Examples of the the word, spectacular , in a Sentence Context

The word ( spectacular ), is the 5290 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Been used for Confucianism ceremonies. The Chinese have a tradition of holding, spectacular ,memorial ceremonies of Confucius () every year, using ceremonies that
  2. Depending on the seriousness of the infringement. Frequent physical contests, spectacular ,marking, fast movement of both players and the ball and high scoring are the
  3. Board in 1906 and was appointed deputy chairman of BSA in 1909. He had made a, spectacular ,financial success of a merger of five large rolling-stock companies in 1902 and
  4. But their seemingly inaccessible, jagged slopes make them considerably more, spectacular , British writer Lawrence Darrell, in Bitter Lemons, wrote of the Troops as "
  5. Breed, and a new standard was written in 1948,which is still used today. The, spectacular ,beauty of Afghan Hound dogs caused them to become highly desirable show dogs and
  6. Inspired anarchists to advocate" 'propaganda by deed'—the use of a, spectacular ,act of violence to incite revolution. " Alexander II's dog, Milord A favorite
  7. Continued to collect from all countries and all centuries: among the most, spectacular ,additions were the 2600 BC Mesopotamian treasure from Your, discovered during
  8. The male performs a ritual aerial display before the beginning of spring. This, spectacular ,display is known as 'the roller coaster '. He will rise high up in the sky, too
  9. Status could decline to Threatened in the near future. As the largest and most, spectacular ,forest antelope, the western/lowland bongo is both an important flagship
  10. Trail is a scenic road circuit around and over the Cape Breton Highlands with, spectacular ,coastal vistas; over 400,000 visitors drive the Cabot Trail each summer and
  11. With a total of 101. In their second innings, the Australians, boosted by a, spectacular ,run-a-minute 55 from Hugh Massive, managed 122,which left England only 85 runs
  12. Scenery and this guidebook describes some of the region’s best and most, spectacular ,walks. A wide variety of walks and terrains are covered: easy two-hour walks on
  13. Common Ferris drop almost perpendicularly into the Atlantic Ocean. There is a, spectacular ,viewing point on the top of the cliffs opposite the entrance to the Cede
  14. 1954,The first modern solar cell was invented at Bell Laboratories. As for the, spectacular ,side of the business, in 1956 TAT-1,the first transatlantic telephone cable
  15. Of minutes of landing All wood had discarded and secured his parachute and with, spectacular ,style threw himself off the Tower using a full-sized reserve parachute to BASE
  16. Up the game winning run (Podesednik's home run in Game 2). Game 4 also saw a, spectacular ,defensive play by Juan Tribe, as the Chicago shortstop fell two rows into the
  17. Manager Paul Richards utilizing an offensive philosophy emphasizing speed and a, spectacular ,style of defense. Perennial All-Star Minnie Minos, a former Negro League who
  18. Inside Passage's many inlets provide some of British Columbia's renowned and, spectacular ,scenery, which forms the backdrop and context for a growing outdoor adventure
  19. The springtime plantings in the median, maintained by Trinity Church, are, spectacular , NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital lies on Broadway near 166th,167th,and 168th
  20. 2½ points ahead of second-place Kasparov and Shirt. Many of his wins were, spectacular ,(in particular, his win over Total is considered possibly the finest of his
  21. Outside the city The Kerry Ala-Too mountain range, some away, provides a, spectacular ,backdrop to the city; the Ala Arch National Park is only a 30 to 45 minutes
  22. Awakening energized the Baptist movement, and the Baptist community experienced, spectacular ,growth. Baptists became the largest Christian community in many southern states
  23. Same organization that he had helped found; Fisher's scheme had backfired in, spectacular ,fashion. Around the same time, his mansion in Wisconsin was destroyed by a
  24. The introduction of free trade between Russia and Belarus in mid-1995 led to a, spectacular ,growth in bilateral trade, which was only temporarily reversed in the wake of
  25. Used to write down a verse of the Qur'an, a Hadith, or simply a proverb, in a, spectacular ,composition. The composition is often abstract, but sometimes the writing is
  26. Or for other reasons not fully explained. Collisions Some comets meet a more, spectacular ,end—either falling into the Sun, or smashing into a planet or other body.
