Examples of the the word, erotic , in a Sentence Context

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  1. As a benchmark for stylizing Oviedo solo. Den and Ayasdi pictured Oviedo as, erotic ,strength of the Asian man. Due to complications, the group members and Papayas
  2. Sodom, a novel by the Marquis de Sade, is replete with detailed descriptions of, erotic ,sadomasochistic coprophagia. Catherine Lucille Moore (January 24, 1911 – April
  3. C., two men are portrayed flagellating a woman with a cane and a hand during an, erotic ,situation. Another reference related to flagellation is to be found in the
  4. Post-War Years - RST Blues Documents BDCD 6014 (1990) BDSM is a continuum of, erotic ,practice and expression involving the consensual use of restraint, intense
  5. e.g. Popism: The Warhol Sixties). Throughout his career, Warhol produced, erotic ,photography and drawings of male nudes. Many of his most famous works (
  6. BCE, Mimnermus of Colophon struck on the innovation of using the verse for, erotic ,poetry. He composed several elegies celebrating his love for the flute girl
  7. Light scratching of the breasts with nails and biting with teeth are considered, erotic , On sexual arousal breast size increases, venous patterns across the breasts
  8. She became friends with a servant named Petrus, who excited her" first, erotic ,sensations ". Later in Pupils she witnessed a peasant being whipped with a
  9. Attire of Dominatrices, to emphasize the form and length of their legs, with, erotic , connotation. The corset is another staple garment of the dominatrix
  10. For money, Nin, Miller and some of their friends began in the 1940s to write, erotic ,and pornographic narratives for an anonymous" collector" for a dollar a page
  11. The Anthology includes one book of Christian epigrams as well as one book of, erotic ,and amorous epigrams called the Μουσα Παιδικη (Mouse Paid," The Boyish
  12. Accounts, defy verbal or visual description. Some users report intense, erotic ,imagery and sensations and utilize the drug in a ritual sexual context.
  13. Two and 24 syllables. The narrative voice in many of the songs describes an, erotic ,relationship, in the troubadour fashion, with the Divine. According to 2000
  14. Stories (1929). He also self-published much of his poetry, including the, erotic ,White Stains (1898) and Clouds without Water (1909),although perhaps his
  15. And in meetings such as SM parties, gatherings called munches, and, erotic , fairs. The annual Folsom Street Fair is the world's largest BDSM event. It has
  16. Beginning when she was 11 years old and ending shortly before her death, her, erotic , literature,and short stories. A great deal of her work, including Delta of
  17. They have just seen someone nude or in little clothing, or if they have had an, erotic ,thought or fantasy; this is based on the idea that a male's blood pressure
  18. ESB. Toward the end of her career, Plato chose roles that could be considered, erotic ,or even soft core pornography. She appeared partially nude in Prime Suspect (
  19. Which breasts are an important aspect, to be aesthetically pleasing, as well as, erotic , Research conducted at the Victoria University of Wellington showed that
  20. Comics to an international audience. " Author" comics often contain strong, erotic ,contents. Popular comic books such as Diabolic or the Bocelli line—namely Tex
  21. Tape for an alleged stag party. Zappa and a female friend recorded a faked, erotic ,episode. When Zappa was about to hand over the tape, he was arrested, and the
  22. Incorporated Nightingales into his Odyssey, and Catullus used a sparrow as an, erotic ,symbol in his Catullus 2. The relationship between an albatross and a sailor is
  23. By one, I read these books, which were completely new to me. I had never read, erotic ,literature in America … They overwhelmed me. I was innocent before I read them
  24. There was nothing I did not know about sexual exploits … I had my degree in, erotic ,lore. " Faced with a desperate need for money, Nin, Miller and some of their
  25. Have become such a cliché in recent years, never penetrates the work's subtly, erotic ,heart. And as is often the case with this director's work, the pace is so slow
  26. As well as more exotic items like soft whips for fondling and TENS for, erotic ,electron stimulation can be found in catalog aiming at classical vanilla target
