Examples of the the word, sooner , in a Sentence Context

The word ( sooner ), is the 4885 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. An improving society, for an indefinite period, be constantly above it; for no, sooner ,may the impulse, which an increased capital gives to a new demand for labor, be
  2. For errors in the text, many of which were attributed to the author. No, sooner ,was it in the hands of the public than preparations were made to issue
  3. you'd be boosting every effort on the planet to solve important problems - the, sooner ,the better; and # computers could be the vehicle for dramatically improving
  4. Faster decision-making cycles, mobile forces could take action on a situation, sooner ,than the forces opposing them. Directive control was a fast and flexible method
  5. Flight. This meant Borman's crew was scheduled to fly two to three months, sooner ,than originally planned, leaving them a shorter time for training and
  6. Made war upon each other with their allies, a duel into which all the Hellenes, sooner ,or later were drawn. " He adds:" the real because I consider to be ... the
  7. Drugs that might ease pain and human suffering faster if brought to market, sooner , The AIDS crisis created some political efforts to streamline the approval
  8. Government to seek a permanent resolution of the Bosnian question, sooner , rather than later. On July 2,1908,in response to the pressing of the
  9. 24 months after their theatrical release. They may appear on video or DVD no, sooner ,than six months after cinema release. As a result of the funds provided by the
  10. Based paper such as newsprint, which will turn yellow and become brittle much, sooner , The basic tools are a drawing board or table, pencil sharpener and eraser, and
  11. Had transitioned the entire Mac product line to Intel chips, over one year, sooner ,than announced. On April 29, 2009,The Wall Street Journal reported that Apple
  12. Has consistently taught us that scientific advances in basic understanding have, sooner ,or later led to technical and industrial applications that have revolutionized
  13. The witness was, what time it was, what the witness saw, what they said. And, sooner ,or later upon asking again the witness may use a different word that will give
  14. Constantine had secretly prepared a final resting-place for himself. It came, sooner ,than he had expected. Soon after the Feast of Easter 337,Constantine fell
  15. Grade) he defined truth as that opinion which would be reached, sooner ,or later but still inevitably, by research taken far enough, such that the real
  16. The staff will set off these pagers should a child need his or her parents, sooner ,than expected. Products Furniture Rather than being sold pre-assembled, much of
  17. 3100) on a MIPS R2000 processor, allowing the DEC station to come to market, sooner , Among the differences between PRISM and other RISC processors, however,was
  18. Upon seeing the ambush of Mencius' army, Fabius cried" O Hercules! How much, sooner ,than I expected, though later than he seemed to desire, hath Mencius destroyed
  19. A handheld weapon and make a difficult deflection shot. It was inevitable that, sooner ,or later means of effectively arming" scouts" would be devised. The first
  20. As the pitcher has committed himself to throwing a pitch to home plate, neither, sooner , nor later. If he begins to run too soon, the pitcher may throw to a base rather
  21. He argued that Americans should avoid having it said" that America had no, sooner ,become independent than she became insolvent" or that" her infant glories and
  22. Infection, in a rodent or flea or warm place, that acts as a reservoir so that, sooner ,or later it breaks out again. The plague repeatedly returned to haunt Europe
  23. Date for a given AH date will be earlier and the Muslim calendar catches up, sooner , Current correlations An Islamic year will be entirely within a Gregorian year
  24. His responses by insisting that a more skilled observer would recognize even, sooner ,that early embryos can be distinguished. His also counteracts Hacker’s
  25. View of the campaign, writing to his wife that the army had returned" rather, sooner ,than I had originally contemplated, but having accomplished what I proposed on
  26. Of football quickly devolves into a game of Calvin ball. Calvin remarks that ", sooner ,or later, all our games turn into Calvin ball," suggesting a similar scenario
  27. 22 times. This ramming gave the characteristic" machine gun" noise and would, sooner ,or later, throw the head out of alignment. There were at least one or two "
  28. Backstage from Bill Hicks with the message," Wish I had gotten these to you, sooner , " This joke was cut from the final broadcast. The feud is also mentioned in
  29. Received as one of the Interwar. Towards the end of the poem, a stanza relates, sooner ,will the bonds of Henri snap than as good a king as Aaron shall stand in his
  30. Of DDT world-wide by 2014 and its total phase-out by the early 2020s if not, sooner ," while simultaneously combating malaria. The WHO plans to implement
  31. There are probabilistic arguments which suggest that human extinction may occur, sooner ,rather than later. In 1966 Sagan and Shklovskii suggested that technological
  32. Improve a player's game and give them more options for reaching the basket, sooner , Many players use what is referred to as a run-up during their drive, this is
  33. Of Charles I in 1649,carried out in the face of their strongest objections. No, sooner ,did news of his death reach the north than his son was proclaimed King Charles
  34. 1939. Britain and France declared war and World War II began - somewhat, sooner ,than the Nazis expected or were ready for. After establishing the" Rome-Berlin
  35. Mauchly's ENAC, but was initially omitted so that it could be finished, sooner , On June 30, 1945,before ENAC was made, mathematician John von Neumann
  36. On in the winter to simulate a longer day, thus bringing the mare into estrus, sooner ,than she would in nature. Mares signal estrus and ovulation by urination in the
  37. Of the faithful, either actually or pro forma. This investigation may open no, sooner ,than five years after the death of the person being investigated. However, the
  38. Of queued email, with " Precedence: special-delivery" messages delivered, sooner , With modern high-bandwidth networks delivery priority is less of an issue than
  39. Water heaters. The anode should be removed and checked after 5 years (, sooner ,if there is a sodium based water softer inline),and replaced if 15 cm (6
  40. To AIDS within 10 years of HIV infection: some will have progressed much, sooner , and some will take much longer. Treatment with antiretroviral increases the
  41. Young age of 44. Francis, just past his 24th birthday, was now Emperor ... much, sooner ,than he had expected. Emperor As the leader of the large multi-ethnic Habsburg
  42. The Athenians head-on. The strength of the hop lite was in the melee, and the, sooner ,that could be brought about, the better, from the Athenian point of view.
  43. Limited period. The opposing argument is that the benefits of innovation arrive, sooner ,when patents encourage innovators and their investors to increase their
  44. Begins an era of social revolution. The changes in the economic foundation lead, sooner ,or later to the transformation of the whole immense superstructure. In studying
  45. Caravaggio or his paintings were out of favor. The Death of the Virgin was no, sooner ,taken out of the church than it was purchased by the Duke of Mantra, on the
  46. 2007,except by special arrangement. Support for these products will end no, sooner ,than December 2013. All current SGI computer systems run Red Hat Enterprise
  47. Time before tumbling. If it is moving in the wrong direction, it will tumble, sooner ,and try a new direction at random. In other words, bacteria like E. coli use
  48. Some of these phraseological axioms are:::: * humans prefer to receive a good, sooner ,rather than later; and: Even in the early days, Austrian economics was used as
  49. Between them, it was inevitable that cavalry reconnaissance units would, sooner ,or later meet. This happened in the first major skirmish of the Civil War, when
  50. Of the Government. It declared that during a four-year transition period, and, sooner , if possible, it would draft and ratify a constitution, prepare a law on

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