Examples of the the word, florida , in a Sentence Context

The word ( florida ), is the 1840 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Garden history The first species to be collected for Western gardens, Weigela, florida , distributed in North China, Korea and Manchuria, was found by Robert Fortune
  2. Sylvatica),and American elm (Plus Americana). Flowering dogwood (Corpus, florida , ) is a common understory tree. Common shrubs are maple-leaved viburnum (
  3. Clematis Florida var. Sieboldiana (syn: Cl. Florida 'Sieboldii' & Cl., florida ,'Bicolor' ): a somewhat difficult Clematis to grow" well" but a much sought
  4. JPG|A Flowering Dogwood cultivar with white flowers File: Benthamidia, florida , autumn. JPG|Tree shape, autumn File: Flowering Dogwood Corpus Florida
  5. The larvae of some Lepidoptera species including China felicitate and China, florida , both of which feed exclusively on the genus, the former exclusively on O.
  6. Bulb and annual garden. * Dogwood Trail - numerous Flowering Dogwood (Corpus, florida , ) trees, including a hundred-year-old dogwood transplanted to the site, along a
  7. In Barranquilla, he wrote his first poems, such as" Arbor video "," Camping, florida ,", and his most famous work," Mansion de la Vida profound" ( Song of the deep
  8. Exact copy of the rotunda of the ancient Greek Arlington of Samothrace. Corpus, florida , ( Flowering Dogwood) is a species of dogwood native to eastern North America
  9. Africa) *Parkinson Carter (Western Mexico south to Ecuador) *Parkinson, florida , ( Tenth. Ex A. Gray) S. Watson (syn. Iridium floridum) – Blue Pale Verde (
  10. File: P1020222. JPG|A pink-flowered C. Florida. File: Beauty. JPG|White C., florida , 'Bay Beauty '. Note the double bracts. File: CornusFlorida. JPG|Closeup of
  11. Member of the genus that has found its way into gardens is the oldest known, C., florida , which Mark Gatsby noted in the woodlands of Piedmont Carolina; he described
  12. Although species have been mostly superseded by hybrids (crosses between W., florida , and other Asiatic species). IEA Maria Vargas (born IEA Maria Britt Vargas
  13. HRC_Myrtle_Beach_SC. JPG|Hard Rock Café Myrtle Beach File: Hard rock Orlando, florida , JPG|Hard Rock Café Orlando File: HRC Amsterdam. JPG|Hard Rock Café, Amsterdam
  14. Himalayan Flowering Dogwood). Himalaya. **Corpus Florida (Benthamidia, florida , ; Flowering Dogwood). U. S. east of the Great Plains, north to southern Ontario
  15. It means that it is not necessary to emasculate (remove the anthers from) C., florida , flowers before making controlled cross-pollinations. These pollination should
  16. Hoff. #Peltigera genii Green. #Punctelia subrudecta (NFL. ) Frog #Usnea, florida , ( L.) Weber ex F. H. Wing. 1 (E) - Endangered #Cladonia caespiticia (Per's.
  17. B. Papyrifera, B. Pendula, B. Populifolia *Corpus alternifolia, C. Amomum, C., florida , C. Sousa, C. Mas, C. Racemosa, C. Rugosa, C. Sericea *Cotoneaster addresses
  18. Dogwood Corpus Florida 'Appalachian Spring' Sapling 2000px. JPG|Sapling of C., florida ,'Appalachian Spring' File: Flowering Dogwood Corpus Florida 'Appalachian Spring
  19. Florida (L.) Space. Two subspecies are generally recognized: *Corpus, florida , subsp. Florida. Eastern United States, southeastern Canada (Ontario). *Corpus
  20. JPG|Sapling of C. Florida 'Appalachian Spring' File: Flowering Dogwood Corpus, florida ,'Appalachian Spring' Leaves 3000px. JPG|Leaves of C. Florida 'Appalachian Spring
  21. Plants have bracts that resemble petals, for example in Bougainvillea, Cornus, florida , ( flowering dogwood) and members of the Euphorbiaceae family. Corolla The
  22. Leaves; candelabra shape; good in north-central Florida. Propagation Corpus, florida , is easily propagated by seeds, which are sown in the fall into prepared rows of
  23. Appalachian Spring' File: dogwood_fall_20080928_120751_1. JPG | Leaves of C., florida , in the autumn File: P1020222. JPG|A pink-flowered C. Florida. File: Beauty.
