Examples of the the word, censure , in a Sentence Context

The word ( censure ), is the 9831 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Campaign by the AFL-CIO to defeat his 1958 reelection bid. He voted against the, censure ,of Senator Joseph McCarthy in 1954,but he was much more prudent than McCarthy
  2. Maintained that he was a Muslim. Judaism Charm is the highest ecclesiastical, censure ,in Judaism. It is the total exclusion of a person from the Jewish community.
  3. May force the resignation of the executive cabinet by voting a motion of, censure , For this reason, the Prime Minister and his cabinet are necessarily from the
  4. Title of the resolution, though it is generally regarded and referred to as a, censure ,of McCarthy, both by historians and in Senate documents. McCarthy himself said
  5. Ultimately a" bill of particulars" listing 46 charges was added to the, censure ,resolution. A special committee, chaired by Senator Arthur Vivian Watkins, was
  6. To fall if an absolute majority of the total Assembly membership votes to, censure , It has never happened since the establishment of the Fifth Republic in 1958.
  7. Is required before absolution can be given from the sin that led to the, censure , In many cases, the whole process takes place on a single occasion in the
  8. Deeds ". The Catholic Church In Roman Catholic canon law, excommunication is a, censure ,and thus a" medicinal penalty" intended to invite the person to change
  9. To the NRC, although Boas remained an active member of the AAA. The AAA's, censure ,of Boas was not rescinded until 2005. Boas continued to speak out against
  10. H. Styles Bridges, a McCarthy supporter, argued that the resolution was" not a, censure ,resolution" because the word" condemn" rather than" censure " was used in
  11. He added," I don't feel I've been lynched. " Final years After his, censure , McCarthy continued senatorial duties for another two and a half years, but his
  12. Social group, who could enforce socially-acceptable behavior through private, censure ,or through public rituals, such as" rough music ", the bucking stool and the
  13. In his honor. Quotations about Rommel The British Parliament considered a, censure ,vote against Winston Churchill following the surrender of Torus. The vote
  14. Confirmation. McCarthy's biographers agree that he was a changed man after the, censure ,; declining both physically and emotionally, he became a" pale ghost of his
  15. Named in honor of the Navy's Enterprise ships Excommunication is a religious, censure ,used to deprive, suspend or limit membership in a religious community. The word
  16. Parties, this leads to the situation known as cohabitation. While motions of, censure ,are periodically proposed by the opposition following government actions that
  17. Was" not a censure resolution" because the word" condemn" rather than ", censure ," was used in the final draft. The word" censure " was then removed from the
  18. To stop teaching it among them. When he refused to do so, she put him under a ", censure ," which meant that he could attend meetings of the church, but not teach at
  19. Order to protect the developing science of modern chemistry from the negative, censure ,of which alchemy was being subjected, academic writers during the scientific
  20. Condemn" rather than" censure " was used in the final draft. The word ", censure ," was then removed from the title of the resolution, though it is generally
  21. Such ceremonies are not held today, but the effect is the same. Interdict is a, censure ,similar to excommunication. It, too, excludes from ministerial functions in
  22. Approval to take office, having to report back to it and subject to motions of, censure ,from it. The President of the European Parliament carries out the role of
  23. Ownership. Central governments generally strike down individual or class action, censure ,of polluters in order to benefit" the many ", and legal or economic subsidy of
  24. Of the offending act) by the excommunicated person, and the lifting of the, censure ,(absolution) by a priest or bishop empowered to do this. " The absolution can
  25. The American Bar Association, a trade group of lawyers, passed a resolution of, censure ,against Lands. By the end of 1921,the controversy was dying down, and Lands
  26. By their own clients through civil malpractice proceedings, or via fine, censure , suspension, or other punishments from the disciplinary boards. To be disbarred
  27. Turnout for the Parliament's elections. The Parliament also has the power to, censure ,the Commission if they have a two-thirds majority which will force the
  28. That excoriates an earlier poster over their imperfect orthography. Posters who, censure ,the grammar of others are often called Grammar Nazis -- this may cause great
  29. Parties, this leads to the situation known as cohabitation. While motions of, censure ,are periodically proposed by the opposition following government actions that
  30. Of the United States. When the Jacksonian's had a majority in the Senate,the, censure ,was expunged. Nullification crisis Another notable crisis during Jackson's
  31. Link its term to a legislative text which it proposes, and unless a motion of, censure ,is introduced (within 24 hours after the proposal) and passed (within 48
  32. With which Morley, Lothrop, and Spin den were affiliated),voted by 20 to 10 to, censure ,Boas. As a result, Boas resigned as the AAA's representative to the NRC
  33. The right to legislative debate, and the morality of slavery. During the, censure ,debate, Adams said that he took delight in the fact that southerners would
  34. En masse, the first of any forced resignation, in the face of an impending, censure ,from the Parliament. Along with the extension of the ordinary legislative
  35. Be revoked by the National Assembly, the lower house of Parliament, through a ", censure ,motion "; this ensures that the Prime Minister is always supported by a
  36. And loan crisis: The United States Senate Ethics Committee issues a stern, censure ,of California senator Alan Cranston for his" dealings" with savings-and-loan
  37. Lords to take note. While the latter attacked him and sought ecclesiastical, censure , he recommended himself to the former by his criticism of the worldly
  38. That since the National Assembly can dismiss the government through a motion of, censure , the government necessarily relies on a majority in Parliament, and this
  39. Misery he was inflicting on the slaveholders he so hated. Although any move to, censure ,Adams over the slavery petition was ultimately abandoned, the House did address
  40. Law is then considered adopted unless the National Assembly votes a motion of, censure , in which case the law is refused and the government has to resign. As of 2006
  41. Of the soul and his existence-essence distinction, along with the debates and, censure ,that they raised in scholastic Europe. This was particularly the case in Paris
  42. Has been assessed" politically ". Professor J. I. Katz applies the term PC to, censure ,characterized by emotional, rather than rational discourse. Groups opposing
  43. Committee chairs and seniority. Flanders next introduced a resolution to, censure ,McCarthy. The resolution was initially written without any reference to
  44. Uttar Pradesh, rather than in Maharashtra. According to media reports,Raj's, censure ,of Amitabh, whom he admires, stemmed out of his disappointment of not being
  45. Became increasingly likely to prompt international condemnation, diplomatic, censure , a reduction in international aid or the introduction of economic sanction, or
  46. The same. The Opposition contended he had misled Parliament, and a motion to, censure ,Whitley was defeated along party lines. The Opposition also attacked Whitley
  47. Over others who were imbibing. Although, he may have slid down that path after, censure , there are those who knew him well at this period who also deny the image of
  48. Say that Burke should be allowed to carry on with his speech. However, a vote of, censure ,was moved against Burke for noticing the affairs of France, which was moved by
  49. May force the resignation of the executive cabinet by voting a motion of, censure , For this reason, the prime minister and his cabinet are necessarily from the
  50. Support and popularity began to fade. On December 2,1954,the Senate voted to, censure ,Senator McCarthy by a vote of 67 to 22,making him one of the few senators ever

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