Examples of the the word, a , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Christ a nd ... the first a n a rchist society w a s th a t of the a postles. " Such, a , distinction reverber a tes subversive religious conceptions like the
  2. Due to its links to a ctive workers' movements, the Intern a tion a l bec a me, a , signific a nt org a niz a tion. K a rl M a rx bec a me a le a ding figure in the
  3. Although reciproc a lly st a te repression, in the first pl a ce, m a y h a ve pl a yed, a , role in these isol a ted a cts. The dismemberment of the French soci a list movement
  4. The United St a tes. Accordingly," libert a ri a n soci a lism" is sometimes used a s, a , synonym for soci a list a n a rchism, to distinguish it from" individu a list
  5. Endured fluctu a tions in popul a rity. The centr a l tendency of a n a rchism a s, a , m a ss soci a l movement h a s been represented by a n a rcho-communist a nd
  6. His own execution. The incident bec a me known a s the H a ym a rket a ff a ir, a nd w a s, a , setb a ck for the l a bor movement a nd the struggle for the eight-hour d a y. In
  7. The collectivists worked with the M a rxists to push the First Intern a tion a l in, a , more revolution a ry soci a list direction. Subsequently, the Intern a tion a l bec a me
  8. Bolsheviks soon turned a g a inst the a n a rchists a nd other left-wing opposition, a , conflict th a t culmin a ted in the 1921 Ronst a dt rebellion which the new
  9. A result of the H a ym a rket a ff a ir. Although it h a d initi a lly been conceived a s, a , once-off event, by the following ye a r the celebr a tion of Intern a tion a l Workers
  10. The event a lso h a d the second a ry purpose of memori a lizing workers killed a s, a , result of the H a ym a rket a ff a ir. Although it h a d initi a lly been conceived a s a
  11. B a kunin ch a r a cterized M a rx's ide a s a s centr a list a nd predicted th a t, if, a , M a rxist p a rty c a me to power, its le a ders would simply t a ke the pl a ce of the
  12. The Mexic a n Liber a l P a rty w a s est a blished a nd during the e a rly 1910s it le a ds, a , series of milit a ry offensives le a ding to the conquest a nd occup a tion of cert a in
  13. Oper a Region a l Argentin a ... it grew quickly to a membership of ne a rly, a , qu a rter of a million, which dw a rfed the riv a l soci a l democr a tic unions. " By the
  14. Hu a ngdi wrote," A petty thief is put in j a il. A gre a t brig a nd becomes, a , ruler of a N a tion," while B a d Jin a n s a id th a t a s soon a s" the rel a tionship
  15. However, a n a rchism h a s a lw a ys included a n individu a list str a in supporting, a , m a rket economy a nd priv a te property, or mor a lly unrestr a ined egoism. Some
  16. Celebrities a mong the l a bor movement. Four of the men were executed a nd, a , fifth committed suicide prior to his own execution. The incident bec a me known
  17. Civil W a r. The CNT w a s a ffili a ted with the Intern a tion a l Workers Associ a tion, a , feder a tion of a n a rcho-syndic a list tr a de unions founded in 1922,with deleg a tes
  18. Divided over a united front policy. In Sp a in, the CNT initi a lly refused to join, a , popul a r front elector a l a lli a nce, a nd a bstention by CNT supporters led to a
  19. He a rgued th a t," it is not the product of his or her l a bor th a t the worker h a s, a , right to, but to the s a tisf a ction of his or her needs, wh a tever m a y be their
  20. C a me close to insurrection in the Febru a ry 1934 riots, a n a rchists divided over, a , united front policy. In Sp a in, the CNT initi a lly refused to join a popul a r
  21. The ruling cl a ss they h a d fought a g a inst. In 1872,the conflict clim a xed with, a , fin a l split between the two groups a t the H a gue Congress, where B a kunin a nd
  22. C a tholic a n a rcho-p a cifist Amm a n Ten a ncy. An a rcho-p a cifism bec a me a " b a sis for, a , critique of milit a rism on both sides of the Cold W a r. " The resurgence of
  23. Or egoists while some a n a rcho-communists a re a lso individu a lists. An a rchism a s, a , soci a l movement h a s regul a rly endured fluctu a tions in popul a rity. The centr a l
  24. The Americ a n c a tholic a n a rcho-p a cifist Amm a n Ten a ncy. An a rcho-p a cifism bec a me, a ," b a sis for a critique of milit a rism on both sides of the Cold W a r. " The
  25. Individu a lism to complete collectivism. An a rchism is often considered to be, a , r a dic a l left-wing ideology, a nd much of a n a rchist economics a nd a n a rchist leg a l
  26. The Intern a tion a l bec a me a signific a nt org a niz a tion. K a rl M a rx bec a me, a , le a ding figure in the Intern a tion a l a nd a member of its Gener a l Council.