  24. The feud once Mulligan got angry with the WWF office and left to go back to the, florida , wrestling promotion. At that point Bass quickly settled into a role in the
  25. JPG|Leaves of C. Florida 'Appalachian Spring' File: Flowering Dogwood Corpus, florida ,'Appalachian Spring' Leaf 2650px. JPG|Leaf closeup of C. Florida 'Appalachian
  26. Khi-lek (ขี้เหล็ก) (Thai) (as C. arayatensis sense Naves, C. Arborea, C., florida , C. gigantic, C. Siamea, C. Siamea var. Puberula Kurt, C. Sumatrana) * Senna
  27. Subsp. Florida. Eastern United States, southeastern Canada (Ontario). *Corpus, florida , subsp. Urbiniana (Rose) Pickett (syn. Corpus Ukrainian Rose). Eastern
  28. Various species of Corpus, particularly the flowering dogwood (Corpus, florida , ),are ubiquitous in American gardens and landscaping; horticulturist Donald
  29. The Bands. The best of the best marching bands in Broward County & the state of, florida , Go Bucks! Clubs and activities Deerfield Beach High offers numerous after
  30. Dogwood Corpus Florida 'Appalachian Spring' Leaves 3000px. JPG|Leaves of C., florida ,'Appalachian Spring' File: Flowering Dogwood Corpus Florida 'Appalachian Spring
  31. The flowering dogwood is usually included in the dogwood genus Corpus as Corpus, florida , L., although it is sometimes treated in a separate genus as Benthamidia Florida
  32. Florida L., although it is sometimes treated in a separate genus as Benthamidia, florida , ( L.) Space. Two subspecies are generally recognized: *Corpus Florida subs.
  33. From British Columbia to California. **Corpus × rutgersensis (Hybrid: C., florida , × C. Sousa). Horticultural developed. *Subgenus Chamaepericlymenum.
  34. Or Green Pole Farm, referring to the North American tree species Parkinson, florida , ( blue pale Verde). Rancho Palos Verdes is an affluent suburb of Los Angeles.
  35. Plain (attenuate or subtle),middle (mediocre or robust),or high (, florida , or graves). Writers were instructed to match the basic style to their subject
  36. And Information Technology. Warren D. Allen Music Library is located in the, florida , state university college of music's House wright Music Building and serves as a
  37. Flower of the province of British Columbia. The flowering dogwood (Corpus, florida , ) and its inflorescence are the state tree and the state flower respectively
  38. Common small tree associates of black oak include flowering dogwood (Corpus, florida , ),sour wood (Oxydendrum arboretum),sassafras (Sassafras album),eastern
  39. However, in England, the lack of sharp winters and hot summers makes Corpus, florida , very shy of flowering. Many species in subgenus SIDA are stoloniferous shrubs
  40. Include Disodium SPP., Hexastylis SPP., Chimaphila maculate, and Corpus, florida , This plant was federally listed as an endangered species in
  41. According to Jim — Cynthia cook son Episode-Paintball/Episode- Cheryl goes to, florida , *Jail bait (2000) — Patti Fisher (Russian article about the film:) ONE Tower
  42. Evergreen orchid native to Japan, the Ryukyu Islands and Taiwan. * Clematis, florida , var. Sieboldiana (syn: Cl. Florida 'Sieboldii' & Cl. Florida 'Bicolor' ): a
  43. JPG | Leaves of C. Florida in the autumn File: P1020222. JPG|A pink-flowered C., florida , File: Beauty. JPG|White C. Florida. 'Bay Beauty '. Note the double bracts.
  44. Florida autumn. JPG|Tree shape, autumn File: Flowering Dogwood Corpus, florida ,'Appalachian Spring' Sapling 2000px. JPG|Sapling of C. Florida 'Appalachian
  45. Corpus sanguine) of Eurasia, the widely cultivated flowering dogwood (Corpus, florida , ) of eastern North America, the Pacific dogwood (Corpus nuttallii) of western
  46. Dogwood Corpus Florida 'Appalachian Spring' Leaf 2650px. JPG|Leaf closeup of C., florida ,'Appalachian Spring' File: dogwood_fall_20080928_120751_1. JPG | Leaves of C.
  47. L. ) Space. Two subspecies are generally recognized: *Corpus Florida subs., florida , Eastern United States, southeastern Canada (Ontario). *Corpus Florida subs.
  48. Dendrobenthamia capitate; Himalayan Flowering Dogwood). Himalaya. **Corpus, florida , ( Benthamidia Florida; Flowering Dogwood). U. S. east of the Great Plains
  49. Proteas such as King Protean (Protean Canaries) and blushing bride (Etruria, florida , ). Particular types of lowland fanboy include: the shrubs and herbs of the
  50. The Ryukyu Islands and Taiwan. * Clematis Florida var. Sieboldiana (syn: Cl., florida ,'Sieboldii' & Cl. Florida 'Bicolor' ): a somewhat difficult Clematis to grow

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