Examples of the the word, viable , in a Sentence Context

The word ( viable ), is the 4875 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Line of sight of each other, however a quasi optical wireless path must be, viable , While the Bluetooth Core Specification does mandate minimums for range, the
  2. Their disposal, the British commanders saw the" southern strategy" as a more, viable ,plan, as the south was perceived as being more strongly Loyalist, with a large
  3. A lot of energy, but alternative processes were always found to be less, viable ,economically and/or ecologically. The worldwide average specific energy
  4. Pacific Railway's transcontinental line in the 1880s. Commercial farming became, viable ,in the area once the grain trade had developed technologies to handle the bulk
  5. Concrete spray technology used in conjunction with mesh covered wire forms as a, viable ,means of producing large scale, load bearing spanning structures built on site
  6. Telescope mounts and CCD cameras 'Remote Telescope' astronomy is now a, viable ,means for amateur astronomers not aligned with major telescope facilities to
  7. Popular histories suggest that the British heavy cavalry were destroyed as a, viable ,force following their first, epic charge. Examination of eyewitness accounts
  8. Soon after birth. In contrast, the mice lacking copper/zinc SOD (Sod1) are, viable ,but have numerous pathologies and a reduced lifespan (see article on
  9. The process of reverse engineering Intel's products became an ever less, viable ,strategy for AMD. K5,K6,Athlon, Duron, and Simpson AMD's first in-house x86
  10. But also in the Mediterranean, with the Mycenaean culture (Linear B),had, viable ,systems of written communication. The archaeological findings are evidence of
  11. In 2005 about 70 percent of the total forest resource was rated economically, viable , Production of the most important crops (according to the FAO) in 2006 (in
  12. In July 1978 to discuss the project Kurosawa considered most financially, viable ,: Kagemusha, the epic story of a thief hired as the double of a medieval
  13. Of bipedalism is one of the simplest theories so far advanced, but it is a, viable ,explanation. Dr. Peter Wheeler, a professor of evolutionary biology, proposes
  14. Torn! Debacle, Kurosawa moved quickly to a new project to prove he was still, viable , To his aid came friends and famed directors Daisuke Hiroshima, Masaki
  15. In the 4th century BC so it cannot be said that it was democracy was not, viable ,without it. Only then in fact was payment for assembly attendance, the central
  16. Beds managed to create a niche of followers, but the company failed to remain, viable , As a last-ditch effort to increase interest in the failing operating system
  17. Is ongoing research in the field of food safety to see if lytic phage are a, viable ,option to control other food-borne pathogens in various food products.
  18. NFL franchise. Since baseball-only stadiums were not seen as fiscally, viable ,during that era, this effectively ended Stone's bid. In the fall of 1993
  19. Peninsula is commonly described as" oil-rich ", though in fact no commercially, viable ,deposits of oil have yet been discovered. However, the area has aroused
  20. Democracy and Progress (CDP). This effectively co-opted much of what little, viable ,opposition to Compare existed. The remaining opposition parties regrouped in
  21. Throughout 1960 and 1961,Double campaigned for the recognition of FOR as a, viable ,and practical option. Bypassing the NASA hierarchy, he sent a series of memos
  22. Who announced a prize of $10,000 for a substitute material. The first, viable ,substitute was celluloid, invented by John Wesley Hyatt in 1868,but the
  23. That the PW chromosome system used by reptiles was incapable of producing, viable ,WW offspring, but a (PW) female boa constrictor was discovered to have
  24. Making extraction of potassium salts in these environments commercially, viable , The principal source of potassium – potash – is mined in Canada, Russia
  25. Of the Internet became available, satellite data downstream services became, viable ,for larger systems. The satellite service provided access to Fishnet and Usenet
  26. City Authority, which financially restructured itself and created a new, more, viable , master plan, designed by Alex Cooper and http://www.eekarchitects.com Stanton
  27. Importance of the Antarctic region and to show that biofuel can be a, viable ,and environmentally friendly option. Water transport Antarctica's only harbor
  28. Warren demonstrated conclusively that the British smallpox was still, viable , Since then most scholars have recognized that the British committed biological
  29. Highlights shortcomings in traditional methodology, Kirzner does not provide, viable ,alternatives for making positive contributions to economic theory. Specific
  30. Series of institutions were put in place to ensure the continued presence of a, viable ,labor force. Some of these greatly restricted the ability of individuals to
  31. The network, particularly to connect it to the railways and return it as a, viable ,component of the Ballarat public transport system. Air Ballarat Airport located
  32. Worldwide are testaments to failed attempts at making these pens commercially, viable ,and widely available. The ballpoint pen went through several failures in design
  33. York Stock Exchange while he headed the exchange saying that" two independent, viable ,exchanges are much more likely to be responsive to new pressures and public
  34. Recent estimates numbering less than 140 animals; below a minimum sustainable, viable ,population. The situation is exacerbated by the fact that these 140 or so
  35. For granted that a domed stadium was a must for a major-league team to be a, viable ,venture in the Phoenix area. Phoenix is by far the hottest major city in North
  36. This may be a second or third fermentation. They are bottled with a, viable ,yeast population in suspension. If there is no residual fermentable sugar left
  37. In western countries were substandard to the point of not being scientifically, viable ,; this was because the early tests were conducted poorly and without an idea of
  38. Of a large share of Yugoslavia's defense plants but fewer commercially, viable ,firms. Although agriculture is almost all in private hands, farms are small and
  39. Offspring, but a (PW) female boa constrictor was discovered to have produced, viable ,female offspring with WW chromosomes. The female boa could have chosen any
  40. Control of the elites began to falter. The capital city became the last place, viable ,place for food production due to the resiliency of the raised field method of
  41. A double-stranded circular plasmid and also reproduce pile; both cells are now, viable ,donors. The prototypical conjugate plasmid is the F-plasmid, or F-factor. If
  42. Flights to most villages and towns within the state that are commercially, viable ,are challenging to provide, so they are heavily subsidized by the federal
  43. A foundation on what one knows and nothing more. Creation of meaning is not a, viable ,alternative but a logical leap and an evasion of the problem. He gives examples
  44. Solution is the price mechanism; Miles and Hayek argued that this is the only, viable ,solution, as the price mechanism co-ordinates supply and investment decisions
  45. Software to surpass the 100 million website milestones. Apache was the first, viable ,alternative to the Netscape Communications Corporation web server (currently
  46. Or more is suggested if a heavy hunting rifle is not available. Guns remain a, viable , last resort option to be used in defense of life from aggressive bears. Too
  47. Interiors, paintings and the decorative arts, Baroque architecture remained a, viable ,style until the advent of Neoclassicism in the later 18th century. In paintings
  48. In the universe. According to astrophysicist Dr. Stand Sigurdsson," There are, viable ,bacterial spores that have been found that are 40 million years old on Earth -
  49. In Libya as part of Operation Odyssey Dawn. With upgrades to keep the B-1, viable , the Air Force may keep the bomber in service until approximately 2038. Despite
  50. Is usually classified as one of secondary, tertiary and quaternary structure. A, viable ,general solution to such predictions remains an open problem. As of now, most

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