Examples of the the word, hopeless , in a Sentence Context

The word ( hopeless ), is the 10228 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Became ill, and by June, after several improvements and relapses, he was in a, hopeless ,condition. The king's death and the succession of his Catholic half-sister
  2. The rebels were based. On 29 April, the Volunteers, judging the situation to be, hopeless , dispersed from the town of Theory. Many of these Volunteers were arrested in
  3. First — so which one splits off another universe first? This leads to a, hopeless ,muddle with everyone splitting differently. Note: EPR is not a get-out here, as
  4. Essay that" film noir is defined by tone ", a tone he seems to perceive as ", hopeless ,". In describing the adaptation of Double Indemnity, noir analyst Foster Hirsch
  5. Being-thing compromised, they would normally be found in state of despair—a, hopeless ,state. For example, an athlete who loses his legs in an accident may despair if
  6. Which had been planned since 29 October, when Rommel determined the situation, hopeless , At midday, however,Rommel received the infamous" victory or death "
  7. Talent, his school reports were damning:" Certainly on the road to failure ..., hopeless ,... rather a clown in class ... wasting other pupils' time. " His mother
  8. The main recurring theme in his works is a comparison of the readers' gloomy, hopeless ,situations to what may happen in a space environment if we carry totalitarian
  9. And resulted in hundreds of thousands of civilians killed and expelled. After a, hopeless ,surrender on the part of the Poles (October 2),the Germans carried out
  10. Him. With no one coming to Spiru's defense, he viewed the situation as, hopeless ,and feared that Yugoslav domination of his nation was imminent, which caused
  11. Of the sites of their monasteries. The more dismal, the more savage, the more, hopeless ,a spot appeared, the more did it please their rigid mood. But they came not
  12. Writes that" some were blown apart by shells, some finding themselves in a, hopeless ,situation were driven to suicide, some died of starvation, some succumbed to
  13. Year and Mackenzie King returned as Prime Minister. Judging his prospects, hopeless , Diefenbaker had declined a nomination to stand again against Mackenzie King in
  14. Had won a Test match. The next Test match, at Easton, looked almost as, hopeless , if not hapless, from England's point of view. In a low scoring match (no-one
  15. Of those days ", he wrote," and even long years, of cheerless anxiety and, hopeless ,dependence. " Louisa noted her father had become" restless with his anchor
  16. Solutions to the equations defining the dynamical system (which is often, hopeless ,), but rather to answer questions like" Will the system settle down to a
  17. Declining health and the urgent need to address it:" But we all knew it was, hopeless ,because Elvis was surrounded by that little circle of people ... all those
  18. Thou said in 1952," To-day we, the Kikuyu, stand ashamed and looked upon as, hopeless ,people in the eyes of other races and before the Government. Why? Because of
  19. As they do in the first scene when the farmers lament their seemingly, hopeless ,fate. " Recurring themes The master–disciple relationship Many commentators
  20. In Britain. He prefaced the order by stating:" As England, in spite of her, hopeless ,military situation, still shows no signs of willingness to come to terms, I
  21. Merit your pity., the mother lacking in common sense, the daughter a minor -, hopeless , if they rule, and dangerous, if others come to rule over them. " Widowhood
  22. GNU Hurd when one of the servers that provide kernel-like functions reaches a ", hopeless ," situation (after which it is usually terminated). This is a rough
  23. Quoted as saying that he" had the feeling that people thought the problem was, hopeless , since there was no new way of constructing models of set theory. Indeed," he
  24. His hotel. His desperation is readily apparent, as he makes increasingly, hopeless ,maneuvers and painful faux pas in trying to curry favor with those he
  25. Point, James belatedly landed in Scotland, but was advised that the cause was, hopeless , He fled back to France. An attempted Jacobite invasion with Spanish assistance
  26. Of the Risorgimento, of unity, of socialism),replacing them with a ", hopeless ,emptiness ... with no possibility of redemption. " But despite the well
  27. Russian were among his pupils, but was remembered as an incompetent and, hopeless ,teacher who couldn’t keep discipline. Nevertheless, Blair and others were
  28. Poverty really breaks one's heart: it is so sale, so utterly depressing, so, hopeless , Pray do what you can" he wrote to his publisher. He corrected and published
  29. Artist who has poisoned himself with opium while in the depths of despair for a, hopeless ,love. Each of the symphony's five movements takes place at a different setting
  30. Player. It is considered bad etiquette to continue playing when in a truly, hopeless ,position. If it is a game with time control, a player may run out of time and
  31. And then having to go back to purgatory, leaving his daughter helpless and, hopeless , We couldn't accept that. The way we ended Carousel it may still be a tragedy
  32. Diefenbaker. The other ten candidates all deemed the provincial party in such, hopeless ,shape that they withdrew, and Diefenbaker won the position by default.
  33. To treat his body with respect after killing him. Achilles told Hector it was, hopeless ,to expect that of him, declaring that" my rage, my fury would drive me now to
  34. Lost the second quarter but continued their domination smashing the, hopeless ,Suns by a further 60 points in the second half. Essendon then suffered a
  35. Obelix is a bachelor, but he is easily smitten by a pretty face. He harbors a, hopeless ,crush on Panacea, the daughter of Soporific (one of the other villagers),and
  36. Large (October 1263) proved indecisive, but even so,Haakon's position was, hopeless , Baffled, he turned homewards, but died in Orkney on 15 December 1263. The
  37. Christian, making it impossible to reconcile the two, his quest for love a, hopeless , endless agony. Laura is unreachable – the few physical descriptions are vague
  38. Of Double Indemnity, noir analyst Foster Hirsch describes the" requisite, hopeless ,tone" achieved by the filmmakers, which appears to characterize his view of
  39. Low on money. He wrote to a friend in April 1884," My prospects are about as, hopeless ,as ever ... I am not wanting in energy I think, so sometimes I conclude that
  40. Correct, since anything ignored may later prove to be relevant. But the task is, hopeless ,in principle--every representation ignores something about the world--hence the
  41. Aircraft. Work on the first such designs had started in 1975 with" the, hopeless ,diamond ", a model built at Lockheed to test the concepts. Improvements quickly
  42. Of the Privy Seal Chichi Kids prepared a draft document which summarized the, hopeless ,military situation and proposed a negotiated settlement. According to some
  43. Please find the enclosed enclosures,' but ... eventually realized that it was, hopeless , " In 1981 he wrote a humorous guest column in the Philadelphia Inquirer which
  44. Murder of Du bays, set up a rival Sultan. Mas'up attacked; the Caliph and Henri, hopeless ,of success, escaped to Mosul. The Sultan's power restored, a council was held
  45. S name is often invoked as a symbol of British sport's legion of plucky but, hopeless ,causes. The club entered the Football League in 1921 with the formation of the
  46. Says that he" will never pass by them again. " The plight of Israel has become, hopeless , God will not hold back judgment because Israel refuses to listen to the
  47. A property on the island. During the winter of 1945 to 1946 Orwell made several, hopeless ,and unwelcome marriage proposals to younger women, including Celia Kiran (who
  48. That you betrayed Germany itself, because when the war was already quite, hopeless , you did not once arm yourselves against the senseless destruction of Germany.
  49. Writer) is commonly used in newspapers, blogs and online forums to tell how, hopeless ,and absurd the situation in the country is. It has been noted that" from the
  50. Intended to mean war ships. Others still insisted that their case was so, hopeless ,that they should board every ship available and flee to Italy, where they would

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