Examples of the the word, elastic , in a Sentence Context

The word ( elastic ), is the 10239 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Interaction via an exchange, and this is responsible for neutrino-electron, elastic ,scattering. Atoms and molecules An electron can be bound to the nucleus of an
  2. Nitrogen in blast freezing or immersion freezing systems. Certain soft or, elastic ,materials become hard and brittle at very low temperatures, which makes
  3. Employ piezoelectric transducers. These are made from special ceramics in which, elastic ,vibrations and electrical fields are interlinked through a property of the
  4. Of the great elastic arteries has important biomechanical implications. The, elastic ,recoil helps conserve the energy from the pumping heart and smooth out the
  5. Are also widely available. Materials Natural latex has outstanding, elastic ,properties: Its tensile strength exceeds 30 MPA, and latex condoms may be
  6. Mounts and passenger screens, musical stage shows, subway platforms and trains, elastic ,bands on disposable diapers, doors of bathroom stalls, stickers on apples in
  7. Vessels results in persistent trucks arterioles. Features The aorta is an, elastic ,artery, and as such is quite ostensible. The blood pressure is highest (
  8. Devices include the Cybele. The ballista has torsion springs replacing the, elastic ,prod of the Cybele, but later also developed into smaller versions. "
  9. Compressed gases (such as pneumatic motors),springs (clockwork motors) and, elastic ,bands. Historic military siege engines included large catapults, trebuchets
  10. And the lower efficiency of the acceleration system, but there would be reduced, elastic ,hysteresis, making the crossbow a more accurate weapon. Crossbows have a much
  11. Remains valid at a local level, so: DS= (1+\franc)DP. The curve followed by an, elastic ,spring can now be derived following a similar method as for the in elastic
  12. To move in two dimensions; of a mass attached to a fixed point by a perfectly, elastic ,spring; or of any object that moves under influence of an attractive force that
  13. Film. As temperatures rise and fall, this film cracks. Acrylic paint is very, elastic , which prevents cracking from occurring. Acrylic paint's binder is acrylic
  14. Saw gods everywhere, therefore they could fit their ideas into a tolerably, elastic ,system. Some scholars saw a gap between the existing mythical and the new
  15. The stiffness and visco elastic ity of the aortic wall when activated. The, elastic ,matrix dominates the biomechanical properties of the aorta. The elastic matrix
  16. Pneumatic motors use compressed air and others, such as wind-up toys use, elastic ,energy. In biological systems molecular motors like myosins in muscles use
  17. From its surroundings. Biological membranes also have certain mechanical or, elastic ,properties. Particles that are required for cellular function but are unable to
  18. Complex helical structures. Such structures show good mechanical properties (, elastic ,modulus 450 GPA, fracture strain 3.7 %, fracture stress 17 GPA) and can be
  19. Properties of the aorta. The elastic matrix forms Pamela, consisting of, elastic ,fibers, collagens (predominately type III),proteoglycans, and
  20. Of the aortic vascular wall. The fundamental unit of the aorta is the, elastic ,Pamela, which consists of smooth muscle and elastic matrix. The medial layer
  21. And loads As the axial load on a perfectly straight slender column with, elastic ,material properties is increased in magnitude, this ideal column passes through
  22. And the inward collapse of the rim. The central uplift is not the result of, elastic ,rebound which is a process in which a material with elastic strength attempts
  23. To increase jumping distance. In archery, some energy is dissipated through, elastic ,hysteresis, reducing the overall amount released when the bow is shot. Of the
  24. Should fit snugly in the original rectangle. Unfortunately strings tend to be, elastic ,so if you push harder on the pencil stretching the string more you will get a
  25. Of bows (both historic and modern) all bows consist of a string attached to, elastic ,limbs that store mechanical energy imparted by the user drawing the string.
  26. In greater force and greater work done. This work is stored in the bow as, elastic ,potential energy, and when the bowstring is released, this stored energy is
  27. Typically, coronary artery disease occurs when part of the smooth, elastic ,lining inside a coronary artery (the arteries that supply blood to the heart
  28. Under stress. Carbon nanotube springs have the potential to indefinitely store, elastic ,potential energy at ten times the density of lithium-ion batteries with
  29. Principle of the continuity of matter. He wrote on the equilibrium of rods and, elastic ,membranes and on waves in elastic media. He introduced a 3 × 3 symmetric matrix
  30. By an athletic bending and twisting with distortions, exaggerations,an, elastic ,elongation of the limbs, bizarre posturing on one hand, graceful posturing on
  31. Phalanx of the digit, and is retained in this position when at rest by a strong, elastic ,ligament. In the hind-foot, the terminal joint or phalanx is retracted on to
  32. Class III devices. Devices in this category include tongue depressors, bedpans, elastic , bandages,examination gloves, and hand-held surgical instruments and other
  33. The elastic matrix dominates the biomechanical properties of the aorta. The, elastic ,matrix forms Pamela, consisting of elastic fibers, collagens (predominately
  34. Not the result of elastic rebound which is a process in which a material with, elastic ,strength attempts to return to its original geometry; rather the collapse is a
  35. The medial layer of the aorta consist of concentric musculo elastic layers (the, elastic ,Pamela) in mammals. The smooth muscle component does not dramatically alter
  36. And, hence,greater distance. This same process is employed by frogs which use, elastic ,tendons to increase jumping distance. In archery, some energy is dissipated
  37. As for the materials they used, the WD-2's mask is fabricated with a highly, elastic ,material called Septum, with bits of steel wool mixed in for added strength.
  38. Effective as latex for these purposes. However, polyurethane condoms are less, elastic ,than latex ones, and may be more likely to slip or break than latex, and are
  39. From entering the body of a sexual partner. Because condoms are waterproof, elastic , and durable, they are also used in a variety of secondary applications. These
  40. He wrote on the equilibrium of rods and elastic membranes and on waves in, elastic ,media. He introduced a 3 × 3 symmetric matrix of numbers that is now known as
  41. Shape, and the critical load is given by f_\equiv\franc\squad (1) where E, elastic ,modulus of the material, Imin the minimal moment of inertia of the cross
  42. Independently, by Gaspard-Gustave Coriolis in 1836. Elastic catenary In an, elastic ,catenary, the chain is replaced by a spring which can stretch in response to
  43. Unit of the aorta is the elastic Pamela, which consists of smooth muscle and, elastic ,matrix. The medial layer of the aorta consist of concentric musculo elastic
  44. Said,“ I did not so much chew them as bite them, they were so beautiful and, elastic ,”. A court submission at the trial of perpetrators of the Bodies in barrels
  45. This time the aorta contracts passively. This Kindnesses effect of the great, elastic ,arteries has important biomechanical implications. The elastic recoil helps
  46. Uses Condoms excel as multipurpose containers because they are waterproof, elastic , durable, and will not arouse suspicion if found. Ongoing military utilization
  47. They made a couple of major improvements to the design. The robot features an, elastic ,mask made from the average head dummy. It uses a driving system with a 3DOF
  48. Electrodes, springs,non-sparking tools and electrical contacts. The excellent, elastic ,rigidity of beryllium has led to its extensive use in precision instrumentation
  49. More expensive, it has the advantages of latex (such as being softer and more, elastic ,than polyurethane condoms) Lambskin provides more sensation and are less
  50. And stiffest materials yet discovered in terms of tensile strength and, elastic ,modulus respectively. This strength results from the covalent sp2 bonds formed

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