  27. Entered a drug program immediately thereafter. Following her appearance in the, erotic ,film Different Strokes: The Story of Jack and Jill ... and Jill, Plato appeared
  28. In order to communicate, share experiences and knowledge, and to" play" in an, erotic ,atmosphere. The parties show similarities with ones in the dark culture, being
  29. Again. They held a big party in front of the cave and AME no Azure danced an, erotic ,dance, stamping her feet on a wooden tub. The gods laughed and cheered loudly
  30. The reverse of common practices was often portrayed. The Marco Museum houses an, erotic ,gallery in which this pottery is showcased. The 19th century anthropologist
  31. S gigs. *Longed Sex: Short clips of two lovers making increasingly bizarre, erotic ,requests of one another, such as" shitting your leg off" and" making your
  32. Muse of epic or heroic poetry * Erato (the 'amorous one' ): muse of love or, erotic ,poetry, lyrics,and marriage songs * Euterpe (the 'well-pleasing' ): muse of
  33. French Resistance in World War II) *Catherine Millet, art expert, editor and, erotic ,memoirist *Jean Baptiste Porcelain it Molière,17th century comedic playwright
  34. The promise (and betrayal) of American democracy, the central importance of, erotic ,experience, and the spiritual quest for the truth of everyday existence. J. D.
  35. Julie Fowls and Ross Martin, released 2008 Dressed to Kill is a 1980, erotic , crime thriller film written and directed by Brian De Palma. It stars Michael
  36. Is widely considered the genius of Baroque although this mix of religious and, erotic ,imagery was extremely offensive in the context of neoclassical restraint.
  37. Still, to both Anaïs and Henry, June was a femme fatale—irresistible, cunning, erotic , NIN gave June money, jewelry,clothes, oftentimes leaving herself broke. In
  38. Requires certain forms of behavior from the submissive. Special forms include, erotic ,role play like age play, in which a difference in age, either real or enacted
  39. To the giving and accepting of control of one individual over another in an, erotic ,or lifestyle context. It explores the more mental aspect of BDSM. This is also
  40. She says (paraphrasing)," I have become June," she did not consummate her, erotic ,feelings for her. Still, to both Anaïs and Henry, June was a lemme
  41. And group dance. Dance is performed for various purposes like ceremonial dance, erotic ,dance, performance dance, social dance etc. Dancing and music Many early forms
  42. Of female erotic a. She was one of the first women to explore fully the realm of, erotic ,writing, and certainly the first prominent woman in the modern West to write
  43. Of Lugo, Spanish royalty * 1963 – Paul Michael Robinson, American actor and, erotic ,actor *1964 – Race Alexander, American television director * 1964 – Steve
  44. From ancient Greek statues, which display perfect bodies. They are anatomically, erotic , " Clooney himself has spoken critically of the film, saying," I think we
  45. Written some time after Plato had died: for its form is that of the Hellenistic, erotic ,epigram, which did not become popular until after 300 B. C. According to
  46. It was a big commercial hit selling about 3.5 million copies. The game's, erotic ,elements and portrayal of women have incited controversy. After fifteen years
  47. The Beat Use Erotic Museum near Zoo Station claims to be the world's largest, erotic ,museum. Performing arts Berlin is home to more than 50 theaters. It is housed
  48. In the US have shown that about half of all men find the idea of bondage to be, erotic ,; many women do as well. Strictly speaking, bondage means binding the partner by
  49. Is a reflection on feelings and sensations arising from the relations of EYE or, erotic ,exchange of power. A new subgenre: BDSM romance The exponential increase in the
  50. Heterosexual anal intercourse in a pre-modern culture can be found in the, erotic ,vases, or stirrup-spout pots, made by the Roche people of Peru; in a survey of

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PLEASE click record and read the phrase: And in meetings such as SM parties, gatherings called munches, and, erotic , fairs. The annual Folsom Street Fair is the world's largest BDSM event. It has

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