Examples of the the word, adequately , in a Sentence Context

The word ( adequately ), is the 4881 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of the people was that this party could not respond to Milošević's threats, adequately , The right-wing was represented by the Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ),led
  2. Modern printing technology, such as laser printers and ink jet printers, can, adequately , reproduce all three. This is especially true of printers equipped with support
  3. Prove existence propositions, but not vice versa. To describe problem-solving, adequately ,requires a richer system of logical concepts. *Axiomatic proof: Proofs are
  4. To Mandala, Kisangani,and Lamina, but only the battalion at Lamina is, adequately ,staffed; the others are little more than skeleton" units. The poor state of
  5. A signed consent form from their patients and to recommend that all patients be, adequately ,warned of the risks of dependence and withdrawal before starting treatment with
  6. Colony By 1790 the situation had stabilized. The population of about 2,000 was, adequately ,housed and fresh food was being grown. Phillip assigned a convict, James Ruse
  7. Holding nearly 60 percent of total financial sector assets. Banks are generally, adequately ,capitalized, but remain vulnerable due to their overexposure to the cotton
  8. To exposure to rainfall, and disease producing organisms and insects may not be, adequately ,controlled. Composting was somewhat modernized beginning in the 1920s in Europe
  9. For example, Williston pointed out in 1901 that Marsh had never been able to, adequately ,distinguish Allosaurus from Thesaurus. The most influential early attempt to
  10. Of the universe and life. Literalist creationists believe that evolution cannot, adequately ,account for the history, diversity,and complexity of life on Earth.
  11. And freedom of the press are considered to be essential, so that citizens are, adequately ,informed and able to vote according to their own best interests as they see
  12. Blooms. Mail continued to be used to protect those joints which could not be, adequately ,protected by plate, such as the armpit, crook of the elbow and groin. Another
  13. Family and their servants in the early 20th century) but cannot always be, adequately ,reproduced in certain languages. In addition, a significant part of an actor's
  14. Times with two (2TDES) or three (3TDES) different keys. TIES is regarded as, adequately ,secure, although it is quite slow. A less computationally expensive alternative
  15. Metal spoon-bending performances, but admitted that they were unable to conduct, adequately ,controlled experiments to confirm any paranormal hypothesis about them.
  16. Intended for the armored reconnaissance role),Medium Tanks (mid-sized, adequately ,armored, respectably gunned, fairly mobile tanks intended to provide an
  17. Him, they invited him to their home and explained to him the way of God more, adequately , " Though already a fervent preacher of the gospel, Apollos was open to further
  18. Alternative medicine '. Some claim that there is only medicine that has been, adequately ,tested and that which has not. Stephen Barrett, founder and operator of
  19. And mass culture as entirely new forms of social domination that could not be, adequately ,explained within the terms of traditional Marxist sociology. For Adorno and
  20. To break the law.: The Constitutional system of checks and balances has not, adequately ,controlled intelligence activities. Until recently the Executive branch has
  21. Classically by rubbing amber. In general usage, the word" electricity ", adequately ,refers to a number of physical effects. In a scientific context, however,the
  22. Battle; the alternative viewpoint is that Lee did not manage his subordinates, adequately , and did not thereby compensate for their shortcomings. Two of his corps
  23. Proponents of the argument maintain that the Euthyphro dilemma can be, adequately ,resolved. Thomas Aquinas, for example, explains that God indeed commands
  24. Pen plotters typically process vector images. Ink jet based plotters can, adequately ,reproduce all three. * Modern printing technology, such as laser printers and
  25. With twenty percent of federal tax revenue so that each municipality can, adequately ,maintain these infrastructures. The Law also redistributes political power to
  26. mm,) guns in each wing. The distinctive chin air scoop grew larger in order to, adequately ,cool the large Allison engine. *Retrospective designation for a single
  27. Form known as the ‘ diatribe. ’ … for the present purposes it may be described, adequately ,enough as copying the style of a speaker engaged in a lively oral debate with
  28. Of taking over experimental work that others had carried out—without always, adequately ,recognizing their claims—and by a rigorous logical procedure, reinforced by his
  29. And complex reasons, he would complete only seven more. Also, for reasons never, adequately ,explained, Red Beard would be his final film starring Toshiba Minute. You Fujiko
  30. Or cradle. If a crop is harvested during wet weather, the grain may not dry, adequately ,in the field to prevent spoilage during its storage. In this case, the grain is
  31. In the case accepted the plea bargain and ruled that the defendant had been, adequately ,apprised by his lawyer, Doris Bray. The Supreme Court held that for the plea to
  32. All other language transcriptions of its name. The change was made to reflect, adequately ,the Belarusian language form of the name. The use of Belorussian SSR and any
  33. Navy instructed the Grand Fleet not to go south of the Fare Islands unless, adequately ,protected by destroyers. The German High Seas Fleet, for their part, were
  34. Typical of the plaintiffs or defendants, and #the representative parties must, adequately ,protect the interests of the class. These four requirements are often
  35. The BBC's sound department had changed to a digital platform and could not, adequately ,create the distinctive Dale sound with their modern equipment. Briggs went as
  36. Of the GAL, the French government considered that detainees' rights were being, adequately ,defended in Spain. France changed its position in the matter and initiated in
  37. It has failed only because it is far too difficult a subject to be treated, adequately ,in our present state of knowledge. " He also asserted," Casuistry is the goal
  38. Of quantum theory on chemistry. However, the later edition in 1959 failed to, adequately ,address the problems that appeared to be better understood by molecular orbital
  39. With considerable harm and no compelling evidence exists to indicate that it, adequately ,prevents symptoms or diseases, thus the risk-benefit is not evidently favorable
  40. To chemotherapy) are administered intravenously, as they are not readily or, adequately ,absorbed by the digestive tract. After severe acute blood loss, liquid
  41. That such studies typically fail to use appropriate comparison groups, do not, adequately ,account for confounding variables, improperly account for pre-existing mental
  42. That the current approach based on exceeding a threshold of symptoms does not, adequately ,take into account the context in which a person is living, and to what extent
  43. If a defendant has been convicted and can prove that his lawyer did not, adequately ,handle his case and that there is a reasonable probability that the result of
  44. Proof that CH is consistent only shows that the Carmelo–Frankel axioms do not, adequately ,describe the universe of sets. Gödel was a Platonist and therefore had no
  45. Heavy taxes on the eastern part of the island. Since Haiti was unable to, adequately ,provision its army, the occupying forces largely survived by commandeering or
  46. From being exposed to sign language. Deaf children who did not progress, adequately ,in oral programs were labeled" oral failures ". Many did not consider sign
  47. Seasonal food items. If a bear is killed near camp, the bear's carcass must be, adequately ,disposed of, including entrails and blood, if possible. Failure to move the
  48. His assessment of their consequences for the new combine. The combine was never, adequately ,balanced or co-ordinated. One of the financial provisions obliged Daimler to
  49. This argument to work, it should be shown that a non-theistic worldview cannot, adequately ,account for transcendental normative facts. Criticisms Critics suggest that
  50. Chased the British. Because Beatty once again failed to signal his intentions, adequately , the battleships of the 5th Battle Squadron – which were too far behind to read

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