  27. Region a l Argentin a ... it grew quickly to a membership of ne a rly a qu a rter of, a , million, which dw a rfed the riv a l soci a l democr a tic unions. " By the 1880s,the
  28. The first to describe himself a s a n a n a rchist w a s Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, a , French philosopher a nd politici a n, which led some to c a ll him the founder of
  29. Of the Sp a nish C. N. T. a s a revolution a ry org a niz a tion w a s undoubtedly to, a , gre a t extent responsible for this situ a tion. The l a rgest a nd most milit a nt of
  30. And a n a rcho-syndic a lism, with individu a list a n a rchism being prim a rily, a , liter a ry phenomenon which nevertheless did h a ve a n imp a ct on the bigger
  31. Etymology a nd terminology The term," Ide a s on Liberty," M a y 1955. Its use a s, a , synonym is still common outside the United St a tes. Accordingly," libert a ri a n
  32. W a s the Feder a tion Oper a Region a l Argentin a ... it grew quickly to, a , membership of ne a rly a qu a rter of a million, which dw a rfed the riv a l
  33. An a rcho-syndic a list in gener a l outlook; the prestige of the Sp a nish C. N. T. a s, a , revolution a ry org a niz a tion w a s undoubtedly to a gre a t extent responsible for
  34. There, in the Free Territory, they fought in the civil w a r a g a inst the Whites (, a , grouping of mon a rchists a nd other opponents of the October Revolution) a nd
  35. Even before the f a scist victory in 1939,the a n a rchists were losing ground in, a , bitter struggle with the St a linists, who controlled the distribution of
  36. Rule th a t the rulers of the new" soci a list" M a rxist st a te would become, a , new elite h a d proved a ll too true. The victory of the Bolsheviks in the October
  37. Te a chings a nd th a t of other a nti- a uthorit a ri a n religious tr a ditions cre a ting, a , complex rel a tionship reg a rding whether a n a rchism a nd
  38. Work d a y would become st a nd a rd. The next d a y,4 M a y, a n a rchists st a ged, a , r a lly a t Chic a go's H a ym a rket Squ a re. A bomb w a s thrown by a n unknown p a rty
  39. Such individu a l a cts. Peter Kropotkin thus wrote th a t ye a r in Le Revolt th a t ", a , structure b a sed on centuries of history c a nnot be destroyed with a few kilos of
  40. Org a niz a tion. K a rl M a rx bec a me a le a ding figure in the Intern a tion a l a nd, a , member of its Gener a l Council. Proudhon's followers, the mutu a lists, opposed
  41. Thought th a t syndic a lism w a s revolution a ry a nd would cre a te the conditions of, a , soci a l revolution, while L a test did not consider syndic a lism by itself
  42. Led by Nestor M a king, who est a blished a n a n a rchist society in the region for, a , number of months. Expelled Americ a n a n a rchists Emm a Goldm a n a nd Alex a nder
  43. A popul a r front elector a l a lli a nce, a nd a bstention by CNT supporters led to, a , right wing election victory. But in 1936,the CNT ch a nged its policy a nd
  44. Th a t" a structure b a sed on centuries of history c a nnot be destroyed with, a , few kilos of dyn a mite ". A v a riety of a n a rchists a dvoc a ted the a b a ndonment of
  45. First entered the English l a ngu a ge in 1642,during the English Civil W a r, a s, a , term of a buse, used by Roy a lists a g a inst their Round he a d opponents. In
  46. Wrote," A petty thief is put in j a il. A gre a t brig a nd becomes a ruler of, a , N a tion," while B a d Jin a n s a id th a t a s soon a s" the rel a tionship between
  47. Cl a ss politics, a ttr a cting 1.58 million members a t one point a nd pl a ying, a , m a jor role in the Sp a nish Civil W a r. The CNT w a s a ffili a ted with the
  48. Sections formed their own Intern a tion a l a t the St. Sme a r Congress, a dopting, a , revolution a ry a n a rchist progr a m. Org a nized l a bor The a nti- a uthorit a ri a n
  49. This is exemplified when the glorific a tion of the st a te is viewed a s, a , form of sinful idol a try. The First Intern a tion a l In Europe, h a rsh re a ction
  50. For the l a bor movement a nd the struggle for the eight-hour d a y. In 1890, a , second a ttempt, this time intern a tion a l in scope, to org a nize for the eight

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