Examples of the the word, vanity , in a Sentence Context

The word ( vanity ), is the 9821 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Desire to provide England with a male heir—which stemmed partly from personal, vanity ,and partly because he believed a daughter would be unable to consolidate the
  2. Of my own diversions, nay,I do not doubt, too much intoxicated by indulgence, vanity , and the insolence of my situation, as a Prime Minister's son, not to have
  3. Black soil now ...” As he lay dying, Alp Asian whispered to his son that his, vanity ,had killed him. " Alas," he is recorded to have said," surrounded by great
  4. An allegory pointing first at the extravagances of Catholicism; second, at the, vanity ,of the pleasures of the world which is the rival of the church; and third, at
  5. With Carrasco over whose ideas constituted 'proper' chess. Nimzowitsch's, vanity ,and faith in his ideas of overprotection provoked Hans Koch to write a parody
  6. Warrior but sexually promiscuous, often drunk and foolish, and a monster of, vanity ,who loves riding in a chariot drawn by lions. * The Memoirs of Cleopatra, a
  7. The Philistine spirit arising from isolation and provincial prejudice and, vanity , It binds nations by ligaments, and promotes an interchange of food and of
  8. Surely, they all have one breath; man has no advantage over animals, for all is, vanity , All go to one place: all are from the dust, and all return to dust. Who knows
  9. Suggested that Nature, giving no animal both horns and tusks, was staving off, vanity , and giving creatures faculties only to such a degree as they are necessary.
  10. Principle either to influence of his heart, or to guide his understanding, but, vanity ,", which he" was possessed to a degree little short of madness ". He also
  11. They arose not from authentic human needs but rather as a result of pride and, vanity , Moreover, the opportunities they create for idleness and luxury have
  12. Meaning is extensively debated. Older English translations often render it, vanity , Because in modern usage this word has often come to mean" self-pride,"
  13. He heard an inner voice saying," Thou sees how young people go together into, vanity , and old people into the earth; thou must forsake all, young and old, keep out
  14. General class licensee. Formerly using the call-sign,WA4CZD,he obtained the, vanity ,call sign W4CGP in 1998 to reflect the C. G. P. name. He was an ARL member.
  15. But were designed from the beginning and were rooted in Rousseau's personal, vanity , arrogance, and other moral failings. He recalled Rousseau's visit to Britain
  16. Psychoanalytical paper specifically concerned with narcissism, linking it to, vanity ,and self-admiration. *One of the personality disorders is called narcissistic
  17. Estranged from Samuel Adams, who disapproved of what he viewed as Hancock's, vanity ,and extravagance, which Adams believed were inappropriate in a republican
  18. I lie, dying in agony. Remember well the lessons learned, and do not allow your, vanity ,to overreach your good sense ..." Legacy Alp Arslan's conquest of Anatolia
  19. Lives. " Neither William nor Mary enjoyed the ceremony; she thought it" all, vanity ," and William called it" Polish ". On the same day, the Convention of the
  20. Death. But as he wrote to Young in 1824: in himself" that sensibility, or that, vanity , which people call love of glory" had been blunted. " All the compliments,"
  21. The Chaotic). MAJ was rejected by publishers, and was published by a, vanity ,press at Mácha's own expense, not long before his early death. Mácha's genius
  22. 50s and '60s ethno-pop recordings by the likes of Les Baxter and Esquivel to, vanity ,pressings that have circulated regionally, to German crooner Hand; he cites
  23. A comment on life that had been made by Solomon, ‘ Vanity of vanities, all is, vanity ,’ and used this as a text to show why even a wise and wealthy king should say
  24. To take-charge Jo comes from Kirsten Dunst's scene-stealing Amy, whose, vanity , and twinkling mischief make so much more sense coming from an 11-year-old vixen
  25. Pride, which he divided into five branches: love of esteem, presumptuousness, vanity , ambition and arrogance. Among the early writings of Abbasid were four Sermons
  26. S quick loss of public interest in the face of Giotto's revolution in art: O, vanity ,of human powers, how briefly lasts the crowning green of glory,
  27. Has sometimes been attributed to a spirit of contradiction and sometimes to, vanity , That the penetrating and profound Cervantes should have so mistaken the limits
  28. Up to five digits; * Jersey (GBJ): J followed by up to six digits (JAY, vanity ,plates are also issued); * Alderney (GBA): A followed by up to five digits
  29. Personal space, human sexuality, gymnophobia, modesty,physical attractiveness, vanity , objectification, exploitation and consent. It can thus be controversial.
  30. With reference to it. " He further characterized it as often leading to pride, vanity , beliefs of one's own group's superiority, and contempt of outsiders. Robert
  31. 1554),he argued for a focus on Christ's moral teachings in place of the, vanity ,of theology, and he afterward developed a theory of tolerance based on biblical
  32. All one breath; so that a man hath no preeminence above a beast: for all is, vanity , All go unto one place; all are of the dust, and all turn to dust again" ().:
  33. Especially Whistler, as seen in the adjacent photo. The work also lampoons male, vanity ,and chauvinism in the military. The story concerns two rival" aesthetic "
  34. Life, Hollywood,and drug addiction, while also carrying on past themes of, vanity ,and body image, and Nobody's Daughter was lyrically reflective of Love's past
  35. At Elizabeth Arden – immortalized in the lyrics of" I'm Not Angry" as the ", vanity ,factory" – where he worked as a data entry clerk. He worked for a short period
  36. Subjects on an equal footing: Minus Marcellus saw in that only the foolish, vanity ,of someone" excessively anxious for empty distinction ", whose " desire for
  37. No principle either to influence his heart or to guide his understanding, but, vanity ,". Conceding his gift of eloquence, Burke deplored Rousseau's lack of the good
  38. Employs against women. She points out the" false-refinement, immorality,and, vanity ," of the rich, calling them" weak, artificial beings, raised above the common
  39. Age, expressed by Martial and Juvenal. His patronage was exercised, not from, vanity ,or a mere dilettante love of letters, but with a view to the higher interest of
  40. Today the practice of authors paying for their publications is often called, vanity ,publishing, and is looked down upon by many publishers, even though it may have
  41. It was made was not new to the Ming era and had little or nothing to do with, vanity , As far back as the Qin Dynasty (221 BC–206 BC),the government required
  42. Of propaganda, the double game and hysterical language of politics,the, vanity ,and self-righteousness of public communiqués from cranks in order to eventually
  43. His subjects of, as characterized by Richard Zenith,'the brevity of life,the, vanity ,of wealth and struggle, the joy of simple pleasures, patience in time of
  44. Alcohol),even for the purposes of humiliation (to dispel the sin of, vanity ,), was needed to proceed to repentance and salvation. Rasputin was deeply
  45. Have set you; I have often undertaken war too lightly and have sustained it for, vanity , Do not imitate me, but be a peaceful prince, and may you apply yourself
  46. Of Cicero's career, showing him struggling with inferiority complex and, vanity , morally flexible and fatally indiscreet. He is portrayed as a hero in the
  47. Custom existed in Greece, in the belief that use of mirrors is a sign of, vanity ,that does not become mourning. (Other Greek mourning customs include not
  48. His biography of Mountbatten, Philip Ziegler comments on his character:" His, vanity , though child-like, was monstrous, his ambition unbridled. The truth, in his
  49. The GM, such as the Hollyhock God (Nobility, in which the hollyhock represents, vanity ,), or the most famous of such terms," Dungeon Master" ( or" DM" ) in
  50. Metz later recalled that Ribbentrop" was the most stupid in his class, full of, vanity ,and very pushy ". His father was cashiered from the Imperial German Army in

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