Examples of the the word, promulgate , in a Sentence Context
The word ( promulgate ), is the 9838 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- As I have a voice onstage and offstage, I will always condemn war and those who, promulgate ,it ". Martin supported Hillary Rod ham Clinton over Barack Obama in the
- Possibly after menopause or due to infertility) to bring her pleasure and, promulgate ,their intimacy. Also, food can be enjoyed by remembering that it is necessary
- With international human rights standards. " Efforts are under way to, promulgate ,a draft national law for better protection of children, in line with the
- And removals of public officials, and even popular elected ones; empower him to, promulgate ,the laws passed by Congress; direct him to engage in diplomatic relations; and
- Religion and in law. At the very beginning of his reign, he deemed it proper to, promulgate ,by law the Church's belief in the Trinity and the Incarnation; and to threaten
- Power over the state and government—for example, the right to rule by decree, promulgate ,laws, and impose punishments. Absolute monarchies are not necessarily
- In Himself the rights of sovereignty ", whose rights included to sanction and, promulgate ,laws, to execute them and to exercise" supreme command of the Army and the
- That the amendment was part of the Constitution and ordering Seward to, promulgate ,the amendment. Meanwhile, two additional states had ratified the amendment: #
- Levels. The NPC has power to amend the Constitution by a two-thirds majority, promulgate ,legislation, elect and remove highest-level officials, determine the budget
- Conventions, recommendations and directives. The Committee of Ministers can, promulgate ,decisions in the fields for which it has competence - those fields are
- Measures, or BIPM. As the authorities on SI, these organizations establish and, promulgate ,the SI, with the ambition to be able to service all. This includes introducing
- In the March on Versailles to confront Louis XVI about his refusal to, promulgate ,the decrees on the abolition of feudalism, demand bread, and have the King and
- Council requires the confirmation of the Pope, who alone has the right to, promulgate ,them (can. 341). The role of the Pope in an ecumenical council is a distinct
- President a strong and influential position. The President has the authority to, promulgate ,laws passed by the Parliament, to issue supplementary regulations to ensure the
- Accused the government of unconstitutional acts through Allende's refusal to, promulgate ,constitutional amendments, already approved by the Chamber, which would have
- Rather than the Kuomintang one, and became the first to officially, promulgate ,the use of the term" Uyghur" to describe the Turkic Muslims of Xinjiang.
- With the federal statutes that they administer, U. S. federal agencies, promulgate ,regulations in the Code of Federal Regulations that fill out the broad programs
- Has the rubber stamp of the Emperor. The Constitution requires that the Emperor, promulgate ,legislation passed by the Diet, without specifically giving him the power to
- People to behave morally, the only way, believed the legalists, is to publicly, promulgate ,clearly written laws and impose harsh punishments. Realizing that the abilities
- And agencies. A Presidential Decision Directive series would now be used to, promulgate ,Presidential decisions on national security matters. The Bush administration's
- An interview on the public radio station France Inter, that " newspapers must, promulgate ,healthy ideas ", and that" left-wing ideas are not healthy ideas. " Le Figaro
- The electronic payment industry uses Triple DES and continues to develop and, promulgate ,standards based upon it (e.g. MV). Microsoft OneNote and Microsoft Outlook
- And regulate their subjects, authoritarian organizations and governments, promulgate ,rules and issue decrees. However, due to a lack of popular support for
- Tamara I. ALADI wrote that the story" crafts a universe where lesser novels, promulgate ,excuses for sequels. All its rich elements are in balance and plausible — not
- To Christianity. The conquistadors brought with them many missionaries to, promulgate ,the Catholic religion. Amerindians were taught the Roman Catholic religion and
- Day, continuing the Stoic and Ciceroni an training of his youth, enabled him to, promulgate ,a lofty standard of Christian ethics. Thus, we have the De official ministrorum
- Of the Cowrie Conspiracy and the Gunpowder Plot. These sermons were used to, promulgate ,the doctrine of the Divine Right of Kings. His Life was written by White (
- As concluding treaties, declaring war, and making peace. The president must, promulgate ,all laws and has no right to veto. Other powers of the president include
- Under both Section 302 and Section 404,Congress directed the SEC to, promulgate ,regulations enforcing these provisions. External auditors are required to issue
- Patella learned about its existence only after the death of Pius XI and did not, promulgate ,it as Pope. He did however use parts of it in his inaugural encyclical Summit
- Biographies of High Monks) records that King Guofeng of Villa had desired to, promulgate ,Buddhism as the state religion. However, officials in his court opposed him. In
- Of the Universal Houses of Justice, as stated by Baha'u'Allah include to, promulgate ,the cause of God, to preserve the law, to administer social affairs, to educate
- Of the country. Even though it's not up to him/her to make laws (only to, promulgate ,them and make edicts),the President is the leader of the winning party. The
- A group in Berkeley, California that was founded by Robert Anton Wilson to, promulgate ,Dr. Timothy Leary's philosophy. The Eighth or Psycho-Atomic Circuit was
- Europe for naming years. Events By place Europe Asia * In Japan, Emperor Team, promulgate ,a decree about taxes from fiefs and the employment of persons for the service
- The Cold War. The Country Party (today's National Party) formed in 1920 to, promulgate ,its version of agrarianism, which it called" Country mindedness ". The goal was
- But Friday,15 October 1582. He issued the papal bull Inter gravissimas to, promulgate ,the new calendar on 24 February 1582. On 15 October 1582,this calendar
- Before the March 1933 elections Hitler had persuaded Hindenburg to, promulgate ,the Reichstag Fire Decree using Article 48,which empowered the government to
- Over the Council of Ministers. Article 10 The President of the Republic shall, promulgate ,Acts of Parliament within fifteen days following the final adoption of an Act
- However the latter case, it would be conventionally binding on the President to, promulgate ,the bill into law. Throughout the History of Malta there has been five
- Legislative Council passes again a bill that he or she had refused to sign to, promulgate , Criticisms The office of a Westminster prime minister is often criticized for
- And obscure and conceal it from our consciousness; the other is to present and, promulgate ,the material world and the veil of duality instead of Brahman. The veil of Maya
- Was required to comply with and enforce the constitution and the laws and to, promulgate ,the decrees enacted by the departmental board. The governor was authorized to
- Beyond Sicily to the Empire. In 1232,he was forced by the German princes to, promulgate ,the Statute in favored principal (" statute in favor of princes" ). It was a
- Teach that the Apostolic See of Peter, under the rule of a true Pope, cannot, promulgate , contradictory teachings. * They argue that the Dogmatic Constitution Pastor
- Hear to secretly discover the content of an edict that Orestes was to, promulgate ,on the mimes shows, which attracted great crowds. When the Jews, with whom
- This time that the great Whig historian Thomas Abington Macaulay began to, promulgate ,what would later be coined the Whig view of history, in which all of English
- Colors (as seen on the flag of today's democratic Germany),promised to, promulgate ,a constitution, agreed that Prussia and other states should merge into a single
- For Standardization, the Meter Convention, or the FDA. These agencies, promulgate ,policies and regulations that standardize industries, countries,and streamline
- About 218) Ambrose, a man of wealth, made a formal agreement with Origin to, promulgate ,his writings, and all the subsequent works of Origin (except his sermons
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