Examples of the the word, subsistence , in a Sentence Context

The word ( subsistence ), is the 9829 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Beef cattle throughout the world. Cows kept on poor forage (as is typical in, subsistence ,farming) produce a limited amount of milk. A calf left with such a mother all
  2. Levels. According to his Iron Law of Wages, wages could never rise beyond, subsistence ,levels. Ricardo explained profits as a return on capital, which itself was the
  3. 31 % at 2010) levels have decreased. Most Bangladeshis continue to live on, subsistence ,farming in rural villages. Health problems abound, springing from poor water
  4. Shipping costs make food in the cities relatively expensive. In rural areas, subsistence ,hunting and gathering is an essential activity because imported food is
  5. Societies, the amount of land that would be required to produce enough food for, subsistence ,and trade for a large population would make it impossible to control the flow
  6. New sites are ongoing. A modest fishing fleet provides fish and shrimp for local, subsistence ,and export to Europe. Formerly government-owned commercial activities are now
  7. Growth, the economy of Benin still remains underdeveloped and dependent on, subsistence ,agriculture, cotton production, and regional trade. Growth in real output
  8. Rents on agricultural land were seen as the production that was surplus to the, subsistence ,required by the tenants. Wages were seen as the amount required for workers '
  9. Of ungulates and large fish are preferred. They also may sometimes feed on, subsistence ,scavenged or stolen from campsites and picnics, as well as garbage dumps.
  10. Major exports. More than 80 % of the work force is involved in agriculture (, subsistence ,farming, herding,and fishing). Like many other developing countries, Chad has
  11. Pineapples, cassava,yams, and other various tubers are grown for local, subsistence , Benin began producing a modest quantity of offshore oil in October 1982.
  12. Overpopulation, and soil erosion have contributed to the contraction of the, subsistence ,economy by 25 % in recent years. Large numbers of internally displaced persons
  13. As well as sport. This includes fish taken by hook, net or wheel. Hunting for, subsistence , primarily caribou, moose,and All sheep is still common in the state
  14. Mountains. The Shield cannot support intensive agriculture, although there is, subsistence ,agriculture and small dairy farms in many of the river valleys and around the
  15. And Portugal, while more than 90 percent of farming is done at family and, subsistence ,level. Thousands of Angolan small-scale farmers are trapped in poverty. A
  16. Nation is overwhelmingly agrarian. The vast bulk of the population engages in, subsistence ,farming and 55 % of the country's GDP arises from agriculture. Subsistence
  17. East of Lake Chad and near swamps or wells. Many farmers in the region combine, subsistence ,agriculture with the raising of cattle, sheep,goats, and poultry. Jordanian
  18. Opportunities. What had previously been an almost exclusively fur trade and, subsistence ,economy soon became a locus for forestry, farming,and mining? 1920s through
  19. Dependent on agriculture, with substantial employment and income arising from, subsistence ,farming. The official language of Benin is French, however,indigenous
  20. Calf under such systems may mean that it takes a longer time to rear, and in, subsistence ,farming it is therefore common for cows to calve only in alternate years. In
  21. Pacific Ocean. These fish—especially the salmon species—provided the core, subsistence ,for natives; in past centuries, traders from across western North America
  22. Under the purview of the royal prerogative and as such, they are perpetual in, subsistence , Publishers are licensed to reproduce the Book of Common Prayer under letters
  23. And most corrupt countries in the world; most inhabitants live in poverty as, subsistence ,herders and farmers. Since 2003,crude oil has become the country's primary
  24. Per capita of €250 (US$300). More than 80 percent of the population relies on, subsistence ,agriculture, with only a small fraction directly involved in industry and
  25. To the east was subject to land reform. Cattle ranchers, loggers,and, subsistence ,farmers migrated to the rain forest area. The population of the Abandon was
  26. Was only a small portion left over for the payment of taxes, dues,or trade. In, subsistence ,agriculture cropping decisions are made with an eye to what the family needs
  27. Court upheld the rights Costa Ricans had to navigate for commercial purposes to, subsistence ,fishing on their side of the river. An 1858 treaty extended navigation rights
  28. And other cultural traits. All civilizations have depended on agriculture for, subsistence , Growing food on farms results in a surplus of food, particularly when people
  29. Concentrated on plantation agriculture based on slave labor, together with, subsistence ,farming for the poor whites. The South expanded into rich new lands in the
  30. Sur LES doyens de supplier à la diskette DES four rages, et d’augmenter la, subsistence ,DES bestiary, Supplément à l’instruction SUR LES doyens de boudoir à la
  31. Country is self-sufficient in food crops, but much of the population lives at a, subsistence ,level. Livestock development is hindered by the presence of the tsetse fly. In
  32. And some exports. In sharp contrast to a bleak picture of devastation and bare, subsistence ,is expanding oil production, now almost half of GDP and 90 % of exports, at.
  33. Level of economic development, and focus more on the people's rights to, subsistence ,and development in poorer countries. The rise in the standard of living
  34. South of the Moss Plateau. Most of the population ekes out a living as, subsistence ,farmers, living with problems of climate, soil erosion, and rudimentary
  35. Resources. The low educational level of the labor force contributes to a, subsistence ,level of economic activity, high unemployment, and a heavy dependence on
  36. Means of compensating for the food shortage with fodder, and of increasing the, subsistence ,of cattle, Supplement to the instruction on the means of providing for the food
  37. Of the Africans and Caribbean. In addition, unlike the uplands, the lowlands, subsistence ,of protein came mostly from coastal seafood and game meats. Much of the diet
  38. Industries. Nevertheless, large numbers of Cameroonians live in poverty as, subsistence ,farmers. Power lies firmly in the hands of the authoritarian president since
  39. In smaller amounts include fruit, vegetables,Coffee arabica and other cash and, subsistence ,crops. Fishing also provides a significant number of jobs. Bali is also famous
  40. Agricultural land, Angola remains poor, and a third of the population relies on, subsistence ,agriculture. Since 2002,when the 27-year civil war ended, the country has
  41. Required by the tenants. Wages were seen as the amount required for workers ', subsistence ,and to maintain current population levels. According to his Iron Law of Wages
  42. Countries in South America. Almost two-thirds of its people, many of whom are, subsistence ,farmers, live in poverty. Population density ranges from less than one person
  43. Of salmon seasons to harvest portions of their household diet while fishing for, subsistence , as well as sport. This includes fish taken by hook, net or wheel. Hunting for
  44. Address of the Botswana people) live in rural areas and are dependent on, subsistence ,crop and livestock farming, together with money sent home by relatives in urban
  45. Supports more than 70 % of the labor force, the majority of whom are, subsistence ,farmers. Although Burundi is potentially self-sufficient in food production
  46. Labored in agriculture. The type of agriculture they developed was typically, subsistence ,agriculture in which farmers raised most of their crops for consumption on farm
  47. Airline Lufthansa. The economy of Benin remains underdeveloped and dependent on, subsistence ,agriculture and cotton. Cotton accounts for 40 % of GDP and roughly 80 % of
  48. For more than 60 % of the population. Agriculture consists largely of, subsistence ,farming and animal husbandry. Rugged mountains dominate the terrain and make
  49. These levies were only obliged to fight for one to three months. Most were, subsistence ,farmers, and it was in everyone's interest to send the men home for
  50. Other kinds of society. Civilizations have been distinguished by their means of, subsistence , types of livelihood, settlement patterns, forms of government, social

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