Examples of the the word, excursion , in a Sentence Context
The word ( excursion ), is the 9834 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Between Valentino and Palaiofarsalos via Merino, so that occasional special, excursion ,trains use them. A metric line network existed in Attica, operated by Attica
- Of science, it was as much a political and social event as it was a hunting, excursion ,; Roosevelt interacted with renowned professional hunters and land-owning
- Following defeat by Hernando Pizarro in a Civil War. After this initial, excursion ,there was little interest from colonial authorities in further exploring
- He joined an expedition to Tao's, New Mexico, hunting and trading. During the, excursion ,his horse broke and ran, forcing Pike to walk the remaining 500 miles to Tao's.
- On June 7,2000,the CPR inaugurated the Royal Canadian Pacific, a luxury, excursion ,service that operates between the months of June and September. It operates
- Islands. " The 8.2 key event, an abrupt cold spell recorded as a negative, excursion ,in the record lasting 400 years, is the most prominent climatic event occurring
- Also in Oregon, former BC Rail DMS were used on the Lewis and Clark Explorer, excursion ,train from Portland to Astoria. Operations using non FRA compliant vehicles: *
- Member suspended in the concentric account surround. Conversely, restricting, excursion , of the diaphragm by pressing the stethoscope diaphragm surface firmly against
- Author (2003) describes evidence from Oman that indicates the carbon-isotope, excursion ,relates to a mass extinction: the disappearance of distinctive fossils from the
- The newlyweds embarked on a year-long honeymoon in Europe. During that, excursion , Alec took a handmade model of his telephone with him, making it a" working
- For Earth. In David Gerrold's 2000 novel, Jumping Off The Planet, a family, excursion ,up the Ecuador" beanstalk" is actually a child-custody kidnapping. Gerrold's
- Terminals in Sparks and at Deadwood Mall in south Reno. Numerous shuttle and, excursion ,services are offered connecting the Reno-Tahoe International Airport to various
- Evidence strongly questioning systematic association of negative δ l3Ccarb, excursion , and glacial events. As to the Treptichnus medium, a reference microfossil for
- Czarniawska, B. (2008). Accounting and gender across times and places: An, excursion ,into fiction. Accounting, Organizations & Society,33 (1),33-47. * Pope’M.
- Falls. In 1716,Governor Alexander Spots wood with about thirty horsemen made an, excursion ,into what is now Pendleton County. John Van Meter, an Indian trader, penetrated
- In Batista left again for Baghdad, probably in July, but first took an, excursion ,northwards along the river Tigris, visiting Mosul, Cizre and Martin, in modern
- In the abundance of carbon-13,a" reverse spike" that paleontologists call an, excursion , It is so widespread that it is the best indicator of the position of the
- Regard and Blainville–Saint-Jerome on behalf of the AMT. The Rocky Mountaineer, excursion ,train is also crewed (Engineer and Conductor) by CP employees where it
- How long one stays there). He eventually finds a bus for those who desire an, excursion ,to some other place (and which eventually turns out to be the foothills of
- A glacial, the glacier experiences minor advances and retreats. The minor, excursion ,is a" Stadia "; times between stadiums are" interstitials ". These events
- Built under the direction of a Scotch engineer who accompanied Audubon on an, excursion ,in the region. The mill was destroyed in the Seminole Wars, and is preserved
- Was scheduled to commence in October 1973,Parsons decided to go on one more, excursion , Accompanying him were Fisher, personal assistant Michael Martin, and Dale
- Oman presents in its stratigraphic record a large negative carbon isotope, excursion , within the Hiram Formation that is clearly away from any glacial evidence
- Had access to IRA Satan Mane during the study, and he went on at least one, excursion ,:" Most surprisingly, he had himself climbed the famous Shatrunjay mountain (
- His entire mounted force from the marching column and led it away on a lengthy, excursion , leaving his infantry without cavalry cover, a tactic he had already used with
- An over molded silicone flexible acoustic surround which permitted increased, excursion ,of the diaphragm member in a" z"-axis with respect to the plane of the sound
- Approximately seven hours and fifteen minutes outside during their final lunar, excursion , On December 17,during the trip back to Earth, at 3:27 PM EST, Ron Evans
- At St. Lawrence University) before they married. Frost then went on an, excursion ,to the Great Dismal Swamp in Virginia, and asked Elinor again upon his return.
