Examples of the the word, doing , in a Sentence Context

The word ( doing ), is the 10236 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Ethics to be a practical rather than theoretical study, i. e., one aimed at, doing ,good rather than knowing for its own sake. He wrote several treatises on ethics
  2. And Egypt, studying philosophy and religion, burning up his inheritance while, doing ,so. Apuleius was an initiate in several cults or mysteries, including the
  3. Degree of participation among citizens varied greatly, along a spectrum from, doing ,virtually nothing towards something like a full time commitment. But for even
  4. Become daily filled with evil designs, until the manacled criminals sullenly, doing ,forced labor in the mud and the dust are full of mutinous thoughts. " Diogenes
  5. Particularly difficult problem of German naval Enigma" because no one else was, doing ,anything about it and I could have it to myself ". In December 1939,Turing
  6. Is engaged in doing good to others and trains new volunteering recruits for, doing ,the same. Vedanta Data Vedanta differs from the view that karma is a law of
  7. If he believes it is to his advantage not to end the game, he may refrain from, doing ,so. Once the game ends, the minority and majority bonuses are paid to the
  8. Since 1900. By 1920,his health recovering, he was giving organ recitals and, doing ,other fund-raising work to repay borrowings and raise funds for returning to
  9. In the film identify ambergris as a component in the perfume, and in, doing ,so direct the investigation towards affluent boutique shops throughout the
  10. Counterproductive to their struggle on the battlefield. " What were you, doing , and why? " Asked the Guru. " I was giving water to the wounded because I saw
  11. To his own advantage. Carnegie believed in using his fortune for others and, doing ,more than making money. He wrote: Industrialist 1885–1900: Empire of Steel
  12. That is far from equilibrium contains Gibbs free energy, and is capable of, doing ,work. Living cells maintain the ratio of ATP to ADP at a point ten orders of
  13. Was allowed to name his own successor. Caspian speaks of an abbot in Egypt, doing ,this; and in later times we have another example in the case of St Bruno. Popes
  14. Mechanics, has argued along these lines, saying that" By making good choices, doing ,the right thing, we thicken the stack of universes in which versions of us live
  15. To calculate the number of grains of sand that the universe could contain. In, doing ,so, he challenged the notion that the number of grains of sand was too large to
  16. Predecessors Timeshares and Aristides to discover the earth’s precession. In, doing ,so, he also developed the brightness scale still in use today. Hipparchus
  17. The choice, but rather the majority of alternative medicine users appear to be, doing ,so largely because" they find these healthcare alternatives to be more
  18. Master the assembly line and was able to improve other aspects of industry by, doing ,so (such as reducing labor hours required to produce a single vehicle, and
  19. Volunteer corps for altruism. This volunteer corps still to date is engaged in, doing ,good to others and trains new volunteering recruits for doing the same. Vedanta
  20. Brain was also involved, and it was quite sensitive to the difference between, doing ,something for personal gain and doing it for someone else's gain ". That part
  21. Erratic ". Another of his hobbies was writing poetry, which he had been, doing ,since the age of ten, and in 1898 he privately published one hundred copies of
  22. And the form. Referring to potentiality, this is what a thing is capable of, doing , or being acted upon, if the conditions are right, and it is not prevented by
  23. Of Law to Moses to Alfred's own issuance of law to the West Saxon people. By, doing ,so, it links the holy past to the historical present and represents Alfred's
  24. And even occur at night. The pain can be debilitating and prevent one from, doing ,some activities. Osteoarthritis typically affects the weight-bearing joints
  25. They would stay, but it wouldn't be his fault if they all got killed by, doing ,so. This made the Roman troops very unsure, and therefore they decided to leave
  26. Clothed many of his teachings in the thin veil of sensational titillation. By, doing ,so he assured himself that one, his works would only be appreciated by the few
  27. Quite sensitive to the difference between doing something for personal gain and, doing ,it for someone else's gain ". That part of the brain is called the posterior
  28. Of the Proclamation was:" I never, in my life, felt more certain that I was, doing ,right, than I do in signing this paper. " For some time, Lincoln continued
  29. His meeting with Hitler and his reluctance to take ministerial office, only, doing , so because Hitler commanded it. Speer also states that Hermann Göring raced to
  30. Or as part of a high-minded moral code, like Narrow. He is a practical man, doing ,what needs to be done without any fuss, even though he knows that the struggle
  31. That one, his works would only be appreciated by the few individuals capable of, doing ,so, and two, his works would continue to generate interest and be published by
  32. The Russian extreme right's view of the Revolution, which is that it was the, doing ,of the Jews ". According to D. M. Thomas, Elie Wiesel said Solzhenitsyn is not
  33. At Patriot Hills to the geographic South Pole in an incredible 69 hours. In, doing ,so they easily beat the previous record of 24 days. They arrived at the South
  34. A star like Spalding used one. Of course, Spalding had an ulterior motive for, doing ,so. He and his brother sold baseball gloves, and wearing one himself was good
  35. And aberrant activation in the brain differ depending on whether the brain is, doing ,social or nonsocial tasks. In autism there is evidence for reduced functional
  36. Put another way, Ford innovated its way to a lower price point and by, doing ,so turned a huge potential market into a reality. Not only did this mean that
  37. He relies on Deign and Ellis Wyatt to run things, and resents them for, doing ,it, because it appears to him like they are just bossing people around. *Betty
  38. Benefits the whole community, even though, in this case, he risks his life by, doing ,so. Later in the novel, when Narrow tells Room the story of his life, he adds
  39. His highest values. Rear den struggles to resolve this internal conflict, and in, doing ,so, illustrates Rand's sexual theory. Reign Danneskjöld One of the original
  40. The notes she had added to the translation. Lady Lovelace spent most of a year, doing ,this. These notes, which are more extensive than Menabrea's paper, were then
  41. Schedule rather than one we choose. Few of us have any idea what our liver is, doing ,right now, though this organ is as needful as lungs, heart,or kidneys. The
  42. In 1942 helping the Allies against the Empire of Japan and the Germans (and, doing ,almost as much harm as good in spite of its advanced weapons). Similarly
  43. Usually) requires many loop-throughs, on average much time is wasted, doing ,a" B = 0? " Test that is needed only after the remainder is computed. Can the
  44. i. e., the Nicene faith),or be handed over for punishment for not, doing ,so. Although much of the church hierarchy in the East had opposed the Nicene
  45. All. We are not afraid of a vision in the Labor Party, but nor are we afraid of, doing ,the hard policy yards necessary to turn that vision into reality. Parties of
  46. First broadcast in the late 1990s,is still running worldwide to this day. In, doing ,so, anime has made significant impacts upon Western culture. Since the 19th
  47. Cartoon The Ant and the Aardvark is a blue aardvark voiced by John Boner, doing ,an impersonation of Jackie Mason. It depicts the Aardvark attempting, and
  48. Jews bring disaster on their 'host societies' or on the whole world, they are, doing ,it secretly, therefore the antisemitic feel obliged to unmask the
  49. Positioned to experience moments that transcend the mundane material world. In, doing ,so, these thinkers managed to redefine nature in man's image, accommodating
  50. Generalizations, like those made in the natural sciences, were not possible. In, doing ,so, he fought discrimination against immigrants, blacks,and indigenous peoples

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