Examples of the the word, as , in a Sentence Context

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  1. In important literary and intellectual personalities of the time such, as ,Albert Camus, Herbert Read, Paul Goodman, Dwight Macdonald, Allen Ginsberg
  2. Of International Workers' Day on May Day had become firmly established, as ,an international worker's holiday. In 1907,the International Anarchist
  3. Without profit or discount. " Mutualism h as been retrospectively characterized, as ,ideologically situated between individualist and collectivist forms of
  4. Compatible. This is exemplified when the glorification of the state is viewed, as ,a form of sinful idolatry. The First International In Europe, harsh reaction
  5. Formulate the doctrine now known as Anarchism. " The first to describe himself, as ,an anarchist w as Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, a French philosopher and politician
  6. This w as as sociated with the punk rock movement, as exemplified by bands such, as ,Cr as s and the Sex Pistols. The housing and employment crisis in most of Western
  7. Latest and Monte were in particular disagreement themselves on this issue, as ,the latter thought that syndicalism w as revolutionary and would create the
  8. And illegal ‘ w as the most famous group to embrace illegalism. However, as soon, as ,1887,important figures in the anarchist movement distanced themselves from
  9. And other opponents of the October Revolution) and then the Bolsheviks, as ,part of the Revolutionary Insurrectionary Army of Ukraine led by Nestor Making
  10. With being" the first man to expound and formulate the doctrine now known, as ,Anarchism. " The first to describe himself as an anarchist w as Pierre-Joseph
  11. As a result of the Haymarket affair. Although it had initially been conceived, as ,a once-off event, by the following year the celebration of International
  12. These actions were precipitated by ad hoc, leaderless,anonymous cadres known, as ,black blocs; other organizational tactics pioneered in this time include
  13. United Kingdom in the 1970s this w as as sociated with the punk rock movement, as ,exemplified by bands such as Cr as s and the Sex Pistols. The housing and
  14. Around the turn of the 21st century, anarchism grew in popularity and influence, as ,part of the anti-war, anti-capitalist,and anti-globalisation movements.
  15. Regularly endured fluctuations in popularity. The central tendency of anarchism, as ,a m as s social movement h as been represented by anarcho-communist and
  16. First entered the English language in 1642,during the English Civil War, as ,a term of abuse, used by Royalists against their Round head opponents. In
  17. Etymology and terminology The term," Ide as on Liberty," May 1955. Its use, as ,a synonym is still common outside the United States. Accordingly," libertarian
  18. Anarchism philosophical anarchism may accept the existence of a minimal state, as ,unfortunate, and usually temporary," necessary evil" but argue that citizens
  19. Movements internationally. Many workers and activists saw Bolshevik success, as ,setting an example; Communist parties grew at the expense of anarchism and
  20. Unions (FOLK) of the United States and Canada unanimously set 1 May 1886, as , the date by which the eight-hour work day would become standard. The next day
  21. The political philosophy which holds the state to be immoral, or alternatively, as ,opposing authority in the conduct of human relations. Proponents of anarchism (
  22. Of anarchism (known as " anarchists" ) advocate stateless societies, as ,the only moral form of social organization. Overview There are many types and
  23. In perpetuating syndicalism itself, where as anarchists must always have anarchy, as ,their end and consequently refrain from committing to any particular method of
  24. Influential in the Anti-nuclear movement and anti-war movements of the time, as ,can be seen in the activism and writings of the English anarchist member of
  25. A fifth committed suicide prior to his own execution. The incident became known, as ,the Haymarket affair, and w as a setback for the labor movement and the
  26. The anarcho-communist Joseph Jacques w as the first person to describe himself, as ," libertarian ". Unlike Proudhon, he argued that," it is not the product of
  27. Or egoists while some anarcho-communists are also individualists. Anarchism, as ,a social movement h as regularly endured fluctuations in popularity. The central
  28. The International became polarized into two camps, with Marx and Bakunin, as ,their respective figureheads. Bakunin characterized Marx's ide as as centralist
  29. Bakunin as their respective figureheads. Bakunin characterized Marx's ide as , as ,centralist and predicted that, if a Marxist party came to power, its leaders
  30. Anarcho-syndicalist in general outlook; the prestige of the Spanish C. N. T., as ,a revolutionary organization w as undoubtedly to a great extent responsible for
  31. Culture, affinity groups and the use of decentralized technologies such, as ,the internet. Other active syndicalist movements include in Sweden the Central
  32. The principles of anarchism without adjectives. In the 1920s this form found, as ,its main proponents Violin and Seb as tien Fare. The veteran Italian anarchist
  33. Religious traditions creating a complex relationship regarding the question, as ,to whether or not anarchism and religion are compatible. This is exemplified
  34. Luigi Fabric, w as one of the first critical theorists of f as cism, describing it, as ," the preventive counter-revolution. "
  35. Authority in the conduct of human relations. Proponents of anarchism (known, as ," anarchists" ) advocate stateless societies as the only moral form of social
  36. Individualistic free-market philosophy only, referring to free-market anarchism, as ," libertarian anarchism ". History Origins The earliest and in later centuries
  37. To Jacobin centralization of power, seeing " revolutionary government ", as ,oxymoron. From this climate William Godwin developed what many consider the
  38. Bad Jinan. Huangdi, specifically,w as called by economist Ludwig on Miles, as ," the first anarchist in the history of human thought ". Huangdi wrote," A
  39. Made. The event also had the secondary purpose of memorializing workers killed, as ,a result of the Haymarket affair. Although it had initially been conceived as a
  40. Of Anarchist Communists of North America. Synthesis anarchism emerged, as ,an organizational alternative to platformism which tries to join anarchists of
  41. Of anarchists in varying degrees of protagonism. In the German uprising known, as ,the Bavarian Soviet Republic the anarchists Gustav Landauer, Silvio Resell and
  42. The United States. Accordingly," libertarian socialism" is sometimes used, as ,a synonym for socialist anarchism, to distinguish it from" individualist
  43. Anarchism is generally defined, as ,the political philosophy which holds the state to be immoral, or alternatively
  44. That the trade-union movement w as reformist and even conservative, citing, as , essentially bourgeois and anti-worker the phenomenon of professional union
  45. And illegal ‘ w as the most famous group to embrace illegalism. However, as ,soon as 1887,important figures in the anarchist movement distanced themselves
  46. Within the revolutionary councils structures. In the Italian events known, as ,the biennial Ross the anarcho-syndicalist trade union Union Indicate Italian
  47. Brigand becomes a ruler of a Nation," while Bad Jinan said that as soon, as ," the relationship between lord and subject is established, hearts become daily
  48. A great brigand becomes a ruler of a Nation," while Bad Jinan said that, as ,soon as " the relationship between lord and subject is established, hearts
  49. During which ten countries had experienced brief or long-term social upheaval, as ,groups carried out nationalist uprisings. After most of these attempts at
  50. And collectivist forms of anarchism. Proudhon first characterized his goal, as ,a" third form of society, the synthesis of communism and property. "

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