plateau, creating
  27. But the development of modern geology in the 18th and 19th centuries found, geological ,strata and fossil sequences indicating an ancient Earth. Catastrophism was
  28. And syn crude blended with bitumen as syn bit. Bitumen is still the preferred, geological ,term for naturally occurring deposits of the solid or semi-solid form of
  29. Was −14.6 °C (5.7 °F) at Suddenly on 11 July 1971. Geology Notable, geological ,formations in the Australian Capital Territory include the Canberra Formation
  30. Would have to be replaced or moved. Tunnel workers encountered many unexpected, geological ,and archaeological barriers, ranging from glacial debris to foundations of
  31. This period, hence the name. The Carboniferous is often treated instead as two, geological ,periods, the earlier Mississippian and the later Pennsylvanian, particularly in
  32. Rim of Little West Crater while Aldrin collected two core tubes. He used the, geological ,hammer to pound in the tubes - the only time the hammer was used on Apollo 11.
  33. The following years. In October 2009,a team of researchers, who had performed, geological ,surveys and archaeological digs in the area from 2003,suggested a location two
  34. Were formed through volcanic and seismic activity during the late Tertiary, geological ,period; the first embryonic surfaces started to appear in the waters of Santa
  35. Endless permanent ice and tundra north of the tree line, it encompasses, geological ,regions of varying types: the Arctic Cordillera (with the British Empire Range
  36. Kingdom. It is in size, and originally dates from the Carboniferous period of, geological ,history. Bodmin Moor is one of five granite photons in Cornwall that make up
  37. Both are fertile agricultural areas. The Delta region is bisected by an unusual, geological ,formation known as Crowley's Ridge. A narrowband of rolling hills,Crowley's
  38. Caused by both natural and human factors. Many natural hazards result from the, geological ,instability related to Colombia's position along the Pacific Ring of Fire.
  39. And the Nile remains open to interpretation and continued debate. Several, geological ,factors have played a vital role in the formation and existence of these
  40. Research is the search for life on Mars due to its proximity to Earth and, geological ,history. There is a growing body of evidence to suggest that Mars has
  41. As well as tectonic and sedimentary environments. On a synoptic scale, geological ,units coincide with topographical units. Most elementally, the country is
  42. Been several plans for a subway network to be set up, but they stalled for both, geological ,and financial reasons. Work on the Tramway de Bordeaux system was started in
  43. Cone) is a geographical feature found around a volcano *Shatter cone, rare, geological , feature in the bedrock beneath meteorite impact craters or underground nuclear
  44. And in recognition for his earlier research. In 1769,he worked on the first, geological ,map of France. In 1771,at the age of 28,Lavoisier married 13-year-old
  45. Jean-Étienne Guitar. In collaboration with Guitar, Lavoisier worked on a, geological ,survey of Alsace-Lorraine in June 1767. At the age of 25,he was elected a
  46. Has led many to suspect the accuracy of Williams's theory. In particular, geological ,surveys conducted from 2003 to 2009 by the Battlefields Trust, a charitable
  47. Geologist Eduard Guess in 1875,which he defined as: While this concept has a, geological ,origin, it is an indication of the impact of both Darwin and Mary on the earth
  48. Are known as the infrasonic range. These frequencies can be used to study, geological ,phenomena such as earthquakes. Analytic instruments such as the Spectrum
  49. Particularly the San Luis Valley, lie along the Rio Grande Rift, a major, geological ,formation of the Rocky Mountains, and its branches. The Rocky Mountains within
  50. By clouds, but varies widely locally across the surface, depending on the, geological ,and environmental features. The term is derived from Latin albedo" whiteness "

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