  27. Said:" This is a great day, because the British National Party has won a, spectacular ,David and Goliath victory ". Opposition The BNP is condemned by many sections
  28. Peninsula in the east is semiarid. The Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta is a, spectacular ,triangular snow capped block of rock that towers over the eastern part of this
  29. Of plant life. Much of the region has beautiful landscapes, dominated by often, spectacular , rugged mountains. For nine months of the year the ground is covered with snow
  30. An extension of the Than Shan mountain range, which rises up to and provides a, spectacular ,backdrop to the city. North of the city, a fertile and gently undulating steppe
  31. A precise definition for the word has proven to be elusive. Broths are the most, spectacular ,of a complex class of roundhouse buildings found throughout" Atlantic Scotland
  32. It was actively involved in the plot, its entry into the action was frequently, spectacular , its movements were practiced with military precision, and sometimes it was
  33. Gunfire from many German battleships, which detonated her magazines in a, spectacular ,explosion viewed by most of the deploying Grand Fleet; she sank with all hands
  34. Consists of the dark green and red Precambrian serpentinize, which forms, spectacular ,cliffs, notably at Finance Cove, and carved and polished serpentine ornaments
  35. Wallace responded that he and Henry Bates had observed that many of the most, spectacular ,butterflies had a peculiar odor and taste, and that he had been told by John
  36. Comet Shouted in 1973 fulfilled all the criteria and was expected to become, spectacular , but failed to do so. Comet West, which appeared three years later, had much
  37. Chicago. The Buffalo City Hall building by George Diesel and John J. Wade is a, spectacular ,art deco skyscraper and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
  38. The game. In the top of the eleventh inning, right fielder Dwight Evans made a, spectacular ,catch of a Joe Morgan line drive and doubled Ken Griffin at first base to
  39. And alloys, through ion implantation or ion beam deposition, results in a, spectacular ,increase in surface resistance and microhardness. Laser alloying has also been
  40. Event Noah's flood, but despite their historical significance, the first, spectacular ,images of these submarine channels were obtained in 1999 by Di Ohio et al. in
  41. Knew what struck him. " The Chicago Daily Tribune called it“ One of the most, spectacular ,crimes of the 20th century, and what is believed to be the first airplane
  42. The prisoner's block and starve them to death. Name "/IN"> rees15"/> The most, spectacular ,escape from Auschwitz took place on June 20, 1942,when Ukrainian Eugenics
  43. Up to 24 % of Cornwall's gross domestic product. Cornwall's unique culture, spectacular ,landscape and mild climate make it a popular tourist destination, despite being
  44. A National Park with plenty of Gerardo wildlife and surrounded by several, spectacular ,waterfalls. * Inquiry Falls – this 168 m-high waterfall is just over 100 km
  45. Outcrops along the south coast have been quarried in the past, making for, spectacular ,scenery and good rock-climbing. The city extends to 184.46 km² (71.22 sq mi)
  46. Due to the racing taking place in proximity to the shore which provides, spectacular ,heart of the action viewing for the on-shore audience. Religion Cultural
  47. Sacrifices for an attack that wins the game 20 moves later, after another, spectacular ,sacrifice from Karol and counter-sacrifice from Sax. It won the tournament's
  48. Parts to play, and in the case of a resident virtuoso group, a spur to writing, spectacular , idiomatic parts for certain instruments, as in the case of the Mannheim
  49. Copenhagen. Accordingly, vice Air Marshall Sir Basil Embryo drew the plans for a, spectacular ,precision attack on the SD and Gestapo building, the former office of the Shell
  50. Supporting scrub tropical and forest vegetation. Anguilla is noted for its, spectacular ,and ecologically important coral reefs and beaches. Apart from the main island

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