Examples of the the word, sw , in a Sentence Context
The word ( sw ), is the 9839 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Hleka (laugh) A whistling sound common in the language is written ", sw ," or" SV" in Zimbabwean Chisholm. This sound actually belongs to the" NSW "
- Thayer and Bangs,1909) e Himalayas to s Tibet, w Nepal, n Myanmar and, sw , China; Description The Spotted Nutcracker is a dark brown, broad-winged
- Oak — # southwestern U. S., nw. Mexico *Quercus ballerina — Deer Oak — #, sw , Oregon, northern California *Quercus stellar — Post Oak — eastern North
- I from: 1437 till: 1460 color: SW text: James II from: 1460 till: 1488 color:, sw , text: James III from: 1488 till: 1513 color: SW text: James IV from: 1513 till:
- I from: 1329 till: 1371 color: BR text: David II from: 1371 till: 1390 color:, sw , text: Robert II from: 1390 till: 1406 color: SW text: Robert III from: 1406
- III from: 1488 till: 1513 color: SW text: James IV from: 1513 till: 1542 color:, sw , text: James V from: 1542 till: 1567 color: SW text: Mary I from: 1567 till:
- Itself. Widths" 140px" heights" 140px "/IN"> per row="4"> Image: Torn, sw , Janow copiers Mojoes. JPG|Statue of Moses, ca. 1390,Torn, Poland Image:
- File: Grudziądz, Kopernika. JPG|Chełmińska street File: Grudziadz Koziol, sw , Mikolaja. JPG|St. Mikołaj (Nicholas) church File: Park cg HDR. JPG|Meiji
- IV from: 1513 till: 1542 color: SW text: James V from: 1542 till: 1567 color:, sw , text: Mary I from: 1567 till: 1625 color: SU text: James VI from: 1625 till:
- North America *Quercus Kellogg — California Black Oak — California, sw , Oregon *Quercus Levis — Turkey Oak — southeastern North America *Quercus
- Cleaner product line was subsequently sold to discreet/Autodesk. * Media 100,SW, ( software-only version of Media 100 HD, now renamed Producer - see current
- Of Europe may be at Torn. Districts Gallery File: Torn, sw , Janow from Zeglarska Str. JPG|Cathedral Basilica of SS. John the Baptist and
- S and SP) It has been suggested that what appears to be the result of an, sw , allele is in fact the result of plus and minus modifiers acting on one of the
- Text: from: 1306 till: 1371 color: BR text: Bruce from: 1371 till: 1567 color:, sw , text: Stewart from: 1567 till: 1651 color: SU text: Stuart from: 1653 till:
- Live Oak — # southwestern North America *Quercus Palmer — Palmer Oak — #, sw , Oregon, California,western Arizona *Quercus tarantella — Island Oak — #
- Portal de wrote 40808 2. JPG|Round corners,13th century, France File: Torn, sw , Janow copiers Mojoes. JPG|Round corners, c. 1390 Files: Moises. JPG|Sharp
- At 8 columns, while a soft tabulator is often defined as a helper as well (, sw , in vi),and set at 4. The hard tabulators are used to indent code blocks
- Br, bl,by, by,Dr, dy, dw, gr,GW, kr, kl,kw, mw, my,NW, pr,pl, pw, py, sw , SY, tr,TW, ty, hw) and 4 diphthongs (aw, ay, iw, uy),which are similar to
- Quality sparring available at Hawk's Gym and also in thump boxing gym on 8100,SW,81st street On August 7,2010, Johnson challenged Favors Cloud for the IBF
- Church in Shadow, established by the King in 1355 Images: Kraków Koziol, sw , Katarzyny 20070930 1522. JPG|Saint Catherine Church in Kazimierz, founded by
- In the center and one tactical moving- and rotating map indicator TI (, sw , : Artist Indicator) to the right while the head-up display SI (SW:
- III from: 1406 till: 1437 color: SW text: James I from: 1437 till: 1460 color:, sw , text: James II from: 1460 till: 1488 color: SW text: James III from: 1488 till:
- Pipeline with four stages: # Fetch # Decode # Execute # Write-back (for law and, sw , memory is accessed after execute stage) The top gray box is the list of
- II from: 1371 till: 1390 color: SW text: Robert II from: 1390 till: 1406 color:, sw , text: Robert III from: 1406 till: 1437 color: SW text: James I from: 1437 till:
- The height of the lower case letter 'x' ) and the 'stroke width' (, sw , ) (4 SW = 1 x-height). The sizes of borders, symbols and arrows and the
- Elementary School now occupies that piece of land. May 29,30 and June 1,1931,SW, the grand opening of Bowles Arawak Airport
- _Carmelite. JPG|Church" On the Sand" in Kraków Image: Koziol, sw , Idziego w Inowlodzu. JPG|St. DZI Church in Inowlodz Image:0795KrakówWawel.