- To sail. Unfortunately for the colonists at Roanoke, the small fleet made an, excursion ,toward Cuba. They tried to capture the treasure-laden Spanish merchant ships
- Class, No. 2860,was restored by the British Columbia government and used in, excursion ,service on the British Columbia Railway between 1974 and 1999. In 1929,the CPR
- Larger-than-life percussion, and tidal waves of feedback guitar ... a virtuoso, excursion ,into otherwise hazy psychedelia ". Abbey Road, Let It Be and break-up Although
- On December 12,at 6:28 PM EST, Cernan and Schmitt began their second lunar, excursion , One of the first tasks of the EVA was repairing the right-rear fender on the
- Triassic and Early Jurassic has been tied to a large negative carbon isotope, excursion ,(White side et al. 2010). Carbon isotopes of lipids (n-alkanes) derived from
- Some low frequency sounds due to the longer waves propagated by the increased, excursion ,of the hard diaphragm member suspended in the concentric account surround.
- And Southern Europe. Books The sixteen books, in prose with an occasional, excursion ,into poetry, can be categorized into two parts: Books 1-9,which deal with
- In Brazil, was published in 1868. In December 1871 he made a second eight month, excursion , known as the Hassle expedition under the command of Commander Philip Cardigan
- Broad Top Railroad is the oldest surviving gauge in the United States hauling, excursion ,trains during the summer months. Today a few lines survive as heritage railways
- One area of the cave was more successful for predicting a plentiful hunting, excursion , Daniel Quinn, in The Story of B, hypothesizes that the paintings were
- Of reason. Kepler described his new astronomy as" celestial physics ", as " an, excursion ,into Aristotle's Metaphysics ", and as" a supplement to Aristotle's On the
- Sounds of interest, the acoustic surround could also be used to dampen, excursion ,of the diaphragm in response to" z"-axis pressure against a concentric fret.
- The North German Lloyd steamship line * SS Christopher Columbus, Great Lakes, excursion ,liner (1893 - 1933) * SS City of Columbus, a passenger steamer that sailed
- Parts. A command module would remain in orbit around the Moon, while a lunar, excursion ,module would descend to the Moon and then return to dock with the command ship
- On the LIAR in Nassau County, New York. *1994 – Norfolk Southern ends its steam, excursion ,program. This is the last time that Norfolk and Western 611 is under steam.
- He traveled throughout Asia and later to Palestine, as part of a six-month, excursion ,and speaking tour. His travels included Singapore, Ceylon,and Japan, where he
- For All the Fish. After the book tour, Adams set off on his round-the-world, excursion ,which supplied him with the material for Last Chance to See. Doctor Who Adams
- Well as many minor glacial events. A major glacial event is a general glacial, excursion , termed a" glacial. " Glacial are separated by" interglacials ". During a
- Of roughly this age. One of the places that this well-established carbon-13, excursion , occurs is in Oman. Author (2003) describes evidence from Oman that indicates
- Point of the municipality, reaching 2002 m above sea level. It is worth an, excursion , West of the Moles, the densely wooded right valley side of the Theme and the
- Ferry in the Alaska Marine Highway System fleet * SS Columbia, a historic, excursion ,steamer docked in Course, Michigan,United States * Columbia Redivide, a ship
- Roman families traditionally eat Pecorino with fresh lava beans, during a daily, excursion ,in the Roman Campaign. Parity may refer to: * Parity (physics),a symmetry
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