Examples of the the word, comparison , in a Sentence Context

The word ( comparison ), is the 1877 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Catholic city of Amsterdam joined the revolt against Spanish rule, late in, comparison ,to other major northern Dutch cities. In line with Protestant procedure of that
  2. To the world: 201 HIV/AIDS: Adult prevalence rate: 0.1 % (2007 est. ): country, comparison ,to the world: 114: People living with HIV/AIDS: 2,400 (2007 est. ): country
  3. The world: 103 Birth rate :16.59 births/1,000 population (2009 est. ): country, comparison ,to the world: 128 Death rate :6.14 deaths/1,000 population (2008 est. ):
  4. The present understanding of the Apples is fairly recent and is based upon, comparison ,of DNA sequences by phylogenetic methods. Under the Conquest system, only the
  5. Organs, tissues or cells. Other branches *Comparative anatomy relates to the, comparison ,of anatomical structures (both gross and microscopic) in different animals.
  6. Comparison to the world: 135: Deaths: less than 200 (2007 est. ): country, comparison ,to the world: 104 Nationality: Noun: Armenian (s): Adjective: Armenian
  7. NA % (2003 est. ) Education expenditure :3.9 % of GDP (2002): country, comparison ,to the world: 106 The politics of Antigua and Barbuda takes place in a
  8. Est. ) Total fertility rate :1.36 children born/woman (2009 est. ): country, comparison ,to the world: 201 HIV/AIDS: Adult prevalence rate: 0.1 % (2007 est. ): country
  9. The season when trees and flowers begin to" open," which is supported by, comparison ,with the modern Greek use of ἁνοιξις (anoints) (opening) for spring. Since
  10. Of the physical and chemical characteristics of astatine were inferred from, comparison ,with other elements. Some astatine isotopes have been used as alpha particle
  11. World: 36 Pipelines Ports and harbors Atlantic Ocean Merchant marine: country, comparison ,to the world: 128 * by type: cargo 1,passenger/cargo 2,petroleum tanker 2
  12. Has occurred in the developed world with a drop from 39 to 26 per 1000 women in, comparison ,to the developing world, which had a decrease from 34 to 29 per 1000 women. Out
  13. Anthropological anatomy or physical anthropology relates to the, comparison ,of the anatomy of different races of humans. *Artistic anatomy relates to
  14. Est. ) Total fertility rate :2.07 children born/woman (2009 est. ): country, comparison ,to the world: 124 HIV/AIDS: Adult prevalence rate: NA: People living with
  15. Organic Pollutants Area and boundaries Area: total: 29,743 km²: country, comparison ,to the world: 149 land: 28,454 km² water: 1,289 km² Area comparative *Australia
  16. Layer Protection: Area and boundaries; Area:: * Total: 86,600 km² - country, comparison ,to the world: 119::: * Note: Includes the exclave of Nakhchivan Autonomous
  17. Utilities Authority (APA NET) Internet hosts: 2,215 (2008): country, comparison ,to the world: 140 Internet users: 60,000 (2007): country comparison to the
  18. The Hittite testimony reflects an early form, which may also be surmised from, comparison ,of Cypriot Απειλων with Doric Απελλων. A Lucian etymology suggested for
  19. From those of Europe, has led to a continuing emphasis on cross-cultural, comparison ,and a receptiveness to certain kinds of cultural relativism. In the successor
  20. The world: 128 Death rate :6.14 deaths/1,000 population (2008 est. ): country, comparison ,to the world: 165 Net migration rate :2.38 migrant (s)/1,000 population (2009
  21. i.e. for a" theory" following from the axioms. In contrast, in physics a, comparison ,with experiments always makes sense, since a falsified physical theory needs
  22. Efforts are already being made in the right directions. Waterways: country, comparison ,to the world: 36 Pipelines Ports and harbors Atlantic Ocean Merchant marine:
  23. The Moon as seen from Earth. With more advanced equipment, but still cheap in, comparison ,to professional setups, amateur astronomers can measure the light spectrum
  24. As a unique contribution in the annals of mystery fiction, rather than suffering, comparison ,as one of the endless imitators of Sherlock Holmes. " Some stories were
  25. Of the world's greenhouse gas emissions as measured in CO2 equivalents. By, comparison , all transportation emits 13.5 % of the CO2. It produces 65 % of human-related
