Examples of the the word, assent , in a Sentence Context
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- Ordinance. The king rejected the Grand Remonstrance and refused to give royal, assent ,to the militia bill. The King believed that Puritans (or Dissenters)
- As one's personal Savior; though some believe that this experience or mental, assent ,(See Gnosticism) is not alone sufficient to merit Christian salvation. Rather
- The secret of his method of inquiry while he wished to extort from them, assent ,to his results. " In The Quadrature of the Parabola, Archimedes proved that the
- Ordinances were valid without royal assent following the King's refusal to, assent ,to the Militia Ordinance 15 March 1642 * Adventurers Act to raise money to
- Occurrences and makes an ironic remark that anyone who" is moved by faith to, assent ," to revealed testimony" is aware of a continued miracle in his own person
- Revelation of a new concept, or an experience of conversion, defined as mental, assent ,to the acceptance of Jesus Christ as one's personal Savior; though some
- And draft government bills. It has the additional duties of giving its, assent ,to important international treaties; of electing members of the government
- Unionists and nationalists share executive posts proportionately and where the, assent ,of both groups are required for the Northern Ireland Assembly to make certain
- Sola FIDE" ) define faith as being implicitly ontological—mere intellectual, assent ,is not termed" faith" by these groups. Faith, then,is life-transforming by
- Commons, and was carried by 94 votes to 22. The Channel Tunnel Act gained Royal, assent ,and passed into English law in July of that year. The Channel Tunnel is a
- Jurisdictions, conciliar resolutions that have been passed require episcopal, assent ,and/or consent to take force. Seen in this way, Anglicans often speak of" the
- Americas. Foundation (1753) On 7 June 1753,King George II gave his formal, assent ,to the Act of Parliament which established the British Museum. The Foundation
- In the words" " (the Queen will think it over). Thus, every bill obtains the, assent ,of all three components of Parliament before it becomes law (except where the
- Consulate Act establishing a separate consular service. King Oscar, refused his, assent ,; on 27 May the Norwegian cabinet resigned, but the king would not recognize
- Both Houses of Parliament are presented to the Governor-General for the Queen's, assent , he shall declare ... that he assent s in the Queen's name. " This makes any
- And Savior, and obedience to him in baptism. There is no requirement to give, assent ,to any other statement of belief or creed. Nor is there any" official "
- Of extended family and religious group. Membership is managed by the, assent ,of the group. Kindred usually have a recognized Gobi to lead religious rites
- Of the insurgents. To this plan both Britain and France gave a general, assent , and the Address Note was adopted as the basis of negotiations. When war
- There is no God," he was an atheist in the sense that he withheld, assent ,from affirmations of God's existence. However, in " Language, Truth and Logic
- The censors also possessed the right, though probably not without the, assent ,of the Senate, of imposing new vectigalia, and even of selling the land
- New theory in Freudian guise. The result was" a complete pattern of dissenting, assent ,to the ideas of Freud ... Lacan's argument is conducted on Freud's behalf and
- On the occasion of a deadlock. (Section 57) * The power to withhold, assent ,to Bills. (Section 58) * The power to appoint (or dismiss) Ministers. (
- Crowfoot that construction of the railway was inevitable. In return for his, assent , Crowfoot was famously rewarded with a lifetime pass to ride the CPR. A more
- War, to realize that he was an emperor. Whatever the case, the senate gave its, assent , and, in the summer of 162,Lucius left. Marcus would remain in Rome; the city
- Scriptures. Belief in prophecy The truth of the prophets, he declares, compels, assent , The Old Testament is an inspired guide and counselor. He puts the following
- And holding a significant number of votes in the Council of Princes. The, assent ,of both bodies was required for important decisions affecting the structure of
- Providing a further $22.5 million in loans to the CPR. The bill received royal, assent ,on March 6,1884. In March 1885,the North-West Rebellion broke out in the
- Parliament decreed that Parliamentary Ordinances were valid without royal, assent ,following the King's refusal to assent to the Militia Ordinance 15 March 1642
- Churches which are in union with the pope, though he is required to give, assent , Catholic, Orthodox,Anglican, Liberal Catholic and some Lutheran bishops (for
- That its own Parliamentary Ordinances were valid laws, even without royal, assent , The Militia Ordinance was passed on 5 March by Parliament which gave
- Regions often refer to themselves as autonomous regions, with or without the, assent ,of the central government. Drag racing is a competition in which specially
- Black and Caspian Seas; in one such raid, the Kagan is said to have given his, assent ,on the condition that the Ru's' give him half of the booty. In addition, the
- Principle that the Catholic faith does not consist in the first place in, assent ,to propositions, but 'that we worship One God in Trinity, and the Trinity in
- Law effective. Sections 58 to 60 allow the Governor-General to withhold, assent , suggest changes, refer to the Queen or proclaim that the Queen has annulled
- Have reserved Royal Assent for particular legislation for the Queen. Such, assent ,has usually been given during a scheduled visit to Australia by the Queen. On
- So long as it doesn't prejudice British interests). He must give royal, assent ,to all legislation, which allows him the power to strike down any law the
- Defeated in the Battle of Trenton. *1790 – Louis XVI of France gives his public, assent ,to Civil Constitution of the Clergy during the French Revolution. *1792 – The
- Something apart from the divine totality, and without the receipt of divine, assent , In this abortive act of separate creation, she gave birth to the monstrous
- The King could make ecclesiastical law, all papal regulations without royal, assent ,were invalid in France. Unsurprisingly, the pope repudiated the Declaration.
- Barbadian Parliament, whereby upon their passage, are given official vice-regal, assent ,by the Governor-General to become law. In Barbados, camouflage clothing is
- The head of state cannot refuse to sign a bill, and,in granting a bill their, assent , indicate that it was passed in accordance with the correct procedures. The
- Is set out in section 38 (1),known as the" 7/50 formula ", requires: (a), assent , from both the House of Commons and the Senate; (b) the approval of two-thirds
- And Cabinet, the fact that the Governor General is required to grant Royal, assent ,to bills adopted by both Houses of Parliament, and the requirement that the
- Those events which have happened, and those which are happening, compel you to, assent ,to the utterances made by them. '” Then Justin tells of his own experience: "
- Championship opens. *1900 – Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom gives royal, assent ,to an Act creating the Commonwealth of Australia thus uniting separate colonies
- Group generally uses the term" faith" to mean" intellectual and heartfelt, assent ,and submission. " Such a faith will not be calcific until a person has allowed
- And metaphysical an utterance as" God exists. " Though Layer could not give, assent ,to the declaration" There is no God," he was an atheist in the sense that he
- On February 15, 1881,legislation confirming the contract received royal, assent , and the Canadian Pacific Railway Company was formally incorporated the next
- Internal functions of a Head of State, for instance the President gave, assent ,to new laws with his own authority, that is without reference to George VI.
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