Examples of the the word, exhaust , in a Sentence Context

The word ( exhaust ), is the 4345 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Near infrared spectrum. Cesium has been used to reduce the radar signature of, exhaust ,plumes in the SR-71 Blackbird military aircraft. Cesium, along with rubidium
  2. To design and space restrictions in the engine cowlings which resulted in the, exhaust ," stacks" protruding directly from the cowling ring and partly covered by a
  3. And manufacture of cement is widely used, and equipment to trap and separate, exhaust ,gases are coming into increased use. Environmental protection also includes the
  4. Cowling ring and partly covered by a small triangular fairing. This directed, exhaust ,and noise directly at the pilot and crew compartments. Crew members and
  5. Wide,2-2.5 meters deep, and 100–150 meters in circumference, is dug. A tall, exhaust ,chimney is constructed in the center. Half or more of the trench is filled with
  6. To be used on the part of the wing trailing edge that is subject to engine, exhaust ,to replace the current material that degrades. In 2008,the US Congress funded
  7. Dual hosed units are typically used in larger rooms. One hose is used as the, exhaust ,hose to vent hot air and the other as the intake hose to draw in additional air
  8. Monoxide is a major atmospheric pollutant in some urban areas, chiefly from the, exhaust ,of internal combustion engines (including vehicles, portable and back-up
  9. Air must be allowed to push the warmer air within the house out through an, exhaust ,opening such as an open door or window. These coolers cost less and are
  10. And steam reforming (conversion of hydrocarbons into synthesis gas). Even the, exhaust ,from the burning of fossil fuels is treated via catalysis: Catalytic converters
  11. Into noise ". Many B-25s now in civilian ownership have been modified with, exhaust ,rings that direct the exhaust through the outboard bottom section of the
  12. And air conditioners operating from the waste heat of a diesel engine, exhaust , heater flue or solar collector are entering use. These use the same principles
  13. American flag, planted some from the descent stage, whipping violently in the, exhaust ,of the ascent stage engine. Buzz Aldrin witnessed it topple:" The ascent stage
  14. Or Stirling engines powered from natural gas produce electricity and their, exhaust ,drives an absorptive chiller. A truck trailer refrigerator operating from the
  15. 1960s,the monument had grown very blackened from coal soot and automobile, exhaust , and during 1965–1966 it was cleaned through bleaching. In the prolongation of
  16. Now in civilian ownership have been modified with exhaust rings that direct the, exhaust ,through the outboard bottom section of the cowling. The Mitchell was also an
  17. Patients in the near future. As bacterial antibiotic resistance continues to, exhaust ,our supply of effective antibiotics, a global public health disaster appears
  18. And reaction. Rocket engines push rockets forwards simply by throwing their, exhaust ,backwards extremely fast. Rockets for military and recreational uses date back
  19. Before exhaust . * Turbo-compound engine, an internal combustion engine where, exhaust ,gases expand through power-turbines * Compound sentence (linguistics),a type
  20. And rhodium, break down some of the more harmful byproducts of automobile, exhaust , 2 CO + 2 NO → 2 CO2 + N2 With regard to synthetic fuels, an old but still
  21. It was almost a relief to find myself in a real accident. ” *“Trying to, exhaust ,himself, Vaughan devised an endless almanac of terrifying wounds and insane
  22. Tactics, they would have more easily been able to hold out long enough to, exhaust ,the Union. Confederates did not need to invade and hold enemy territory to win
  23. Flags at least from the LM to prevent its being blown over by the ascent engine, exhaust , After rendezvous with Columbia,Eagle's ascent stage was jettisoned into
  24. Take in air, burn fuel with it in a combustion chamber, and accelerate the, exhaust ,rearwards at high speed to provide thrust. Turbojet and turbofan engines use a
  25. Rockets are the most common type of rocket, and they typically create their, exhaust ,by the combustion of rocket propellant. Chemical rockets store a large amount
