Examples of the the word, and , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Or antimilitarism. A central debate concerned the relation between anarchism, and ,syndicalism (or trade unionism). Latest and Monte were in particular
  2. Officers and at least four workers were killed. Eight anarchists directly, and ,indirectly related to the organizers of the rally were arrested and charged
  3. Conceptions like the aforementioned seemingly anarchistic Taoist teachings, and ,that of other anti-authoritarian religious traditions creating a complex
  4. In 1868,following their unsuccessful participation in the League of Peace, and ,Freedom (LPF),Russian revolutionary Mikhail Bakunin and his collectivist
  5. Mutualists, opposed Marx's state socialism, advocating political abstentionism, and ,small property holdings. In 1868,following their unsuccessful participation in
  6. Took advantage of the divided groups of socialists, anarchists,liberals, and ,nationalists, to prevent further revolt. In 1864 the International Workingmen
  7. Phenomenon which nevertheless did have an impact on the bigger currents, and ,individualists also participated in large anarchist organizations. Most
  8. Directly and indirectly related to the organizers of the rally were arrested, and ,charged with the murder of the deceased officer. The men became international
  9. Of the International, who advocated the revolutionary overthrow of the state, and ,the collectivization of property. At first, the collectivists worked with the
  10. Tucker instead credits Josiah Warren, an American who promoted stateless, and ,voluntary communities where all goods and services were private, with being "
  11. By itself sufficient. He thought that the trade-union movement was reformist, and ,even conservative, citing as essentially bourgeois and anti-worker the
  12. Prior to his own execution. The incident became known as the Haymarket affair, and ,was a setback for the labor movement and the struggle for the eight-hour day.
  13. Federation of Organized Trades and Labor Unions (FOLK) of the United States, and ,Canada unanimously set 1 May 1886,as the date by which the eight-hour work day
  14. Organization of labor. " In 1886,the Federation of Organized Trades, and ,Labor Unions (FOLK) of the United States and Canada unanimously set 1 May
  15. Pierre Monte, Luigi Fabric, Benoît Broutchoux, Emma Goldman, Rudolf Rocker, and ,Christian Cornelius. Various themes were treated during the Congress, in
  16. Considered to be a radical left-wing ideology, and much of anarchist economics, and ,anarchist legal philosophy reflect anti-statist interpretations of communism
  17. The relation between anarchism and syndicalism (or trade unionism). Latest, and ,Monte were in particular disagreement themselves on this issue, as the latter
  18. Where Bakunin and James Guillaume were expelled from the International, and ,its headquarters were transferred to New York. In response, the federalist
  19. The League of Peace and Freedom (LPF),Russian revolutionary Mikhail Bakunin, and ,his collectivist anarchist associates joined the First International (which
  20. In the mud and the dust are full of mutinous thoughts. " Diogenes of Si nope, and ,the Cynics, their contemporary Zeno of Cilium, the founder of Stoicism, also
  21. Anarchism as" libertarian anarchism ". History Origins The earliest, and ,in later centuries by Huangdi and Bad Jinan. Huangdi, specifically,was
  22. While Bad Jinan said that as soon as" the relationship between lord, and ,subject is established, hearts become daily filled with evil designs, until the
  23. Movement was reformist and even conservative, citing as essentially bourgeois, and ,anti-worker the phenomenon of professional union officials. Latest warned
  24. All goods and services were private, with being" the first man to expound, and ,formulate the doctrine now known as Anarchism. " The first to describe himself
  25. On this issue, as the latter thought that syndicalism was revolutionary, and ,would create the conditions of a social revolution, while Latest did not
  26. Political celebrities among the labor movement. Four of the men were executed, and ,a fifth committed suicide prior to his own execution. The incident became known
  27. Himself as an anarchist was Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, a French philosopher, and ,politician, which led some to call him the founder of modern anarchist theory.
  28. As the only moral form of social organization. Overview There are many types, and ,traditions of anarchism, not all of which are mutually exclusive. Anarchist
  29. Became known as the Haymarket affair, and was a setback for the labor movement, and ,the struggle for the eight-hour day. In 1890 a second attempt, this time
  30. Georges Lech artier wrote that" The true founder of anarchy was Jesus Christ, and ,... the first anarchist society was that of the apostles. " Such a distinction
  31. Killing an officer. In the ensuing panic, police opened fire on the crowd, and ,each other. Seven police officers and at least four workers were killed. Eight
  32. Collectivism. Anarchism is often considered to be a radical left-wing ideology, and ,much of anarchist economics and anarchist legal philosophy reflect anti-statist
  33. Anarchism as a mass social movement has been represented by anarcho-communist, and ,anarcho-syndicalism, with individualist anarchism being primarily a literary
  34. Organization. Karl Marx became a leading figure in the International, and ,a member of its General Council. Proudhon's followers, the mutualists, opposed
  35. In Spanish working class politics, attracting 1.58 million members at one point, and ,playing a major role in the Spanish Civil War. The CNT was affiliated with the
  36. Anarchism ". History Origins The earliest and in later centuries by Huangdi, and ,Bad Jinan. Huangdi, specifically,was called by economist Ludwig on Miles
  37. And propag and a of the deed, on the path to an anarchist society. Etymology, and ,terminology The term," Ideas on Liberty," May 1955. Its use as a synonym is
  38. With a final split between the two groups at the Hague Congress, where Bakunin, and ,James Guillaume were expelled from the International and its headquarters were
  39. Seeking to" replace the privilege and authority of the State" with the" free, and ,spontaneous organization of labor. " In 1886,the Federation of Organized
  40. The precursors of the anarcho-syndicalists, seeking to" replace the privilege, and ,authority of the State" with the" free and spontaneous organization of labor.
  41. An American who promoted stateless and voluntary communities where all goods, and ,services were private, with being" the first man to expound and formulate the
  42. Have supported the use of some coercive measures, including violent revolution, and ,propag and a of the deed, on the path to an anarchist society. Etymology and
  43. Designs, until the manacled criminals sullenly doing forced labor in the mud, and ,the dust are full of mutinous thoughts. " Diogenes of Si nope and the Cynics
  44. Their respective figureheads. Bakunin characterized Marx's ideas as centralist, and ,predicted that, if a Marxist party came to power, its leaders would simply take
  45. Of Proudhon, Blanquists, Philadelphes, English trade unionists, socialists, and , social democrats. Due to its links to active workers' movements, the
  46. Has always included an individualist strain supporting a market economy, and ,private property, or morally unrestrained egoism. Some individualist anarchists
  47. Subsequently, the International became polarized into two camps, with Marx, and ,Bakunin as their respective figureheads. Bakunin characterized Marx's ideas as
  48. Syndicalism itself, whereas anarchists must always have anarchy as their end, and ,consequently refrain from committing to any particular method of achieving it.
  49. A complex relationship regarding whether anarchism, and ,religion are compatible. This is exemplified when the glorification of the
  50. Panic, police opened fire on the crowd and each other. Seven police officers, and ,at least four workers were killed. Eight anarchists directly and indirectly

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