Examples of the the word, you , in a Sentence Context

The word ( you ), is the 17 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Into various patterns and compositional structures. In you r interpretation, you ,would comment on how salient features of the form contribute to the overall
  2. Considered counterproductive to their struggle on the battlefield. " What were, you ,doing, and why? " Asked the Guru. " I was giving water to the wounded because I
  3. 8,we close with good night, good luck, a Merry Christmas, and God bless all of, you , all of you on the good Earth ". The only task left for the crew at this point
  4. Display of courage and ambition, kissed him tearfully, declaring:" My boy, you ,must find a kingdom big enough for you r ambitions. Macedon is too small for you
  5. Or long enough, or small enough † (†" smaller and smaller without limit ..., you ,'d be trying to write on molecules, on atoms, on electrons" ) to list all
  6. Someone says" I deposited $100 in the bank ", most people would not think, you ,used a shovel to dig in the mud. However, some linguistic contexts do not
  7. Used as a common noun, normally functions as a mass noun (for example:" Do, you ,watch anime? "," How much anime have you collected? "). However, in casual
  8. That" my rage, my fury would drive me now to hack you r flesh away and eat, you ,raw – such agonies you have caused me ". Achilles then got his vengeance. With
  9. Message (EOM),end of transmission (NOT)," who are you ? " (WSU)," are, you , " (RU),a reserved device control (DC0),synchronous idle (SYNC),and
  10. Was convened," As the present Constitution is so defective, why do not, you ,great men call the people together and tell them so; that is, to have a
  11. Swift's rival Daniel Defoe. Economic themes Robert Phiddian's article" Have, you ,eaten yet? The Reader in A Modest Proposal" focuses on two aspects of A Modest
  12. By moving them up or down towards the beam. If you move them toward the beam, you ,count their value. If you move away, you don't count their value. The sampan
  13. An exposed position; Captain Oliver Wendell Holmes shouted at him," Get down, you ,damn fool, before you get shot! " After repeated calls on Grant to defend
  14. Your face in all of them," replied Thai Kannada. The Guru responded," Then, you ,should also give them ointment to heal their wounds. You were practicing what
  15. To say as to why the sentence of this Court should not now be passed upon, you , ". The defense counsel will then make a" plea in mitigation" ( also called "
  16. You must find a kingdom big enough for you r ambitions. Macedon is too small for, you ,", and bought the horse for him. Adolescence and education When Alexander was
  17. Compare the meanings you find in a wide range of individual artworks. How would, you ,proceed with you r task? One way to begin is to examine the materials each
  18. Associate of the Court. It will generally be phrased as" Prisoner at the Bar, you ,have been found Guilty by a jury of you r peers of the offense of XYZ. Do you
  19. Throw! " **second-person singular feminine past-tense -ti, and likewise anti ", you ,(fem. Sg. )" **sometimes, second-person masculine past-tense -ta, and
  20. Only through the blood, sweat,and tears of a number of a people ... All, you ,see is the three of us, but beneath the surface are thousands and thousands of
  21. Of a vast crowd of Pieds-Noirs" JE vows ai comprise" (" I have understood, you ,"). Most Pieds-Noirs then believed that de Gaulle meant that Algeria would
  22. Address (ERA),end of message (EOM),end of transmission (NOT)," who are, you , " (WSU)," are you ? " (RU),a reserved device control (DC0),synchronous
  23. If you move them toward the beam, you count their value. If you move away, you ,don't count their value. The sampan can be reset to the starting position
  24. The output that it does" Chaitin prefaces his definition with:" I'll show, you ,can't prove that a program is 'elegant'"—such a proof would solve the Halting
  25. A stranger, received by Borman after the mission, that simply stated," Thank, you ,Apollo 8. You saved 1968. " One of the most famous aspects of the flight was
  26. Or chocolate, even if everything else about the artwork remains the same. Next, you ,might examine how the materials in each artwork have become an arrangement of
  27. Are all ways of beginning to define a work of art, to narrow it down. " Imagine, you ,are an art critic whose mission is to compare the meanings you find in a wide
  28. Premiere. Gershwin responded to the critics," It's not a Beethoven Symphony, you ,know … It's a humorous piece, nothing solemn about it. It's not intended to
  29. The astronauts back to Earth. He told the astronauts," As a result of what, you ,'ve done, the world has never been closer together before. " After Nixon
  30. With good night, good luck, a Merry Christmas, and God bless all of you , all of, you ,on the good Earth ". The only task left for the crew at this point was to
  31. I untied" → halt (u). *Conversion of separate words LI" to me ", laka" to, you ,", etc. into indirect-object critic suffixes. *Certain changes in the cardinal
  32. Captain Oliver Wendell Holmes shouted at him," Get down, you damn fool, before, you , get shot! " After repeated calls on Grant to defend Washington, Sheridan was
  33. In his saddle and his face turning deathly pale, Harris asked:" General, are, you , wounded? " Johnston glanced down at his leg wound and replied with his last
  34. Fury would drive me now to hack you r flesh away and eat you raw – such agonies, you ,have caused me ". Achilles then got his vengeance. With the assistance of the
  35. Hardwood. The beads are counted by moving them up or down towards the beam. If, you ,move them toward the beam, you count their value. If you move away, you don't
  36. And to all the other people that are listening and watching tonight, God bless, you , Good night from Apollo 11. " On the return to Earth, the Guam tracking station
  37. Should also give them ointment to heal their wounds. You were practicing what, you ,were coached in the house of the Guru. " It was under the tutelage of the Guru
  38. Context, Schopenhauer reiterated his antidemocratic-eugenic thesis:" If, you ,want Utopian plans, I would say: the only solution to the problem is the
  39. Towards the beam. If you move them toward the beam, you count their value. If, you ,move away, you don't count their value. The sampan can be reset to the
  40. Then before it, Benjamin remarks," Donkeys live a long time. None of, you ,has ever seen a dead donkey. " He is skeptical and pessimistic, his
  41. To which Ken Mat tingly, the current CAP COM, replied," That's affirmative, you ,are the best ones to know ". The spacecraft began its journey back to Earth on
  42. You have been found Guilty by a jury of you r peers of the offense of XYZ. Do, you ,have anything to say as to why the sentence of this Court should not now be
  43. Down. " Imagine you are an art critic whose mission is to compare the meanings, you ,find in a wide range of individual artworks. How would you proceed with you r
  44. Sometimes, second-person masculine past-tense -ta, and likewise Santa ", you ,(masc. Sg. )" **final -an in certain short words,e.g. lays" is not "
  45. As a mass noun (for example:" Do you watch anime? "," How much anime have, you ,collected? "). However, in casual usage the word also appears as a count noun.
  46. Also like a biscuit. A few students took a biscuit. " Nice biscuit,don't, you ,think," said Korzybski, while he took a second one. The students were chewing
  47. Power" who wrote" brilliantly, beautifully and bitterly," and stated that ", you ,will not be able to read this masterful book without thinking through some of
  48. And thousands of others, and to all of those, I would like to say,'Thank, you ,very much. '" Aldrin added, : " This has been far more than three men on a
  49. Abilities into those craft. To those people tonight, we give a special thank, you , and to all the other people that are listening and watching tonight, God bless
  50. One could say" I bought herbs from the apothecary ". This could mean, you ,actually spoke to the apothecary (pharmacist) or went to the apothecary (

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