Why teachers' voices are important?


Teachers' voices are important because they offer insights into the real experiences of people around the world. By sharing their stories, teachers can help to build a global community of educators who are committed to creating positive change.

Share a real experience from a teacher around the world

I'm a teacher from the United States and I've been teaching for about 10 years. I've seen a lot of change in education during that time, especially with the advent of Common Core State Standards. A lot of teachers are up in arms about them, but I think they're a good thing. They make sure that students are learning what they need to know, not just what we want them to learn.

Offer reflections on the experience shared

Since the advent of social media, the voices of teachers around the world have been amplified. Through blogs and other online platforms, they are able to offer reflections on their experiences in the classroom and beyond. This week, we feature a few posts from teachers who are sharing their real-world experiences.

Encourage readers to share their own experiences in the comments section

It's always interesting to hear about other people's teaching experiences, especially when they're from all over the world. Please share your own stories in the comments section below – we'd love to hear them!

Share a real experience that a teacher has had in the classroom

One teacher's story that comes to mind is when she was teaching in a rural area of Mexico. Many of her students came from very poor families and lacked basic supplies like pencils and paper. She would often go out of her own pocket to buy these things for her students. Despite the challenges, she loved teaching and found great satisfaction in seeing her students learn and grow.

Offer advice to other teachers who may be facing a similar situation

When I first started teaching, I was in a rural school in the middle of nowhere. There were only about 120 students in the entire school, and the nearest town was over an hour away. I was really unprepared for how isolating it would be. I didn't have any other teachers to talk to, and I felt like I was constantly reinventing the wheel. If you're in a similar situation, here are a few pieces of advice that might help you:

- Make sure you reach out to other teachers online. There are lots of great forums and Facebook groups where you can get support from your peers.

- Find ways to connect with your students outside of the classroom. Ask them about their hobbies or their family life. Building relationships with your students is key to having a successful year.

- Get involved in the community. There may be local events or clubs that you can join. This is a great way to meet people and make connections.

Encourage teachers to share their own stories and experiences in the comments section

As teachers, we often feel the need to share our stories and experiences with others in order to gain some insight or understanding. However, it is not often that we get the opportunity to do so. This blog post is designed to give teachers a chance to share their experiences with each other and to offer real-life examples of teaching around the world. Please leave your comments and thoughts below!

Teacher autonomy

Teachers are professionals who should be trusted to make decisions in the best interest of their students. However, in many cases, teachers do not have the autonomy they need to be effective educators. In this blog post, we will share the voices of teachers around the world who are fighting for their right to autonomy.

Digital learning

Many teachers around the world are using digital learning in their classrooms. They find that it helps to engage students and keep them interested in the lesson. Additionally, it allows for more personalized instruction, which is beneficial for all students.


Recently, we asked our teachers to share their thoughts on well-being in the classroom. Here's some of what they had to say:

"I think it's important that students feel comfortable and safe in order to learn. If they're worried about things at home or feeling unsafe in the classroom, then they can't focus on learning."

-"It's important to have a good relationship with your students. I try to get to know them as people, not just students so that they feel more comfortable talking to me if they're having any problems."

-"I always tell my students that it's okay to make mistakes. I'm there to help them learn, not to judge them."

We hope you found these quotes helpful and informative!

Autonomy in the classroom

One teacher's experience in Thailand highlighted the importance of autonomy in the classroom. She was given complete freedom to teach as she saw fit, and found that this created a more positive learning environment for her students. In contrast, when she taught in a school in Japan where autonomy was not as highly valued, she found that the students were less engaged and had lower grades.

Digital learning

In our increasingly digital world, it is important for students to have access to quality education that will prepare them for their future. That's why we're excited to be using new technology like digital learning in our classrooms. But what does that mean for teachers?

On one hand, digital learning can provide a more personalized and engaging experience for students. They can learn at their own pace, explore different topics, and connect with others from around the world. For teachers, this means more flexibility and creativity in the classroom.

But digital learning can also be challenging. It requires a lot of organization and planning and can be difficult to keep up with the latest technologies and trends. Teachers need to be prepared to face these challenges and use digital learning to its full potential.

Well-being in the classroom

There are many different ways to define well-being, but for the purpose of this blog post, we will focus on three essential elements: emotional, psychological, and physical well-being. How can teachers create a classroom environment that promotes well-being for all students? Let's take a look at some real-world examples from around the world.

Teacher empowerment

In many parts of the world, teachers are not empowered to make decisions in their classrooms or schools. They are often told what to do and how to do it, with little room for creativity or expression. This can lead to a lack of motivation and a feeling of being powerless. However, when teachers are given a voice and are allowed to share their ideas and experiences, they can feel more engaged and motivated. They also become better educators, as they are able to learn from their own students and colleagues.