Examples of the the word, rotate , in a Sentence Context

The word ( rotate ), is the 4882 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Needed, was based on a steel ball, instead of a disc. It had two inputs, one to, rotate ,the ball, and the other to define the angle of the ball's rotating axis. That
  2. Signals that cannot be followed by the physical system: for example, trying to, rotate ,a valve at excessive speed. This can produce undesired behavior of the
  3. Can be varied, adjusting the effective field strength of the pair. (As they, rotate ,relative to each other, each magnet's field can be considered to have two
  4. Vacuum. Inside are a set of vanes which are mounted on a spindle. The vanes, rotate ,when exposed to light, with faster rotation for more intense light, providing a
  5. Are not triggered by the passage of time, it does determine when merchants, rotate ,their stock. Victorious players are listed as" Valhalla's Champions" in the
  6. It is so called because such isomers are optically active, that is, they, rotate , the plane of polarized light. The symbol Λ (lambda) is used as a prefix to
  7. Overrunning clutch or freewheel: If some external force makes the driven member, rotate ,faster than the driver, the clutch effectively disengages. Examples include: **
  8. If the ball has a rough surface, the fluid flowing past it will make it, rotate , The rotation axis (oriented according to the right-hand rule) points in the
  9. The resignation and death of William P. Frye, a compromise is reached to, rotate ,the office of President pro tempore of the United States Senate. *1914 –
  10. Can be inferred from their light curves (their variation in brightness as they, rotate ,) and their spectral properties, and asteroid sizes can be estimated by timing
  11. The meetings. Instead of the meetings always being held in London, they would, rotate ,across the membership, subject to countries' ability to host the meetings:
  12. 3D Aspheric Mouse. This new concepts of a true 6 DOF input-device uses a ball to, rotate ,in 3 axes without any limitations. Tactile mice In 2000,Logitech introduced
  13. Such as E. coli, have several flagella per cell (4–10 typically). These can, rotate ,in two ways: # Counter-clockwise rotation aligns the flagella into a single
  14. At local dealers. A circular structure at the top of the house was designed to, rotate ,around a central mast to use natural winds for cooling and air circulation.
  15. The rate of change of up is found. As with up, uθ is a unit vector and can only, rotate ,without changing size. To remain orthogonal to up while the trajectory r (t)
  16. Its orbit (see Gauss's law). In Thomson's model, electrons were free to, rotate ,in rings which were further stabilized by interactions between the electrons
  17. Bar suspended on a torsion pendulum. They confirmed that this leads the bar to, rotate , because the electron's angular momentum changes as the magnetization changes.
  18. Monte Carlo (DSMC) modeling. The gas movement causes the light mill to, rotate ,with the concave side moving forward, due to Newton's Third Law. This
  19. PARC. The ball-mouse replaced the external wheels with a single ball that could, rotate ,in any direction. It came as part of the hardware package of the Xerox Alto
  20. Army has maintained a presence within the organization. Currently, 25 personnel, rotate ,twice a year, being employed in key HQ, operations and logistics positions. *
  21. Fixing our gaze on that location, any other location in that hemisphere will, rotate ,around it the same way. The traced ground-path of a freely moving body
  22. Although it still isn't clear which one is stronger. All-black light mill To, rotate , a light mill does not have to be coated with different colors across each vane
  23. Both Einsteins and Reynolds's forces appear to cause a Crookes radiometer to, rotate , although it still isn't clear which one is stronger. All-black light mill To
  24. The locations at which the bricks are loaded, fired,and unloaded gradually, rotate ,through the trench. Dry pressed bricks The dry press method is similar to mud
  25. And even bamboo. Drivetrain and gearing The drivetrain begins with pedals which, rotate ,the cranks, which are held in axis by the bottom bracket. Most bicycles use a
  26. The spring was attached to the driven member inside which the drive shaft could, rotate ,freely. The sleeve had a projecting tooth, like a ratchet tooth. A
  27. And ridge-push, and other forces of tectonophysics will further separate and, rotate ,those two continents. It was this temporary feature which inspired Wegener to
  28. The TD became immobilized due to engine failure or track damage, it could not, rotate ,its gun to counter opposing tanks, making it highly vulnerable to counterfire.
  29. One player competes against a team of all the other participants, and positions, rotate ,after each game. Colette play often permits the use of multiple doubling cubes
  30. Protein flagella to make flagella, the corkscrew helical fibers they, rotate ,to propel themselves through the mucus of the small intestine. Once the cholera
  31. Duke Slayton wrote in his memoirs that Cooper and Gisele were never intended to, rotate ,to another mission as both were out of favor with NASA management for various
  32. Bowl, Sugar Bowl, Fiesta Bowl),while the National Championship game would, rotate ,each year between one of these venues. If, for example, the Rose Bowl was to be
  33. Uniform positive electrification, ... In this model, the electrons were free to, rotate ,within the blob or cloud of positive substance. These orbits were stabilized in
  34. Apollo 19 were finalized in September 1970 it meant that this crew would not, rotate ,to a lunar mission as planned. Subsequently, Roosa and Mitchell were recycled
  35. Invented a much-improved version of the glass harmonica, in which the glasses, rotate ,on a shaft, with the player's fingers held steady, instead of the other way
  36. Torso. At the same time, the knees push upwards quickly and the torso and hips, rotate ,anti-clockwise and the rear heel turns outward, mimicking the body movement of
  37. Stages of reduction gearing was a wrap-spring clutch-brake. The spring did not, rotate , One end was fixed; the other was free. It rode freely but closely on the
  38. Paths in a cloud-chamber trace the same helical path as an electron but, rotate ,in the opposite direction with respect to the magnetic field direction due to
  39. Figure becomes larger; if m is between 0 and 1,it becomes smaller. Rotation To, rotate ,a figure counterclockwise around the origin by some angle \theta is equivalent
  40. Whitehead in his Number 21. *1911 – United States Senate leaders agree to, rotate ,the office of President pro tempore of the Senate among leading candidates to
  41. And technology. For example, there is a (the L hands, touching at thumb tips, rotate ,up from palm down to palm forward). Hip-hop has been signed on YouTube.
  42. Forces or moments about the aerodynamic center of the aircraft, and thus, rotate ,the aircraft in pitch, roll,or yaw. For example, a pitching moment is a
  43. Lowest modern" orbital" with no orbital momentum, may be thought of as not to, rotate ," around" the nucleus at all, but merely to go tightly around it in an ellipse
  44. Momentum of its orbit:: \math bf_ = \math bf_ + \math bf_; If a planet is found to, rotate ,slower than expected, then astronomers suspect that the planet is accompanied
  45. Other browsers that support the plugin) * 3D modeling display applets, used to, rotate ,and zoom a model * Browser games can be applet-based, though some may develop
  46. View above the player's head. A related function makes an image of an object, rotate , so that all sides can be examined. When mice have more than one button
  47. Of the ball. The other input rotate d the" bottom" roller to make the ball, rotate , Essentially, the whole mechanism, called a component integrator, was a
  48. And flying saucers. The player controls a triangular-shaped ship that can, rotate ,left and right, fire shots straight forward, and thrust forward. As the ship
  49. Duke Slayton,NASA's Director of Flight Crew Operations, never intended to, rotate ,Cooper and Gisele to another mission, as both were out of favor with NASA
  50. S manufacturer (a" Fletcher" ) can arrange fletching to cause the arrow to, rotate ,along its axis. This improves accuracy by evening pressure buildups that would

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