Examples of the the word, moratorium , in a Sentence Context

The word ( moratorium ), is the 10231 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of Nations in Geneva in 1932,with representatives from 60 states. A one-year, moratorium ,on the expansion of armaments, later extended by a few months, was proposed at
  2. Demanded repayment, forcing then-President Benito Juárez to declare a two-year, moratorium ,on foreign debt, which in turn led to a punitive expedition sent by Britain
  3. The species was brought to the brink of extinction until an international, moratorium ,came into effect in 1911. Today some Muslims are threatened for other reasons
  4. Without Nuclear (33.7 % supported and 66.3 % opposed). The former ten-year, moratorium ,on the construction of new nuclear power plants was the result of a citizen '
  5. Trade ban and 20 range states attended a meeting in Kenya calling for a 20 year, moratorium ,in 2007. In Asia, wild elephant populations are a fraction of what they were in
  6. Area. Under intense diplomatic pressure, Venezuela agreed in 1970 to a 12-year, moratorium , on the dispute with the Protocol of Port-of-Spain. In 1981,Venezuela refused
  7. Undergone a reform of its legal system. Previously there was a de facto, moratorium ,on the death penalty in Turkey as the last execution took place in 1984. The
  8. Rights. The United Nations has called on receptionist states to establish a, moratorium ,on capital punishment with a view to its abolition. States which do not do so
  9. Circumstances, and 34 had not used it for at least 10 years or were under a, moratorium , The other 58 retained the death penalty in active use. According to Amnesty
  10. The potentially massively disruptive Inner Belt, Governor Francis Sargent put a, moratorium ,on highway construction within the MA-128 corridor, except for a short stretch
  11. And citizens of the United States. The party has stated a long term goal of a, moratorium ,on future immigration, exempting extreme cases where it would be necessary.
  12. Execution in India between 1995 and 2004; and Sri Lanka declared an end to its, moratorium ,on the death penalty on 20 November 2004,although it has not yet performed any
  13. On immigration, calling for stricter penalties towards illegal immigrants and a, moratorium ,on legal immigration until all federal subsidies to immigrants are discontinued
  14. The city commissioner in charge of sign permits in Portland, Oregon,placed a, moratorium ,on all pending and future sign permits in the area. Criticisms * IKEA founder
  15. Opposition to capital punishment and for governments to enact an immediate, moratorium ,on carrying out the death penalty sentence. The Evangelical Lutheran Church in
  16. Crash of 1929 and the onset of the Great Depression resulted in calls for a, moratorium , On June 20, 1931,realizing that Austria and Germany were on the brink of
  17. Onto I-93 alone, the Central Artery became chronically gridlocked. The Sargent, moratorium ,led to the rerouting of I-95 away from Boston around the MA-128 beltway and the
  18. From 1950 to 2000,and notice that those rates went up sharply shortly after a, moratorium ,on death sentences was effectively imposed in the late 1960s. This fact has
  19. During polling, with one insurgent group making good on a promised election day, moratorium ,on attacks, even going so far as to guard the voters from attack. President
  20. Sr. is number 7 and Elroy Hendricks' number 44 have not been retired, but a, moratorium ,has been placed on them, and they have not been issued by the team since their
  21. Technological progress. His first action as president was to take a proposed, moratorium ,on fossil-based fuels to the U. S. Congress. Author is assisted by the extreme
  22. Area. Under intense diplomatic pressure, Venezuela agreed in 1970 to a 12-year, moratorium , on the dispute with the Protocol of Port-of-Spain. In 1981,Venezuela refused
  23. Of financial collapse, U. S. President Herbert Hoover proposed a one-year world, moratorium ,on reparations and inter-governmental debt payments. Britain quickly accepted
  24. Space shuttle spacewalk. *1985 – Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev declares a, moratorium ,on the deployment of middle-range missiles in Europe. *1989 – Soviet submarine
  25. Some countries (such as Sri Lanka and Jamaica) to effectively end the, moratorium ,on the death penalty. In receptionist countries, the debate is sometimes
  26. Nuclear by a margin of 33.7 % for and 66.3 % opposed. The former ten-year, moratorium ,on the construction of new nuclear power plants was the result of a citizen '
  27. Peterson. The Montreal Transit Corporation, however,has refused to end its, moratorium ,on renaming Metro stations. The city's policy on landmark tributes is to wait
  28. Childless, who currently holds the rights from NASCAR to the #3,has placed a, moratorium ,on using it. Earnhardt's team was re-christened as the #29 team, with the same
  29. Protests by resuming nuclear testing at Fangataufa atoll after a three-year, moratorium , The last test was on 27 January 1996. On 29 January 1996,France announced
  30. Members. North Melbourne reverted to public company in November 2008. A, moratorium ,was passed at an Extraordinary General Meeting that will allow James Bradshaw’s
  31. Some aggravated forms of attempted murder are (although Russia currently has a, moratorium ,on the death penalty). Subsequent sections provide for further offenses
  32. In the 21st century. During the last few decades, residents have considered a, moratorium ,on, or complete abolition of, capital punishment. Federal government
  33. The Council of Europe. The EU and the Council of Europe are willing to accept a, moratorium ,as an interim measure. Thus, while Russia is a member of the Council of Europe
  34. Ordered as priests and deacons. In response, the Episcopal Church placed a, moratorium ,on confirming the consecrations of all bishops but has since resumed ordaining
  35. To protest near the test site. The tests were concluded in January 1996 and a, moratorium ,was placed on future testing by the French government. 1997 — Full diplomatic
  36. Murderer Gary Gilmore is executed by a firing squad in Utah, ending a ten-year, moratorium ,on Capital punishment in the United States. *1981 – President of the
  37. Of the death penalty in practice, all states but Russia, which has entered a, moratorium , having ratified the Sixth Protocol to the European Convention on Human Rights
  38. Majority of states from all regions adopted a second resolution calling for a, moratorium ,on the use of the death penalty in the UN General Assembly (Third Committee)
  39. Italy's four nuclear power plants were closed down, the last in 1990. A, moratorium ,on the construction of new plants, originally in effect from 1987 until 1993
  40. To the Federal Assembly on 26 April 2007,Putin announced plans to declare a, moratorium ,on the observance of the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe by
  41. As white nose syndrome (WNS),the US Fish & Wildlife Service has called for a, moratorium ,
  42. Following opposition from some scientists, farmers and environmental groups a, moratorium ,was imposed on its release in February 2010. The only other Asian country to
  43. During World War I. The Moratorium did little to ease economic declines. As the, moratorium ,neared its expiration the following year, an attempt to find a permanent
  44. To the Federal Assembly on 26 April 2007,Putin announced plans to declare a, moratorium ,on the observance of the CFE Treaty by Russia until all NATO members ratified
  45. By 104 to 54,with 29 abstentions) by asking its member states for" a, moratorium ,on executions with a view to abolishing the death penalty ". A number of
  46. Has adopted, in 2007 and 2008,non-binding resolutions calling for a global, moratorium ,on executions, with a view to eventual abolition. Although many nations have
  47. Impossible. When Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev declared a unilateral, moratorium ,on the testing of nuclear weapons, which would begin on August 6,1985—the 40th
  48. Re-evaluation of the role of mass transit relative to highways. Producing a, moratorium ,on highway construction inside Route 128,numerous mass transit lines were
  49. Modified products. In 2007 the New South Wales government extended a blanket, moratorium ,on GM food crops until 2011,but approved GM Canola for commercial cultivation
  50. The Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty in 1996. Since then, France has implemented a, moratorium ,on the production, export,and use of anti-personnel landmines and supports

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