  26. Modern toilets use a small fan to keep the toilet under negative pressure, and, exhaust , the gasses to a vent pipe. Some home sewage treatment systems use biological
  27. At 40,400 LBF (180 kN) of gross thrust. The thrust reversers direct engine, exhaust ,air upwards and forward, reducing the chances of foreign object damage by
  28. To the first stage, which could have caused a catastrophic event in which the, exhaust ,of the first stage engine would have been forced back into the engine. Despite
  29. Air conditioner, except that a heat exchanger is placed between the intake and, exhaust , In combination with convection fans, they achieve a similar level of coolness
  30. Flight,63 % of the aircraft's thrust is attributed to the intakes whilst the, exhaust ,nozzles generate 29 % and the engines just 8 % of the thrust. During an engine
  31. Is called scavenging. Intake tuning, cylinder head design, valve timing and, exhaust ,tuning determine how effectively an engine scavenges. Compression ratio versus
  32. Devices (such as catalytic converters) or by the simple partial return of the, exhaust ,gases into the combustion process. Such devices are required by environmental
  33. Medicines, unethical or naïve practitioners may also induce patients to, exhaust ,financial resources by pursuing ineffective treatment. Profession ethical codes
  34. Provide thrust. An afterburner may be used to inject extra fuel into the hot, exhaust , especially on military" fast jets ". Jet engines can provide much higher
  35. From space The halo area of the Apollo 15 Landing site, generated by the LM's, exhaust ,plume, was observed by a camera aboard the Japanese lunar orbiter SELENE and
  36. Called" bitumen feedstock ", or BFS. Some dump trucks route the hot engine, exhaust ,through pipes in the dump body to keep the material warm. The backs of tippers
  37. If ingested or inhaled. Microparticles of carbon are produced in diesel engine, exhaust ,fumes, and may accumulate in the lungs. In these examples, the harmful effects
  38. The jump combined with the aiming of jet thrust partly downwards by swiveling, exhaust ,nozzles on aircraft with this feature allows the heavily loaded and fueled
  39. Include certain foods, infectious disease, heavy metals, solvents,diesel, exhaust , PCBs, phthalates and phenols used in plastic products, pesticides,brominated
  40. Up as a full-fledged state university. " University" and" college" do not, exhaust ,all possible titles for an American institution of higher education. Other
  41. Columbia in lunar orbit. During the launch Aldrin looked up in time to see the, exhaust ,from the ascent module's engine knock over the American flag they had planted.
  42. Dry goods, haberdashery,lumber—underwent shifts in meaning; some—such as, to, exhaust , ). In addition to the above-mentioned loans from French, Spanish,Mexican
  43. In which steam is expanded through a series of two or three cylinders before, exhaust , * Turbo-compound engine, an internal combustion engine where exhaust gases
  44. As e, \pi, and many other transcendental numbers. Though the computable reals, exhaust ,those reals we can calculate or approximate, the assumption that all reals are
  45. Truck trailer refrigerator operating from the waste heat of a tractor's diesel, exhaust ,was demonstrated by NRG Solutions, Inc. NRG developed a hydronic ammonia gas
  46. Engines are buried within the wing to conceal the induction fans and hide their, exhaust , The blending of low-observable technologies with high aerodynamic efficiency
  47. Which necessitate the use of a special catalytic converter or treatment of the, exhaust ,with urea. Fuels Liquid fuels Combustion of a liquid fuel in an oxidizing
  48. Because the charge of DNA and RNA depends on pH, but running for too long can, exhaust ,the buffering capacity of the solution. Further, different preparations of
  49. Single B-25C modified to test de-icing and anti-icing equipment that circulated, exhaust ,from the engines in chambers in the leading and trailing edges and espionage.
  50. Under oxygen-deficient conditions. For example, it can be detected in the, exhaust ,of internal combustion engines and tobacco smoke. Certain plastics, especially

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