Examples of the the word, advisable , in a Sentence Context

The word ( advisable ), is the 10235 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Preexisting cases of hypothyroidism, so yearly thyroid function tests are, advisable ,for persons taking the drug. There are also rare reports of an auditory
  2. To call the local ANA; only if the local ANA number can not be called is it, advisable ,to call a toll-free ANA number. It is also preferable to call an open ANA
  3. Policy, so he chose to ignore what he could not approve, and even considered it, advisable ,to assure him of his particular affection. Gregory, in fact, established some
  4. Be carried out. He held that although the sovereign is not obliged to, it is, advisable ,for him, as a practical expedient, to convene a senate from whom he can obtain
  5. Would shrink tightly onto the wood wheel when they cooled. Nevertheless, it was, advisable ,to soak the wheel in water periodically as the desert air could dry the wheel
  6. Can stray on to roads. Travelling in remote areas in northern Australia is not, advisable ,during the wet season (November to April),as heavy tropical downpours can
  7. Colleges, one in each state. Senator Lyman Trumbull of Illinois believed it was, advisable ,that the bill should be introduced by an eastern congressman, and two months
  8. And equipment may be required, this can include prearranged caches. It is not, advisable ,to travel into these especially remote areas with a single vehicle, unless
  9. Often be observed when a person wearing glasses comes in from the cold. It is, advisable ,to allow electronic equipment to acclimatize for several hours, after being
  10. Might be expected to obstruct or fail to co-operate with. It thus seemed, advisable ,to bring together representatives of all affected departments to explain what
  11. Respect well after their death, meaning that when traveling in Madagascar it is, advisable ,to seek out village elders or authorities and inquire into local Lady in order
  12. Optical return loss. To measure the attenuation of multiple fibers, it is, advisable ,to test from each end and then average the results, however this considerable
  13. Should not be used except to indicate a certain export market. Instead, it is, advisable ,to refer solely to the model number as these are the same for all markets.
  14. Are already expressed as phonemes, so if this has not already been done, it is, advisable ,first to reduce the data to phonemes. The next step is to break up the forms
  15. Or more units a day (men),or three or more units a day (women),is not, advisable , Previously (from 1992 until 1995),the advice was that men should drink no
  16. And Africa each have 3,Europe has 4,and Asia has 5. Generally, it is thought, advisable ,to hold Risk cards until they can be turned in for maximum reinforcements.
  17. Up to 49 % of acrylamide in potatoes. Production methods In many cases, it is, advisable ,to lower the maximum temperature during baking. Also, new production methods
  18. Cleavage between the West and the East, however,the Carmelites found it, advisable ,to leave their original home, and in 1238 they settled in Cyprus and Sicily. In
  19. Was able to maintain them intact without litigation, though he found it, advisable ,to buy up the rights of one patented, and in the case of Musket was assisted by
  20. The above algorithm. To work with data seriously, however,it is much more, advisable ,to work with bitwise operators. Function the (d)
  21. Hundreds of MLS to two liters. Whenever working with borosilicate glass, it is, advisable ,to avoid sharp transitions between temperatures when the heating and cooling
  22. Without any noticeable symptoms. Maintaining health The following measures are, advisable ,for keeping the vulva and vagina healthy: * Washing once a day or so with water
  23. Conditions can be very crowded without any space to sit on deck, and it is, advisable ,to pre-book a cabin for any but the shortest of trips. Some passages can be
  24. Is always impure. But this process, being long and wearisome, is not altogether, advisable ,in actual working. It is usually sufficient to perform a general banishing, and
  25. Toxic and therefore a more topical use e.g. as antibiotic or pesticide may be, advisable , Other species with significant folk medical use are T. Alba and Yellow Apache
  26. In these applications. For high reliability data storage, however,it is not, advisable ,to use flash memory that would have to go through many programming
  27. Collectors for their distinctive coloring. In selecting a meerschaum pipe it is, advisable ,to take assurances that the product is indeed carved from a block of meerschaum
  28. Tank, cutting a broad exit ramp into the bow of the barge was not considered, advisable ,as it would have compromised the vessel’s seaworthiness to an unacceptable
  29. The right shows the same data, but uses a logarithmic scale, which is sometimes, advisable ,to use in applications. An example from sports A soccer player makes multiple
  30. The performance testing may not be reliable. As a best practice it is always, advisable ,to have a separate performance testing environment resembling the production
  31. Decompression. When compressing a long (or infinite) data stream it would be, advisable ,to write regular full-flush points. Applications Today, zlib is something of a
  32. Phase. When changing cards psychology is a main factor. For instance is it not, advisable ,to always draw three new cards when holding a pair, although mathematically
  33. Exist, but their effects remain unclear. Other measures are seldom necessary or, advisable , Two notable examples: so-called" feminine hygiene sprays" are unnecessary
  34. Non-English speaking countries. For these reasons, defining the word may be, advisable ,when writing for the public. See long and short scales for a more detailed
  35. Allocated object that hasn't undergone initialization (and because it is not, advisable ,to keep the intermediate result since -unit can return a different object than
  36. Later research supports Reinhardt's claim that this motion exists and might be, advisable ,for brass performers to adopt. John Frolic describes how mouthpiece pressure
  37. 235 lbs on the bench, then a warm up of 5 reps of 135 and 5 reps of 185 would be, advisable , When properly warmed up the lifter will then have more strength and stamina
  38. Of Saint Peter. The uncertainty that in some cases results has made it, advisable ,to abandon the assignation of successive numbers in the list of the popes.
  39. State can only send one such mode per user on the channel, so it is strongly, advisable ,to check the documentation of the IRC network or RCD (though note that the
  40. Standing on the other side of the board. Spy strategies In most games, it is, advisable ,to have the Spy shadow a General or a Colonel. These pieces are normally
  41. Or even a semidirect product of H and N. In order to avoid ambiguities, it is, advisable ,to specify which of the two subgroups is normal. Elementary facts and caveats
  42. To purchase for the project and holding a kick-off meeting are also generally, advisable , For new product development projects, conceptual design of the operation of
  43. In particular, topical application of raw garlic to young children is not, advisable , The side effects of long-term garlic supplementation, if any exist, are
  44. That one can see the bacteria and debris. Some may suggest that it is probably, advisable ,to use mouthwash at least an hour after brushing with toothpaste when the
  45. Then a life of celibacy. For ordinary persons, married life is undoubtedly, advisable ,unless they have a special aptitude for celibacy" Baba also asserted that "
  46. Roads and tracks have been cleared. Caution when travelling in remote areas is, advisable , Kosovo is extremely vulnerable to organized crime and thus to money laundering
  47. Frying. Especially when high-temperature frying with lots of oil, it may be, advisable ,to use a splatter guard. Techniques Generally, a shallower cooking vessel is
  48. Agreement may be registered with the court to make it legally binding, and it is, advisable ,to have a lawyer prepare the form or, at the very least, to obtain independent
  49. Letter of exactly opposite tenor was sent by the same messenger. Pepin found it, advisable ,to maintain good relations with Deliveries, and Paul apparently accomplished
  50. Lamp actually has. Owing to their spiky distribution, much finer increments are, advisable ,for taking measurements of fluorescent lights, and this requires more expensive

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