- TI (SW: Artist Indicator) to the right while the head-up display SI (, sw , : SiktlinjesIndikator - line-of-sight indicator) was retained. The radar on the
- Dolby Market Square. JPG|Market square File: Kazimierz Dolby (America pod, sw , Mikolajem i Krzysztof) 01. JPG|Tenement-house under St. Nicholas (left hand
- Value: RGB (1,0.5,0.5) ID: BA value: red ID: BR value: RGB (0.5,0.5,1) ID:, sw , value: RGB (0.85,0.35,0) ID: SU value: orange ID: cw value: RGB (0.8,0.8,0.8
- II from: 1460 till: 1488 color: SW text: James III from: 1488 till: 1513 color:, sw , text: James IV from: 1513 till: 1542 color: SW text: James V from: 1542 till:
- Which is the municipality's main governing body, chaired by the Mayor (, sw , Kommunstyrelsens ordförande). The current mayor is Douglas Highborn, of the
- Were developed. External links * http://www3.hermia.fi/in_english/ Hermit SW, sw , and s/w may stand for: Geography * SW postcode area, a group of postcode
- JPG|Church of St. Mary and St. Michael File: Trzemeszno pl, sw , Wojciecha. JPG|Square of St. Albert, east side File: Trzemeszno alumna.
- The height of the lower case letter 'x' ) and the 'stroke width' ( SW) (4,SW, = 1 x-height). The sizes of borders, symbols and arrows and the spacing and
- From: 1390 till: 1406 color: SW text: Robert III from: 1406 till: 1437 color:, sw , text: James I from: 1437 till: 1460 color: SW text: James II from: 1460 till:
- Of female breasts may be considered inappropriate. Image: IPO Lollobrigida, sw , JPG|Gina Lollobrigida, in her famous décolleté dress,1960. File: Bette Miller
- Sn – EK – Ø FACT- 2. DU- eat-P UNC ‘ You two ate it. ’ (49) week we –, sw , – EK – Ø FACT- 2. PL- eat-P UNC ‘ You all ate it. ’ Additionally, Onondaga
- JPG|Old East: the artificial island Go spa OD Skopje. Image: Monastery, sw , Jersey. JPG|St. George island. Image: Islands East. JPG|The two islands off
- Get a City Council (1934),but it had its own jurisdiction and a City Court (, sw , Rådhusrätt) up until 1947. It is now a locality within Selling Municipality
- PL Warsaw Stare Pulaski Alexa zasluzonych. JPG|Avenue of Notables File: Koziol, sw , Boromeusza w Warsaw. JPG|Saint Karol Boomers Church File: PL Warsaw Stare
- And folklore material collected in England. In both poems, an Ongentheow (, sw , Infantry) is named as the King of the Swedes, and the Gets are mentioned as
- Buber Kamala, Jamii: Begun ZA Anastasia Wei Tanzania, Wanasiasa Wei Tanzania (, sw , Wikipedia. Org, Swahili Wikipedia) * Syed Kamal (1937-2009),Pakistani film
- Town File: Torn Later Janow2. JPG|View from Piłsudski Bridge File: Koziol, sw , Jakub w Toronto. JPG|St. James's Church File: Duchy zsamolotu4. JPG|Bridge
- Instruments were replaced by two CRT displays; one target indicator MI (, sw , : MålIndikator) in the center and one tactical moving- and rotating map
- Br, bl,by, by,Dr, dy, dw, gr,GW, kr, kl,kw, mw, my,NW, pr,pl, pw, py, sw , SY, tr,TW, ty, hw) and 4 diphthongs (aw, ay, iw, uy),which are similar to
- Apply: > n, s,e, w: Short for" go north "," go south ", etc. > NW, ne, sw , see: Short for" go northwest "," go southwest ", etc. > u and d: Short for "
- On local letters, the place of destination was replaced by the word" Had" (, sw , For here). In order to avoid confusion the spelling of the name For was
- From the near-by West Bank. http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/pages/ShArtVty.jhtml?, sw ,fahima&itemNo 517822 * December 22: Israeli civil security guard who guarded
- Coronation sw ord Szczerbiec. Gallery Image: Rotunda, sw , Melissa. JPG|Saint Felix and Adult Rotunda,10/11th century Image: Water
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