Examples of the the word, cleanse , in a Sentence Context

The word ( cleanse ), is the 10234 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The next day he gave order to those that had the charge of the temple to, cleanse ,it, and to bring what offerings the law required to God; and restored the high
  2. Throne and expelled his brothers from the kingdom. Later, Hippocoön refused to, cleanse ,Heracles after the death of Hits. Because of that, Heracles grew insidious
  3. Enema usage went well into the 20th century; it was thought a good idea to, cleanse ,the bowel in case of fever; also, pregnant women were given enemas prior to
  4. Elias, who from above, sent down to Elisha the grace to dispel sickness and, cleanse ,lepers, abounds therefore in healing for those who honor him. The Contagion in
  5. Again with His people in Jerusalem. He will save them from their enemies and, cleanse ,them from sin. Zechariah's concern for purity is apparent in the temple
  6. King. King Henry repudiates the murderer and vows to journey to Jerusalem to, cleanse ,himself of his part in Richard's death. Sources Shakespeare's primary source
  7. Says that her planet has a device, the Cosmo-Cleaner D (Cosmos DNA),which can, cleanse ,Earth of its radiation damage. The inhabitants of Earth secretly build a
  8. The ones hating : 8 And the Lord will, cleanse ,the land of his people. The Dead Sea Scrolls, with its 5 %
  9. And violation of Xenia that they refused to perform the rituals that would, cleanse ,Ixion of his guilt (see catharsis). Thereafter, Ixion lived as an outlaw and
  10. Stimulation of the pores and cells. The Finns also used the sauna as a place to, cleanse ,the mind, rejuvenate and refresh the spirit, and prepare the dead for burial.
  11. Rand all'Thor made an extraordinary claim: he believed he had discovered how to, cleanse ,the Dark One's 3000-year-old taint on said in. He discovered how to do this
  12. Horseradish ". Gary (sweet, pickled ginger) is eaten with sushi to both, cleanse ,the palate and aid in digestion. In Japan, green tea (OCHA) is invariably
  13. She slaughtered a bull at his altar and afterwards swam in the river As opus to, cleanse ,herself of the blood. Flying over the scene in the guise of an eagle, Zeus fell
  14. Of man and is grieved by his creation, resolving to send a great flood to, cleanse ,the Earth. However, he sees that Noah is a man" righteous in his generation,"
  15. Balkan wars, regardless of the ethnic group in power. However, the term ", cleanse ," was probably used first by UK Arabic, to describe what happened to the
  16. Friends, most of them about minor infractions like white lies, in an effort to, cleanse ,himself. In 1938,he travelled to Ireland to visit Maurice O'Connor Drug, a
  17. War conditions and at a suitable moment seize the territory marked on the map, cleanse ,cystitis it before anybody notices and with strong battalions occupy the key
  18. Faith and repentance are prerequisites to baptism. The ritual does not, cleanse ,the participant of original sin, as Latter-day Saints do not believe the
  19. He assumed it was the 'earth that was to be cleanse d' or Christ would come to, cleanse ,the world. These Adventists arrived at the conviction that Daniel 8:14 foretold
  20. Commenced an atoning ministry in the heavenly sanctuary. In 1844,he began to, cleanse ,the heavenly sanctuary in fulfillment of the Day of Atonement. * Investigative
  21. Conquered and its Virtues corrupted by the Guardian. The Avatar has to, cleanse ,and restore them. The Guardian is revealed to be the evil part of the Avatar
  22. God of water, the great purifier. It is he, therefore,who is called upon to, cleanse ,the sick and suffering from disease, which,super induced by the demons, was
  23. He would check his animal, then visit a Mike, where he would ritually, cleanse ,and purify himself. The pilgrim would then retrieve his sacrificial animal, and
  24. Banished to Yessenia, becoming King of Pylons. Heracles later asked Needs to, cleanse ,him of a blood-debt and was refused. Heracles killed Needs and his sons
  25. Of a fine physical barrier, a chemical process or a biological process. Filters, cleanse ,water to various extents for irrigation, drinking water, aquariums,and
  26. Mary and striking a" Christ-like figure" who was seemed by many as coming to, cleanse ,the country of its corruption. Provisional government: 1959 Whilst still in the
  27. Of mostly retired police officers and military personnel whose sole duty is to, cleanse ,the country of" impure" social elements by killing criminals and gang members
  28. The most important of which was his concept of a purifying fire which should, cleanse ,the world of evil and thus lead to cosmic renovation. By a further
  29. Released into the Circus, their tails ablaze with lighted torches, perhaps to, cleanse ,the growing crops and protect them from disease and vermin, or to add warmth
  30. Main official reasons for the deportations, although an ambition to ethnically, cleanse ,the regions may have also been a factor. After the WWII, the population of East
  31. Is called ital. The purpose of fasting (abstaining from meat and dairy) is to, cleanse ,the body in accordance to serving in the presence of the" Ark of the Covenant
  32. Asha'man against the Forsaken, Rand and Nave link and use the Chordal KAL to, cleanse ,said in of the Dark One's taint so that men who channel will no longer go mad.
