Examples of the the word, needy , in a Sentence Context

The word ( needy ), is the 9826 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. His house, he died in November 1633,at the age of fifty-seven, apparently in, needy ,circumstances. He left, by a second wife, a son and a daughter. His library
  2. Of exiles and opponents of the Revolution, and their redistribution to the, needy , In the spring of 1794,both extremist enrages such as Hebert and moderate
  3. 1987,it introduced its first volunteer home help project to support poor and, needy ,older people in their communities, especially those who are housebound and have
  4. To receive the prize in person, but they shared its financial proceeds with, needy ,acquaintances, including students. Skłodowska–Curie was the first woman to be
  5. By restoring land to displaced peasants; by providing subsidized grain for the, needy ,and by having the Republic pay for the clothing of its poorest soldiers.
  6. Worldwide with over 37 million members. The BWA's goals include caring for the, needy , leading in world evangelism and defending human rights and religious freedom.
  7. San Callisto, Rome. Its mission is" the care of the Catholic Church for the, needy , thereby encouraging human fellowship and making manifest the charity of Christ
  8. Wollstonecraft that he had found another woman. Her letters to him are full of, needy ,expostulations, explained by most critics as the expressions of a deeply
  9. Across someone who needs its help. The A-Team often returns its fee to the most, needy ,clients or find another way to pay their expenses. By this time, Murdock will
  10. Estate. Allegedly, the relationship was far from stable, with Burrell cutting a, needy ,and jealous figure while Parsons quashed her burgeoning film career. Many of
  11. To and dependence on him, atone for their past sins, and to remind them of the, needy , During Ramadan, Muslims are also expected to put more effort into following
  12. The tradition has long included giving money and other gifts to those who were, needy ,and in service positions. The European tradition has been dated to the Middle
  13. Take counsel on the affairs of State; the last to distribute largess among the, needy , or to interpose to temper the severity of cruel officers. Thus ended the Early
  14. Was seen as an excess; they believed effort should be placed on helping the, needy ,and preaching rather than working on expensive decorations. Icons were also
  15. By these individuals that Jesus' commands to feed the hungry and clothe the, needy ,are the Kingdom to which he was referring. Yet, scripture teaches that the "
  16. Consists of spending 2.5 % of one's wealth for the benefit of the poor or, needy , including slaves, debtors and travelers. A Muslim may also donate more as an
  17. Of a fixed portion of one's wealth to charity, generally to the poor and, needy , History Aka, a practice initiated by Muhammed himself, has played an
  18. Lost in bureaucratic channels, leading to delay in help reaching the most, needy , and hundreds of people continued to live in tents long after the earthquake.
  19. By the notable citizens of Agra and officials scattering coins for the poor and, needy , Aurangzeb refused to accommodate such ostentation and the body was washed in
  20. The initiative of buying up surplus grain and selling it off cheaply to the, needy , This act of generosity greatly eased disorder and became common practice after
  21. Services, giving three percent to the" Family Aid Fund," set up to support, needy ,field situations, and one percent to regional" common pots ", which are used
  22. Of the recurring features of John's homilies is his emphasis on care for the, needy , Echoing themes found in the Gospel of Matthew, he calls upon the rich to lay
  23. Warehouse and stealing tonnes of blankets and food which had been earmarked for, needy ,families. A few days later, the UN resumed aid after the missing supplies had
  24. Diderot's riches. He secured none of the posts that were occasionally given to, needy ,men of letters; he could not even obtain the bare official recognition of merit
  25. While at the same time using economic resources distributed as relief to, needy ,nations as an instrument of political pressure. Stalin immediately sought to
  26. Those people who are“ insignificant,”“ marginalized,”“ unimportant,” “, needy ,” despised” and“ defenseless. " Moreover, he makes clear that terminology of
  27. Donations of food and money (as well as makes its own donations) for the, needy ,to help better their Christmas. The Holiday Train is a Christmas-themed train.
  28. Caesar's minus was a waste of lives – and of money, better doled out to, needy ,army veterans. Yet for Seneca, and for Marcus Aurelius – both professed Stoics
  29. 1959,the country has sent more than 52,000 medical workers abroad to work in, needy ,countries, including countries affected by the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and
  30. Aged seventy and above (1951),the introduction of old age assistance for, needy ,Canadians aged sixty-five and above (1951),the introduction of allowances
  31. These schools operated on very small budgets and attempted to serve as many, needy ,children as possible, economic factors were prominent in their design. The
  32. Ordination he declined a teacher's position, recommending in his stead a more, needy ,friend, R. Abbey of Acre (Sacco),as worthier than himself (Sot ah,40a). He
  33. Of the Motion Picture Relief Fund, an organization to help financially, needy ,actors. Leftover funds from her work selling Liberty Bonds were put toward its
  34. Collect excess food from supermarkets and restaurants and distribute it to the, needy , Dumpster divers, Karung gun, Zabaleen, and rag and bone men in these
  35. He also established the Cobb Educational Fund, which awarded scholarships to, needy ,Georgia students bound for college, by endowing it with a $100,000 donation in
  36. Gregory began by aggressively requiring his churchmen to seek out and relieve, needy ,persons and reprimanded them if they did not. In a letter to a subordinate in
  37. Also looking into restructuring the fuel subsidy so that the selected, needy ,group will get the subsidy. The government is considering removing subsidies on
  38. Educational Foundation has distributed nearly $11 million in scholarships to, needy ,Georgians. Legacy Efforts to create a Ty Cobb Memorial in Boston initially
  39. Is illustrated by his service, as directed by his teacher, to the weak and, needy ,members of his community in a state of complete humility and tolerance for many
  40. By local bishops. These local storehouses distribute commodities to the, needy ,as requested by local bishops on a" Bishop's Order for Commodities" form (
  41. Births and deaths. They are most active in the social sector: they identify, needy ,individuals or families and distribute welfare or organize other forms of
  42. Expenses allowance, and the money" in future be distributed to the poor and, needy ,so that they can waste it instead" *Any MP whose constituency sells off a
  43. Of the nature of the" Almighty One ". God stands by the oppressed and, needy , Through his servants, he extends his love and mercy, liberating through hope.
  44. And the wounding of a police officer. He arrived in Rome" naked and extremely, needy ,... without fixed address and without provision ... short of money. " A few
  45. The faith; elders to provide discipline; and deacons to care for the poor and, needy , They also called for the creation of the Consistory (Consistory),an
  46. By many agents called" sugar ". Instead of working from a shop, they go to, needy ,people's homes and motivate them to become involved in the business. Pawn
  47. Which he had saved (and which still exists),with 12 indigent guests. To the, needy ,living in wealthy homes he sent meals he had cooked with his own hands as gifts
  48. But refused to be named bishop. Donating most of his inheritance to the, needy , he lived an austere existence. In 379,the Antioch synod and its archbishop
  49. Manor (care packages,i.e. gifts of food and drink) to the poor and the, needy , In Israel, it is also a tradition to arrange festive parades, known as
  50. First year of his trip, he met celebrities and gave away much of his wealth to, needy ,friends. In 730,Li Bad stayed in the Tongan Mountain near the capital

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