Examples of the the word, mound , in a Sentence Context
The word ( mound ), is the 10244 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Stand (unlike most ceremonial first pitches which are from in front of the, mound ,) and threw it for a strike. Chants of" U-S-A, U-S-A " rang throughout Yankee
- Brown Willy Summit Cairn, a 5 m (16 ft) high and 24 m (79 ft) diameter, mound ,atop Brown Willy hill in Bodmin Moor, an area with many ancient cairns. Burial
- Their entire roster. Concerned for the arms of the pitchers currently on the, mound , Selim made the controversial decision to declare the game a tie, to the
- And a Byzantine settlement a few hundred meters to the east. The prehistoric, mound ,settlements were abandoned before the Bronze Age. A channel of the Casaba
- Themselves around the field. One of them, the pitcher, stands on the pitcher's, mound , The pitcher begins the pitching delivery with one foot on the rubber, pushing
- Career. The third floor contains interactive exhibits including a pitcher's, mound , radio booth, and children's area where the fundamentals of baseball are
- Achievements, while making only five widely-scattered token appearances on the, mound , winning all of them. In 1920,his first year with the Yankees, Ruth hit 54
- S bat in the lineup every day was far more valuable than Ruth's arm on the, mound ,every fourth day. Ruth swatted an unprecedented 29 home runs in his last season
- County, Norway:" a Balldrshole" 1356 (where the last element is hold m ", mound ,; small hill" ). Others may be (in Norse forms) Babelsberg in Vest fold county
- Certain rules changes in 1969 to benefit the batters. The pitcher's, mound ,was lowered, and the strike zone was reduced. In 1973 the American League
- Its claws enable it to dig through the extremely hard crust of a termite or ant, mound ,quickly, avoiding the dust by sealing the nostrils. When successful, the
- By a dragon whose treasure had been stolen from his hoard in a burial, mound , He attacks the dragon with the help of his then or servants, but they do not
- Plateau between Lake Gaea and the river Hermes to the north of Saris—a large, mound ,of earth with a substructure of huge stones. It was excavated by Spiegelman in
- Group in northwestern British Columbia, Canada *Little Eagle Cone, a subglacial, mound ,in northwestern British Columbia, Canada,located in the Dark Mountain area
- Slays the dragon, but is mortally wounded. He is buried in a cumulus or burial, mound , by the sea. Beowulf is considered an epic poem in that the main character is a
- By the New Statistical Account (1834–1845),has it that the early-historic, mound ,of the Cunning hillock by Inverse is the burial place of AED. This is based on
- Seventh with Ratcliffe (who won the CY Young Award that year) still on the, mound , Then, Leon Durham had a sharp grounder go under his glove. This critical error
- Constructions of considerable size and sophistication, such as the burial, mound ,at La House Be in Jersey or the statue menhirs of Guernsey. From the Iron Age
- Restore balance, the strike zone was reduced and the height of the pitcher's, mound ,was lowered. The following year, both the National and American leagues added
- Be created by raising a small flap in the target area and producing a raised, mound ,of skin. To create an areola, a circular incision may be made around the new
- The baseball underhand and fouls were not counted as strikes. The pitcher's, mound ,was not moved back to its present position of until Young's fourth season; he
- The Galliformes (the pheasants, grouse,and their allies, together with the, mound ,builders and the guns and their allies). The dates for the splits are much
- me) from the twin-coned volcano of Mount Hasan. The eastern settlement forms a, mound ,which would have risen about 20 m (66 ft) above the plain at the time of the
- Eliza in Mount Eliza Provincial Park *Tom Mackay Creek Cone, a subglacial, mound ,in northwestern British Columbia, Canada Chemistry * Carbon nanomoles, conical
- Canada, located in the Dark Mountain area *King Creek Cone, a subglacial, mound ,of the Iskut-Unuk River Cones group in northwestern British Columbia, Canada
- JPG|Monument to KGL (l.) and Gordon (r. ) and the Lion, mound ,Image: Waterloo JPG01 (9). JPG | Napoleonic Eagle Image: Waterloo JPG01 (10
- Itself, the original topography of the part of the battlefield around the, mound ,has not been preserved. Prelude On 13 March 1815,six days before Napoleon
- And his patience paid off as Pedro finished the first half over .300. On the, mound , Josh Beckett emerged as the ace of the staff and was 12–2 at the all-star
- And the" Nasty Boys" of Rob Dibble, Norm Charlton and Randy Myers on the, mound , the Reds took out the Pirates in the NLCS. The Reds swept the heavily favored
- Kill the queen. This works in about 60 % of the mound s and requires about per, mound , In science and technology Myrmecologists study ants in the laboratory and in
- Things can get out of hand, and sometimes they lead to the batter charging the, mound , bench-clearing brawls, and several ejections. Such plunking duels are more
- Were some broken alabaster vases, pottery and charcoal. On the summit of the, mound ,were large phalli of stone. Naming disagreement It is considered that the name
- Columbia, Canada,located in the Dark Mountain area *Tenner Cone, a subglacial, mound ,in northern British Columbia, Canada,southwest of Mount Eliza in Mount Eliza
- Be created by raising a small flap in the target area and producing a raised, mound ,of skin. Allover (cadaver dermis) can then be inserted into the core of
- The battlefield is today dominated by a large monument, the Lion Mound. As this, mound ,used earth from the battlefield itself, the original topography of the part of
- Considerations Nipple reconstruction is usually delayed until after the breast, mound ,reconstruction is completed so that the positioning can be planned precisely.
- 10 and sold out before lunch. The Rockies won,9–2,with Andy Bones on the, mound ,for the Diamondbacks, and Travis Lee being the first player to hit, score
- Series first pitch since Dwight D. Eisenhower in. He also threw it from the, mound ,where the pitcher would stand (unlike most ceremonial first pitches which are
- Any of the three without diacritics; canal is Turkish for" fork ", höyük for ", mound ,") was a very large Neolithic and Chalcolithic settlement in southern Anatolia
- The time of the latest Neolithic occupation. There is also a smaller settlement, mound ,to the west and a Byzantine settlement a few hundred meters to the east. The
- By Ron Lester and Dave Collins. Mario Soto posted a banner year starting on the, mound , only surpassed by the outstanding performance of Seaver's CY Young runner-up
- At one point, three of the Braves' pitchers threatened not to take the, mound ,if Ruth was in the lineup. Ruth was also annoyed that McKenzie ignored most of
- But little else. Hogarth explored part of an immense brick structure under the, mound ,of Km al-Dikka, which may have been part of the Paneum, the Mausoleum, or a
- What pitch was coming. Afterward, Maddux would speak into his glove during any, mound ,conversation, beginning what is a norm today. Mark Grace was 11–17 in the
- To win both games. With Jack Hasbro, the Highlanders' 41-game winner, on the, mound , and the score tied 2–2 with a man on third in the top of the ninth, a spitball
- The edges of the outer lips (labia major) meet at the base of the public, mound ,is the clitoral hood (prepuce),which in full or part covers the head (
- Infield is the outfield. In the middle of the infield is a raised pitcher's, mound , with a rectangular rubber plate (the rubber) at its center. The outer
- Edgily was buried at Uppsala, according to Sorry Sturgeon. When Edgily ', mound ,(to the left in the photo) was excavated in 1874,the finds supported Beowulf
- East of Telegraph Creek Subglacial mound s *Enid Creek Cone, a subglacial, mound ,in northwestern British Columbia, Canada,located in the Dark Mountain area
- Of Will Clark, whose home run off Maddox, just after a managerial visit to the, mound , led Maddox to think Clark knew what pitch was coming. Afterward, Maddux would
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