Examples of the the word, ethic , in a Sentence Context

The word ( ethic ), is the 3493 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Caused an upheaval of traditional social hierarchy and gave birth to the, ethic ,that has formed a core of political values in the United States. Origins The
  2. Thought that economics should be kept subordinate to the conservative social, ethic , that capitalism should be subordinate to the medieval social tradition and
  3. Who wrote to the tastes of his public, Hopwood was inexhaustible in his work, ethic , Although the press reported that he was engaged to vaudeville dancer and
  4. By ". For other uses, see Golden Rule (disambiguation).: The Golden Rule or, ethic ,of reciprocity is a maxim, ethic al code, or morality that essentially states
  5. Vs. garden issue is played out in urban planning as the debate over the" land, ethic ," that is to determine urban land use and whether hyper hygienist bylaws (e.
  6. Visibly associated with free software and open source. It also has a hacker, ethic , based on the idea that writing software and sharing the result on a voluntary
  7. And lost this meaning). The dative case also survives, albeit rarely, in the, ethic ,dative, used to express one's interested in a matter. This only occurs with
  8. Change. Ellicott supports a holistic, non-anthropocentric environmental, ethic ,which is in accordance with Leopold's view that" A thing is right when it
  9. Weber considered Franklin's ethic al writings a culmination of the Protestant, ethic , which ethic created the social conditions necessary for the birth of
  10. Tops of our heads than off a piece of paper. " They maintained this operating, ethic ,throughout their existence. For each performance, the band drew material from
  11. Fashion, for the right reason. Hedonism posits that the principle, ethic ,is maximizing pleasure and minimizing pain. There are several schools of
  12. And the human right to communication. Supporting the principles of the hacker, ethic , the club also fights for free universal access to computers and technological
  13. Washington’D. C.,2005. *Donald K. Frank: Naturalism and the troubadour, ethic , New York: Lang,1988. (American university studies: SER. 19; 10) ISBN
  14. Dismisses these two cases on the basis that they cannot result in a universal, ethic , i.e., a just natural law that can govern all people, independent of place and
  15. Devise. The Hacker Ethic was a" new way of life, with a philosophy,an, ethic ,and a dream ". However, the elements of the Hacker Ethic were not openly
  16. Of servants, and generosity towards all. These principles suggest a general, ethic ,of behavior to which no religious or social group could object. Some critics
  17. Cross, in February 1917,for the sinking of. Notes and references Hacker, ethic ,is the generic phrase which describes the moral values and philosophy that are
  18. State that for those who accept that Christians can be homosexual, the sexual, ethic ,aspired to correspond to the model indicated in scripture and the tradition of
  19. The rich. Even with these differences, they share some beliefs regarding work, ethic , justice, and consideration of material items. Some (e.g. A. D. Modigliani)
  20. This period, the Orioles played baseball the Oriole Way, an organizational, ethic ,best described by longtime farm hand and coach Cal Ripen, Sr. is phrase "
  21. Tiger, for example, was directed by a Taiwanese director (Ang Lee). Its, ethic ,Chinese leads include Mainland Chinese (Zhang Mini),Hong Kong (Chow Gunboat
  22. To support the Nazarene Hospital today. Schweitzer, however,considered his, ethic ,of Reverence for Life, not his Hospital, his most important legacy, saying that
  23. The conception and the act of performance. ” She summed up her driving work, ethic ,“ I can say this: When I attempt anything, I have a passionate determination
  24. When it tends otherwise"15 He holds the view that an adequate environmental, ethic ,— one that addresses actual environmental concerns — must be intrinsically
  25. On divorce. Furthermore, it is said that Jesus Christ instituted a virtue, ethic , whereby the worth of one's action is to be adjudged by one's interior
  26. Information, and improvement to quality of life. While some tenets of hacker, ethic ,were described in other texts like Computer Lib/Dream Machines (1974) by
  27. The personal devices we know and rely upon today. The key points within this, ethic ,are access, free information, and improvement to quality of life. While some
  28. Hacker to make it free by breaking into private computer systems. This hacker, ethic ,was publicized and perhaps originated in Steven Levy's (1984). It contains a
  29. The Bulls School helped him to develop a sense of discipline and a strong work, ethic , Rollins got into punk rock after he and his friend Ian Mac Kaye procured a copy
  30. In Vermont. Through these work projects, Corps Members develop a strong work, ethic , strengthen their leadership skills, and learn how to take personal
  31. Colorado is legendary with bouldering opportunities and fierce clean climbing, ethic , particularly in the Crown Rocks area featuring notable first bouldering
  32. Jesus of Nazareth who came forward publicly as the Messiah, who preached the, ethic ,of the kingdom of God, who founded the kingdom of heaven upon earth and died to
  33. Bilateral nature in various ways (not limited to the above forms). The, ethic ,of reciprocity was present in certain forms in the philosophies of ancient
  34. neighbor's loss as your own loss. " – Nazi Religion and philosophy Global, ethic ,The" Declaration Toward a Global Ethic" from the Parliament of the World’s
  35. Franklin's ethic al writings a culmination of the Protestant ethic , which, ethic , created the social conditions necessary for the birth of capitalism. One of
  36. Is, perhaps,best known for his research which explores an Aldo Leopold, ethic ,as a response to global climate change. Ellicott supports a holistic
  37. With a copula and translated as" the angels have wings ". *Datives ethic s (, ethic ,dative) indicates that the person in the dative is or should be especially
  38. May not prescribe each of these. For example, within the scope of Christian, ethic , Roman Catholics view sex within marriage as chaste, but prohibit the use of
  39. Would inevitably decrease. Ethical altruism can be seen as a consequentialism, ethic ,which prescribes that an individual take actions that have the best
  40. Novel. After the French Revolution it was popular in part due to its central, ethic ,that individuals can be right while society is quite wrong and seen as
  41. Institute of Technology (MIT) in the 1950s and 1960s. The term hacker, ethic ,is attributed to journalist Steven Levy as described in his book titled
  42. Twelfth century, soon spread. One of the circles in which this poetry and its, ethic ,were cultivated was the court of Eleanor of Aquitaine (herself the
  43. We actually lead. " Similarly Michael Pollen has argued that the wilderness, ethic ,leads people to dismiss areas whose wildness is less than absolute. In his book
  44. As described in his book titled, written in 1984. The guidelines of the hacker, ethic ,make it easy to see how computers have evolved into the personal devices we
  45. Considered an exemplary ruler, who tried to put into practice a secular state, ethic ,of non-violence. The emblem of the modern Republic of India is an adaptation of
  46. The emotional excess associated with sensibility also theoretically produced an, ethic ,of compassion: those with sensibility could easily sympathize with people in
  47. Perfectionist, and attributes his success on Aftermath to his similar work, ethic , However, he does give MCs he works with room to write lyrics without too much
  48. Also recognize charity and communal arrangements as part of the same voluntary, ethic , Though anarcho-capitalists are known for asserting a right to private (
  49. He developed the field of game management and introduced an ecological, ethic ,that replaced an earlier wilderness ethic where human dominance is stressed. In
  50. And introduced an ecological ethic that replaced an earlier wilderness, ethic ,where human dominance is stressed. In addition, he included the farm as a place

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