Examples of the the word, rex , in a Sentence Context
The word ( rex ), is the 9827 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- To the deliberative and consultative body of the senate, who advised the, rex , ( king) and devised laws in his name. These laws required the approval of the
- In the Later or Serial Latina given by Pliny, and it has not as its leader the, rex , Nemorensis but a dictator Latinos. It should thence be considered a political
- Analyses have found Allosaurus bazaar to be the sister taxon of Tyrannosaurus, rex , A recent redescription of the skull of Allosaurus bazaar has shown that it
- A Republic, Rome was governed under a series of kings (Latin Reyes, singular,Rex, ). Rome's historical tradition lists seven in all, who reigned in more or less
- Liutprand, the Catholicism became real as the king sought to justify his title, rex , totius Italian by uniting the south of the peninsula with the north and
- In the Chronicle of Henry of Livonia was prince Vivaldi (Vissewalde, rex , de Service). During dividing of his realm in 1211 part of the country was
- His new Imperial title, and instead return to describing himself primarily as, rex , Francorum et Langobardum. The title of emperor remained in his family for years
- Lizard" )) is a genus of theropod dinosaur. The species Tyrannosaurus, rex , ( Rex meaning" king" in Latin),commonly abbreviated to T. rex , is a fixture
- Tyrannosaurus could be much less than usually estimated. Although Tyrannosaurus, rex , was larger than the well known Jurassic theropod Allosaurus, it was slightly
- Animals, Manospondylus gigs should therefore have priority over Tyrannosaurus, rex , because it was named first. However, the Fourth Edition of the ICON, which
- Up to in weight. By far the largest carnivore in its environment, Tyrannosaurus,Rex, may have been an apex predator, preying upon hadrosaurs and ceratopsians
- To white ones. In book 9,Saxon identifies FRS as the" king of Sweden" (, rex , Suetiae): The reference to public prostitution may be a memory of fertility
- Lizard" )) is a genus of theropod dinosaur. The species Tyrannosaurus rex (, rex , meaning " king" in Latin),commonly abbreviated to T. rex , is a fixture in
- For food became scarce. Consequently, top predators such as Tyrannosaurus, rex , also perished. Coccolithophorids and mollusks (including ammonites, rudists
- A king in the early texts. Neither the Historian nor the Annals calls him ", rex ,": the former calls him instead" due Belgium" ( leader of battles) and "
- Fossils are now universally considered belonging to juvenile Tyrannosaurus, rex , A small but nearly complete skull from Montana, long,may be an exception.
- Et reciprocal ligament; quit cut submits reg tenets ad obedient, ita, rex , subdito tenets ad protection em; merit igniter gigantic Decatur a ligand
- Tyrannosaurus rex (Rex meaning" king" in Latin),commonly abbreviated to T., rex , is a fixture in popular culture. It lived throughout what is now western North
- Mislay (910–928) of the Trpimirović dynasty, was crowned in 925. Mislay, rex , Croatorum, united the Antonia and Dalmatian duchies and created a sizeable
- Institutions and cults related to the goddess. 1) The institution of the, rex , Nemorensis,Diana's sacred (priest) in the African wood, who held the
- De facto). The name is said to derive from the Latin inscription francium, rex , ( " King of the Franks" ) on early French coins, or from the French franc
- Remains of the same individual, and to be identical to those of Tyrannosaurus, rex , According to the rules of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (
- Hour period sitting in a fake tree to witness the battle between Kong and a T., rex , She was sore for days after. Many of the scenes featuring Way in the
- Two clawed digits. Although other theropods rivaled or exceeded Tyrannosaurus, rex , in size, it was the largest known tyrannosaurid and one of the largest known
- And the Latins by the VI and V centuries BC. The origin of the ritual of the, rex , Nemorensis should have to be traced to the legend of Orestes and Iphigenia more
- The saint's life story (see below),wrote that David was the son of sanctum, rex , ceredigionis, where Sanctum has been interpreted as a proper name and its owner
- Of the Kingdom of Poland: name at the margins of the sequence Ad Celeb rex , rex , celica. The gift caused the expected effect, and Minsk II promised to take
- Continued. The place name Thule appears in Pale Fire, as does the phrase souls, rex , ( a chess problem in which Black has no pieces but the king). The book is also
- Dilophosaurus, Velociraptor,Triceratops, Stegosaurus and Tyrannosaurus, rex , among others. They have been recreated using damaged dinosaur DNA, found in
- Time. The word has many cognates outside of Germanic and Celtic, notably Latin, rex , and Sanskrit Raja" king ". It is ultimately from a Proto-Indo-European root
- End of the period. Terrestrial fauna Image: Tyrannosaurus BY. jpg|Tyrannosaurus, rex , one of the largest land predators of all time, lived during the late
- Nativity scene in which a Dale exterminates a tiny lamb and a tyrannosaurus, rex , Two purple toy dales are also seen in the background of an episode of the
- Bataar has shown that it was much narrower than that of Tyrannosaurus, rex , and that during a bite, the distribution of stress in the skull would have been
- Carnivores, such as Dinosaurs and Giganotosaurus. The neck of Tyrannosaurus, rex , formed a natural S-shaped curve like that of other theropods, but was short and
- Included the title Rex Britannia, when England was unified the title used was, rex , Angulsaxonum, ( 'king of the Anglo-Saxons '. ) Modern interpretation by
- Dinotyrannus in 1995,but is now thought to represent a juvenile Tyrannosaurus, rex , And large dinosaurs as well as in large mammals such as humans and elephants.
- Many paleontologists consider the skull to belong to a juvenile Tyrannosaurus, rex , There are minor differences between the two species, including the higher
- Of Essex and may have supported a pretender to the Essex throne since a Nigeria, rex , Orientalem Saxonum witnessed a Mercia charter after AD 825. During the ninth
- Empire, the Britannic Empire, and the Palmyra Empire though the latter used, rex , more regularly. The next period, known as to Dominate, started with the
- Food sources became scarce; consequently, top predators such as Tyrannosaurus, rex , also perished. Coccolithophorids and mollusks, including ammonites, rudists
- The feeding habits, physiology and potential speed of Tyrannosaurus, rex , are a few subjects of debate. Its taxonomy is also controversial, with some
- With the ruler of Bandana in the central Courtland Ramekins (Lammechinus, rex , ),delivering his kingdom in the hands of papacy, with Baudouin becoming the
- Knight and Francesca the Rimini, Igor Stravinsky in Le Monsignor, Mavra, Oedipus,Rex, and The Rake's Progress, Sergei Prokofiev in The Gambler, The Love for Three
- Inscriptions on coins and titles in charters often included the title, rex , Britanniae, when England was unified the title used was Rex Angulsaxonum, (
- The first named fossil specimen which can be attributed to Tyrannosaurus, rex , consists of two partial vertebrae (one of which has been lost) found by
- The longest running in paleontology. More than 30 specimens of Tyrannosaurus, rex , have been identified, some of which are nearly complete skeletons. Soft tissue
- In choral singing which, with the rare exception like Stravinsky's Oedipus, rex , ( opera),is concerned with liturgical texts. A startling occurrence was its
- American Museum of Natural History, where he first encountered Tyrannosaurus, rex , " I had no idea there were such things—I was awestruck," Gould once recalled.
- Have also been synonymized with Tyrannosaurus. Description Tyrannosaurus, rex , was one of the largest land carnivores of all time; the largest complete
- Shear apart with cutting ridges. The theropod dinosaurs such as Tyrannosaurus, rex , that existed during the Mesozoic Era were" obligate carnivores ". List of
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