Examples of the the word, differential , in a Sentence Context

The word ( differential ), is the 5295 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Adjusted for factors such as depreciation. * Basis of futures, the value, differential ,between a future and the spot price * Basis (options),the value differential
  2. Cohomology in the early 1980s as a first step in the study of noncom mutative, differential ,geometry. Cones has applied his work in areas of mathematics and theoretical
  3. Faculty of St Petersburg University. Among his teachers were Julian Okhotsk (, differential ,calculus, higher algebra),Konstantin Posse (analytic geometry),Regor
  4. Of California, Berkeley. Jensen is known for his work in psychometrics and, differential ,psychology, which is concerned with how and why individuals differ behaviorally
  5. Sir William Thomson was of great utility to navigation in shallow waters. * The, differential ,analyzer, a mechanical analog computer designed to solve differential equations
  6. Production vehicle to feature permanent all-wheel drive through a center, differential , Commonly referred to as the" Ur-Quattro" ( the" Your-" prefix is a German
  7. Measure theory, ergodic theory, probability,representation theory, and, differential , geometry. Combinatorics is an example of a field of mathematics which does not
  8. And Regor Solitary about an apparently new method to solve linear ordinary, differential ,equations and was invited to the so-called Working Saturdays, where Korkin's
  9. Number theory, probability theory),Aleksandr Working (ordinary and partial, differential ,equations),Orator (mechanism theory),OSI Some (mechanics) and Budget (
  10. The differential analyzer, a mechanical analog computer designed to solve, differential ,equations by integration, using wheel-and-disc mechanisms to perform the
  11. And is the foundation of most modern fields of geometry, including algebraic, differential , discrete, and computational geometry. Usually the Cartesian coordinate system
  12. January 1652. With the increased implementation of slave codes, which created, differential ,treatment between Africans and the white workers and planters, the island
  13. Aircraft control surfaces. A similar mechanism was used in the Manner Bush, differential ,analyzer. The electrostatic drum amplifier used a band wrapped partway around a
  14. Drive configuration as it would have no space in the engine bay for a, differential ,and other components required to power the front wheels. In fact, the 6.0L W12
  15. Relations between signatory countries: pluralism, convergence,flexibility, differential ,treatment and multiplicity. History The Latin American Free Trade Association (
  16. Of determinants in linear algebra, and is a basic property of surfaces in, differential ,geometry. In analysis, the area of a subset of the plane is defined using
  17. S-boxes. Vincent Risen, in his Ph.D. thesis, introduced a second-order, differential ,attack that can break four rounds and no more. Bruce Schneier notes that while
  18. Also be expressed by means of the characteristic function of the system and its, differential ,coefficients, instead of by the radii, &c., of the lenses; these formulae are
  19. And Ann. d. Phys.,1905,18,p. 941) founded his theory of aberrations on the, differential ,geometry of surfaces. The aberrations of the third order are: (1) aberration
  20. Computers are especially well-suited to representing situations described by, differential ,equations. Occasionally, they were used when a differential equation proved
  21. Be 16 years old. And Palestine)--in which marriage laws govern the gender-age, differential , In these jurisdictions, it is illegal to have sexual intercourse outside of
  22. Its average speed controlled by a balance wheel, hairspring,jeweled-bearing, differential , a twin-lobe cam, and spring-loaded contacts (ship's AC power frequency was
  23. Mechanisms of this kind would have required a sophisticated knowledge of, differential ,gearing. This was once thought to have been beyond the range of the technology
  24. Do not use the Torsen-based system as in prior years with a mechanical center, differential , but with the Swedish HALDE Traction electromechanical clutch AWD system.
  25. Driven mechanical analog computer for fire-control systems, based on the, differential ,analyzer. It was used by the Imperial Russian Navy in World War I. * In 1929
  26. Cam disc, for an unchanging radius, rotated with the other (angle) disc; a, differential ,and a few gears did this correction). Referring to the mechanism's frame, the
  27. Equation is analogous to Kirchhoff's Current Law in electric circuits. The, differential ,form of the continuity equation is:: \ + \tabla \dot (\rho \math bf) = 0
  28. From the late 1960s. Other significant results were on Pontryagin duality and, differential ,geometry. He introduced the concept of a uniform space in general topology, as
  29. Dx, \squad\int \franc\, dx, \squad \int\franc\, dx, \squad \int X\, dx. See also, differential ,Galois theory for a more detailed discussion. Techniques of integration Finding
  30. To a fluid continuum. The conservation laws can be written in integral or, differential ,form. In many basic problems, three conservation principles are used: *
  31. High and appropriately directed electric field, where the electric field is the, differential ,of electric potential (voltage) with respect to distance. Once this condition
  32. Be written as: p (r, \theta) = R (r)~Q (\theta) we can write the partial, differential ,equation as: \COFRAC~\COFRAC + \COFRAC~\COFRAC + \COFRAC = -\COFRAC~\COFRAC The left
  33. Are studied in numerical analysis; or # An algorithm in the form of a, differential ,equation that operates continuously on the data, running on an analog computer.
  34. 2009 an attack on some hardware implementations was published that used, differential ,fault analysis and allows recovery of key with complexity of 2^. In November
  35. Or, for example, the analog computer might be used to solve a non-analytic, differential ,equation problem for use at some stage of an overall computation (where
  36. Chronic berylliosis resembles acidosis in many respects, and the, differential ,diagnosis is often difficult. It killed some early workers in nuclear weapons
  37. In mathematics extends all over through point set topology, algebraic topology, differential ,topology, and all the related paraphernalia, such as homology theory, homotopy
  38. And rotational. This case is called Potential flow and allows the, differential ,equations used to be a simplified version of the governing equations of fluid
  39. Defense of his master thesis in autumn 1880. As a privatdozent he lectured on, differential ,and integral calculus. Later he lectured alternately on" introduction to
  40. Affine schemes, by replacing the commutative rings with an infinity category of, differential ,graded commutative algebras, or of simplicity commutative rings or a similar
  41. Overhead vent, and peripheral vents). Some people have reported a temperature, differential ,as high as () between the inside of the dome and the outside. Buck minster
  42. Theorems of topology. The theorem is also used for proving deep results about, differential ,equations and is covered in most introductory courses on differential geometry.
  43. Work in areas of mathematics and theoretical physics, including number theory, differential ,geometry and particle physics. Awards and honors Cones was awarded the Fields
  44. Environments to assess severity of autism based on observation of children. A, differential ,diagnosis for ASD at this stage might also consider mental retardation, hearing
  45. Described by differential equations. Occasionally, they were used when a, differential ,equation proved very difficult to solve by traditional means. An electronic
  46. Differential between a future and the spot price * Basis (options),the value, differential ,between a call option and a put option * Basis (crystal structure),positions
  47. Basis as: \math bf=-i\hear (\math bf\times\tabla) where \tabla is the vector, differential ,operator del (also called" Tabla" ). This orbital angular momentum operator
  48. Manner. The equation of state can then be expressed in the form of the, differential ,equation:: \COFRAC \COFRAC ~; ~~ \gamma: \COFRAC ~; ~~ c^2 = \COFRAC ~. Where c_p
  49. 1882) and calculus of differences. From 1895/96 until 1905 he also lectured on, differential ,calculus. One year after the defense of his doctoral thesis, he was appointed
  50. Numbers. The theory of groups and substitutions; and the theory of functions, differential ,equations, and determinants. Wave theory, mechanics,elasticity In the theory

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