  26. Est. ) Infant mortality rate: Total: 20.21 deaths/1,000 live births: country, comparison ,to the world: 106: Male: 24.97 deaths/1,000 live births: Female: 14.77
  27. 2009 est. ) Life expectancy at birth: Total population: 72.68 years: country, comparison ,to the world: 116: Male: 69.06 years: Female: 76.81 years (2009 est. ) Total
  28. And Barbuda. Telephone – main lines in use: 37,500 (2006): country, comparison ,to the world: 168 Telephones – mobile cellular: 110,200 (2006) (APA PCS
  29. Railways There are three separate railway lines in Angola: Highways: country, comparison ,to the world: 79 Travel on highways outside of towns and cities in Angola (and
  30. Est. ) Infant mortality rate: Total: 16.25 deaths/1,000 live births: country, comparison ,to the world: 120: Male: 18.78 deaths/1,000 live births: Female: 13.62
  31. Rather than their work) and yet does no work himself. He feels unequal in, comparison ,to the other animals, so he leaves after the rebellion, for all animals were
  32. Net migration rate :2.38 migrant (s)/1,000 population (2009 est. ): country, comparison ,to the world: 36 Urbanization: Urban population: 30 % of total population (
  33. To the world: 114: People living with HIV/AIDS: 2,400 (2007 est. ): country, comparison ,to the world: 135: Deaths: less than 200 (2007 est. ): country comparison to
  34. Three decades in Africa Schweitzer still depended on Europe for nurses. By, comparison , his contemporary Sir Albert Cook in Uganda had been training nurses and
  35. 31.1 years (2009 est. ) Population growth rate :1.303 % (2009 est. ): country, comparison ,to the world: 103 Birth rate :16.59 births/1,000 population (2009 est. ):
  36. Country comparison to the world: 140 Internet users: 60,000 (2007): country, comparison ,to the world: 158 Country codes: AG The Royal Antigua and Barbuda Defense Force
  37. Pieces, but the remainder of the film is often perceived as disappointing by, comparison , The movie has also been criticized for employing the conventional Kurosawa
  38. Cellular: 110,200 (2006) (APA PCS, Cable & Wireless, Digicel ): country, comparison ,to the world: 177 Telephone system: domestic: good automatic telephone system
  39. Small quantities due to its high radioactivity. Below, hydrogen is included for, comparison , Hydrogen The element hydrogen, with its solitary one electron per atom, is
  40. 99.2 % (2001 census) Education expenditures :3.2 % of GDP (2001): country, comparison ,to the world: 139 Politics of Armenia takes place in a framework of a
  41. Statistics Background GDP (pp.): $18.92 billion (2008): country, comparison ,to the world: 125 GDP $: $12.07 billion (2008) GDP - real growth rate: 7.6 %
  42. Cannot be replaced by the nasal-initial one espoused here, needed for the, comparison , " However, Starostin (2005) mentions evidence from several Tunguska
  43. Great usually commanded from 23,000 to 50,000 in battle. Both figures pale in, comparison ,to the armies that would be fielded in the early 19th century, where troop
  44. GDP $: $12.07 billion (2008) GDP - real growth rate: 7.6 % (2008): country, comparison ,to the world: 22 GDP (per capita): $6,400 (2008) GDP by sector Agriculture:
  45. Each other collectively about as much as the Romance languages. This is an apt, comparison ,in a number of ways. The period of divergence from a single spoken form is
  46. 2009 est. ) Life expectancy at birth: Total population: 74.76 years: country, comparison ,to the world: 87: Male: 72.81 years: Female: 76.81 years (2009 est. ) Total
  47. Predictors) and the dependent variable. Effect-size estimates facilitate the, comparison ,of findings in studies and across disciplines. Common effect size estimates
  48. Substance being similar to lanthanum and called it" uranium" in 1904. After a, comparison ,of substances in 1904,Debierne's name was retained because it had seniority.
  49. Organizations have noted that such studies typically fail to use appropriate, comparison ,groups, do not adequately account for confounding variables, improperly account
  50. And they depended on local supplies that the Patriots tried to cut off. By, comparison , Duffy notes that Frederick the Great usually commanded from 23,000 to 50,000

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