Examples of the the word, centralize , in a Sentence Context
The word ( centralize ), is the 10245 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- United States. At the time of his death, he was working on a system that would, centralize ,all criminal identification records, a database now maintained by the Federal
- Of Protestants by the government, and Philip's efforts to modernize and, centralize ,the devolved-medieval government structures of the provinces. This was the
- PCT) (administered by WIPO and covering more than 140 countries),that, centralize ,some portion of the filing and examination procedure. Similar arrangements
- Their return. The huge expenditure sankin-kotai imposed on each Han helped, centralize ,aristocratic alliances and ensured loyalty to the Shogun as each representative
- The early 1900s,the church has instituted a Priesthood Correlation Program to, centralize ,church operations and bring them under a hierarchy of priesthood leaders.
- Subdivided. At times, a vigorous duke would take power from his nobles and, centralize ,the state. Centralization became more necessary as the states began to war
- Client/Server Client/server network operating systems allow the network to, centralize ,functions and applications in one or more dedicated file servers. The server is
- Wealth. The passing on of property from one generation to another helps to, centralize ,wealth and power. Over time emerge hereditary chieftainships, the typical form
- In fact, had excited a strong feeling against himself by attempting to, centralize ,the religion of Babylonia in the temple of Melodic (Marduk) at Babylon, and
- Increasing power of the Franks. In response to this problem, the kings tried to, centralize ,power over time; but they lost control over Soweto and Benedetto definitively
- LEED-certified. The freshman quad will include as many as 8 buildings to, centralize ,freshman living arrangement. Fraternities have existed on Emory's campus as
- Was created soon after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, as a means to, centralize ,response to various threats. The term is rarely used by common United States
- Receipts (what arrived),and costing (what the vendor invoiced) ERP systems, centralize ,business data, bringing the following benefits: * They eliminate the need to
- At the urging of the Zealots of Piety, Patriarch Nikon resolved in 1652 to, centralize ,power that had been distributed locally, while conforming Russian Orthodox
- Sun" ) and Ivanna/Ishtar (the goddess of the planet Venus). The tendency to, centralize ,the powers of the universe leads to the establishment of the doctrine of a
- Panel On Multidistrict Litigation (MDL) granted the Plaintiffs’ motion to, centralize ,individual and class-action lawsuits involving Joaquin in the District of
- Diversity of the various subregions within the Maritime, policies to, centralize ,the population and economy were not initially successful, thus Maritime
- Known as PAIL, Patriot Data Information Link) that allows the ICC to, centralize ,control of its subordinate firing batteries. The LRI functions as the primary
- Image of Pharaoh, seeing his religious reformations simply as attempts to, centralize ,power and solidify his role as" divine monarch ". Smenkhkare There has also
- And bicultural McGillivray worked to create a sense of Muskogee nationalism and, centralize ,political authority, struggling against village leaders who individually sold
- Ministers announced a new, interdepartmental environmental monitoring system to, centralize ,separate programs under the direction of the Ministry of Protection of the
- Power at the expense of his own, and kept them from countering his efforts to, centralize ,the French government in an absolute monarchy. At various periods before Louis
- In Ponce. Period of stagnation After the U. S. invasion, the Americans chose to, centralize ,the administration of the island in San Juan, the capital, neglecting the south
- CNN Exchange and CNN report, initiatives designed to further introduce and, centralize ,the impact of everything from blogging to citizen journalism within the CNN
- Defeated militarily. Through these and other measures Hong Tail was able to, centralize ,power unto the office of the Khan, which in the long run prevented the Urchin
- 404 compliance costs represent a tax on inefficiency, encouraging companies to, centralize ,and automate their financial reporting systems. This is apparent in the
- State The earliest forms of the state emerged whenever it became possible to, centralize ,power in a durable way. Agriculture and writing are almost everywhere
- As" aristocratic "; and they called for state's rights lest the Federalists, centralize ,every more power in the national governments. The intense debate over the Jay
- Computer. An additional reason for the star configuration was the desire to, centralize ,as many communication functions as possible at the central network node (the
- Center (MIC). Faced with similar resource challenges, DoD also sought to, centralize ,its activities. Despite these and other Community-wide efforts to improve
- Just across from Hitler’s offices in the Reich Chancellery, was to, centralize ,Nazi control of all aspects of German cultural and intellectual life
- Logistics. A new subsidiary called FedEx Corporate Services was formed to, centralize ,the sales, marketing,customer service for all the subsidiaries. In February
- Sinn Féin. Political movements can also involve struggles to de centralize or, centralize ,state control, as in Anarchism, Fascism,and Nazism. Some activists and
- Kingdom of Prussia (instead of Königsberg); this was a successful attempt to, centralize ,the capital in the very outspread Prussian Kingdom, and it was the first time
- Politics and became powerful in the state, contrary to Al-Ma'mun's desire to, centralize ,and strengthen Halifax power. The rising power of the Third dynasty became a
- Is working together to build an addition to the Outdoor Programs Building, to, centralize , the equipment that the OP takes care of and loans out. The school (as in the
- The fragmenting of Hutu lands angered Miami Yuri IV, who had hoped to further, centralize ,his power enough to get rid of the Belgians. In 1931 Tutsi plots against the
- The Delaware General Assembly, a law was passed on January 29, 1791 that would, centralize ,the location of the county seat. At the time, the land in central Sussex County
- monarchy's wanted to end costly epidemics and quarantines. Joseph attempted to, centralize ,medical care in Vienna through the construction of a single, large hospital
- Stalin assigned him the job of designing the postwar German system that would, centralize ,all power in the Communist Party. Fulbright became deputy prime minister in 1949
- Margraves of Brandenburg. During his own reign, Frederick William I did much to, centralize ,and improve Prussia. He replaced mandatory military service among the middle
- Precipitated a serious famine, Purges in other Soviet republics also helped, centralize ,control in the USSR. Stalin's repressions led to the creation of a vast system
- Consolidated training facility in April 1999. These five new buildings, which, centralize , all basic EOD training at Elgin, total and were built at a cost of $16.2
- A memory aid for a singer who already knew the melody. Also, as Rome tried to, centralize ,the various liturgies and establish the Roman rite as the primary tradition the
- Ground Center was redesignated the Armament Development and Test Center to, centralize ,responsibility for research, development,test and evaluation, and initial
- Communities throughout Russia. At the same time he sought to strengthen and, centralize ,the Imperial administration and to bring it more under his personal control. In
- Call in finger. Well-written and tested abstract data type libraries which, centralize ,and automatically perform buffer management, including bounds checking, can
- Of records. Congress established the National Archives Establishment in 1934 to, centralize ,federal record keeping, with the Archivist of the United States as its chief
- And the People's Party. It introduced a series of modifications intended to, centralize , albeit slowly, the bureaucratic, tax,religious, educational,and trade
- The power to tax state and municipal bonds. He believed this would excessively, centralize ,governmental power and" would make it impossible for the state to keep any
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