Examples of the the word, visitor , in a Sentence Context

The word ( visitor ), is the 1883 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. In 2008,the statue was returned to its sculptor to make room for a new, visitor ,center being built at the foot of the Wallace Monument. Historical accuracy
  2. French state. Great Britain After the turn of the century, Rodin was a regular, visitor ,to Great Britain, where he developed a loyal following by the beginning of the
  3. And South pillars were to remain without elevators until 1965 when increasing, visitor ,numbers persuaded the operators to install a relatively standard and modern
  4. Power to cure the sick, he would surely have applied it on himself first. The, visitor ,declared that he was told in a dream to go to Augustine so that his relative
  5. Of homesickness. " But," nostalgia is not a fatal disease. " The American, visitor ," once again is an alert spectator of Parisian life" and" the street noises
  6. Sites. In 2004 the county's tourist revenue was £1.2 billion. More successful, visitor ,attractions in recent years have tended to target higher spending tourists
  7. Datum but with the appropriate correction applied. For a successful visit,the, visitor ,must get within 100 meters of the confluence point, and post a narrative and
  8. Locations, for example at Cheap side near St Paul's. The City has a number of, visitor ,attractions, mainly based on its historic heritage as well as the Barbican
  9. Convert or leave. In February 2006,he decided to move into town, emptying the, visitor ,museum as well. This has left Pace's group in questionable control of Mount
  10. Austrian Service. When she is six years old, Laura has a vision of a beautiful, visitor ,in her bedchamber. She later claims to have been bitten on the chest, although
  11. Easiest method of travel takes the driver through Alexandria. Likewise, if a, visitor ,is to head from the northern portion of the state to the Cajun portions of the
  12. Public. It receives no Government or regional funding, or any of the Trust’s, visitor ,or facility rental fees. The Bletchley Park Science and Innovation Center (
  13. Noting that:" My purpose here is to portray the impression of an American, visitor ,in Paris as he strolls about the city and listens to various street noises and
  14. Traditionally presents an offering of bread and salt when greeting a guest or, visitor , Popular drinks in Belarus include Russian wheat vodka and class, a drink made
  15. The doorand Dorothy hides Jeffrey in the closet. From there, he witnesses the, visitor , Frank Booth (Dennis Hopper),inflict his bizarre sexual proclivities — which
  16. The repair and restoration of the house and grounds and the creation of a new, visitor ,center. The visitor center will feature a permanent and free to access
  17. The Ottoman Empire, were required to pay the pizza tax. In 1867 an American, visitor ,describes the town as having a population of 3,000 to 4,000; of whom about 100
  18. Hosted Australian Prime Minister Harold Holt. * Richard Nixon was a frequent, visitor ,and did much to add to and modernize the facilities. * Gerald Ford often rode
  19. It is one of the oldest licensed distilleries in Scotland, and is a popular, visitor ,attraction in Fort William. The water used to make the whiskey comes from the
  20. 1970s before which life was tough and difficult on the island. Despite healthy, visitor ,numbers each year, the common perception is that tourism in Chill has been
  21. Don Edwards San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge. The headquarters and, visitor ,center for the refuge is on a hill south of the bridge approach. North of the
  22. At least ignorant magician and says his teacher" kept a sharp watch" on the, visitor , but mentions no open confrontation. On 16 August 1929,Crowley married Maria
  23. The Sagrada Família and the Monastic area visible at a distance. The observant, visitor ,will notice green birds flying around amongst the pigeons and sparrows. These
  24. House and a. The Tower of London is not within the City, but is a notable, visitor ,attraction which brings tourists to the southeast of the City. Other landmark
  25. Relatively untouched by tourism, the coastal areas of Andalusia have heavy, visitor ,traffic for much of the year. Among the autonomous communities, Andalusia is
  26. Often incorporates many Japanese elements. ” William Gibson is now a frequent, visitor ,to Japan, and he came to see that many of his visions of Japan have become a
  27. Writes an epilogue of sorts about Barry's final days, where his only, visitor ,is his mother. He dies after spending 19 years in prison. Thackeray based the
  28. Living at the Mount Carmel Center with supporter Ron Going, operating a small, visitor ,museum as well as holding weekly Bible studies on the Sabbath. Charles Pace and
  29. Include path repairs and improvements and the development of strategies for, visitor ,management. One of the Nevis Partnership's more controversial actions has
  30. More difficult problem to solve, which in turn led to Google Labs where the, visitor ,was invited to submit a resume. The first 10-digit prime in is 7427466391
  31. From shore by snorkelers, especially at Church Bay. Bermuda's most popular, visitor ,attraction is the Royal Naval Dockyard, which includes the Bermuda Maritime
  32. Musical America," My purpose here is to portray the impressions of an American, visitor ,in Paris as he strolls about the city, listens to the various street noises
  33. The restoration of the former Portal's paper mill, and the construction of a, visitor ,center. Production and bottling of the drink is contracted out by Bacardi to
  34. The Museum was again expanding. More services for the public were introduced;, visitor ,numbers soared, with the temporary exhibition" Treasures of Tutankhamen" in
  35. Above. Poe Toaster Adding to the mystery surrounding Poe's death, an unknown, visitor ,affectionately referred to as the" Poe Toaster" paid homage to Poe's grave
  36. Of the house and grounds and the creation of a new visitor center. The, visitor ,center will feature a permanent and free to access exhibition on the life and
  37. The east of the City is Leaden hall Market, a fresh food market that is also a, visitor ,attraction. Landmarks Historic buildings Fire, bombing and post-War
  38. To be 341,054. Cardiff is a significant tourism center and the most popular, visitor ,destination in Wales with 18.3 million visitor s in 2010. In 2011,Cardiff was
  39. Pre-terrorist bombing levels; the long term trend has been a steady increase of, visitor ,arrivals. At 2010,Bali received 2.57 million foreign tourists. It is surpassed
  40. And elements from religious mysticism and ancient poetry, into the Park. The, visitor ,was originally greeted by two life-size mechanical gazelles (a major
  41. Virtually collapses. Mahatma Gandhi said a customer is the most important, visitor ,in our premises. He is not dependent on us, we are on him. He is not an
  42. Rabbits, kittens,and guinea pigs. In her teenage years Potter was a regular, visitor ,to the art galleries of London, particularly enjoying the Summer and Winter
  43. However, Indians pitcher Jason Grisly climbed through the ceiling from the, visitor ,'s clubhouse and stole the bat. The theft was discovered and Belle was
  44. The large number of sea turtles observed there. The first recorded English, visitor ,to the islands was Sir Francis Drake in 1586. He subsequently named the islands
  45. Or 'letterboxes ', are hidden throughout the moor, each containing a, visitor ,'s book and a rubber stamp. Visitors take an impression of the letterbox's
  46. And 1650 a French missionary Raymond Breton became the first regular European, visitor ,to the island. In 1660 the French and English agreed that both Dominica and St.
  47. Is a tall metal broadcast antenna, carrying TV and radio signals. There are two, visitor ,areas: the main deck level (formerly known as Skyped) located at, and the
  48. Their first known date. At first Daisy acts shy and has her back turned to her, visitor , But Donald soon notices her tail feathers taking the form of a hand and
  49. Visitors and work to ensure nature conservation. Most protected areas have, visitor ,centers. National parks Biosphere reserves *River Landscape Elbe-Brandenburg
  50. Were prevalent until the 20th century. Settlement The first recorded English, visitor ,was Sir Francis Drake in 1586,who reported that the Caymans were edible, but

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