  33. Hebrew for" atone" ) is often translated with words that mean" to, cleanse ,or remove" ( Dodd," The Bible and the Greeks ", p 93). This view was
  34. Not be cured physically, the Babylonian physicians often relied on exorcism to, cleanse ,the patient from any curses. Esagil-kin-apli's Diagnostic Handbook was based
  35. And drench the initiate in a symbolic shower of blood. This act was thought to, cleanse ,an initiate of sin as well as signify a 'rebirth' and re-energisation. A
  36. Deed there is nothing that can pay, nothing that can atone, nothing that can, cleanse ,from it; it is a trespass for which there is no atonement, for ever and ever ".
  37. Temporarily inhabit the bodies of participants. The purpose of Nanchang is to, cleanse ,people and places of evil influences and restore spiritual balance. Thus, it is
  38. Using clean water (wide). In Shinto, water is used in almost all rituals to, cleanse ,a person or an area (e.g., in the ritual of pirogi). Water is mentioned
  39. Are able to detect some software keyloggers and quarantine, disable or, cleanse ,them. However, because many key logging programs are legitimate piece of
  40. Advanced — for all practical intents, humans are now immortal. A memory, cleanse ,known as Baptism permits those filled with ennui to begin lives anew, though
  41. The use of negative theology when first thinking about God, in order to, cleanse ,our minds of misconceptions. He goes on to say we must then refill our minds
  42. In water as symbolic and believe that it does not regenerate the baptized nor, cleanse ,them from sin. Wesley's own views of infant baptism shifted over time as he
  43. Science is a cross and crown with the words," Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse ,the lepers, cast out demons," and is a registered trademark of the church.
  44. Man should hasten to protect himself from love before succumbing to it and, cleanse ,his soul from it when he falls. ":" The self-admirer, generally,should not
  45. Reports that Scythians used cannabis, both to weave their clothing and to, cleanse ,themselves in its smoke (Hist. 4.73-75); archaeology has confirmed the use of
  46. Not be cured physically, the Babylonian physicians often relied on exorcism to, cleanse ,the patient from any curses. Esagil-kin-apli's Diagnostic Handbook was based
  47. Said to redirect the heart away from worldly activities, its purpose being to, cleanse ,the inner soul and free it from harm. It also teaches Muslims to practice
  48. Government" and, less academically, the launch of a large-scale offensive to, cleanse ,the Islamic world of the satanic Western and Communist influences that were
  49. Leadership from Bosnia and Herzegovina had a designated plan to ethnically, cleanse ,Bosniaks from the Lava Valley in Central Bosnia. Dario Nordic, the local
  50. Arrive at these three towns to take a dip in the Ganges, which is believed to, cleanse ,oneself of sins and help attain salvation. The rapids of the Ganges also are

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