How to start a phrase in English


To brighten up your speech in any situation, you can use this collection of phrases in English. With it, you can start any sentence or phrase in English. Read them and memorize those expressions that are closer to you. As you can see, there are quite a few of them, so we recommend that you keep this sign.

Table 1. 75 ways to start a phrase in English

As to....


As for


As far as concerned,



Concerning ...,

As a matter of fact,...




The fact is...,

The fact is that ...

As regard to...,

Concerning ...,

Speaking of....

Speaking of...,

In regard to....

In a relationship...,

Regarding ...,


The thing is

The fact is that ...

The trouble is...

The problem is that ...

The point is...

The bottom line is...

It comes as no surprise that...

No wonder...

Small wonder that...

No wonder...

To crown it all,...

To top it off,...

It is important to note that...

It's important to note that...

What counts here is ...

Seems important...

What matters here is...

Seems important...

It is vital to note that...

It's worth noting that...

It's important to keep in mind that...

It's important to keep in mind that...

It's important to remember that...

It's important to remember that...

An important point is that...

It is important that...

What's worse,...

What's worse...

It turned out / appeared that...

It so happened that...

It is no great surprise that...

No wonder...

On the one hand,..., on the other hand,

On the one hand on the other hand

Luckily / Fortunately

Luckily / Luckily /



This plays a key / vital / prominent important / major role in ...

It plays a key/vital/prominent/important/major role in...

I think...

I think...

It seems to me ...

It seems to me ...

(Personally,) I believe...

Personally, I think...

From my point of view / viewpoint...

From my point of view ...

(Personally,) I feel...

Specifically, I think...

In my view / opinion ...

From my point of view ...

As I see it,...

As far as I know,...

For all i know,...

As far as I know,...

As far as I can see,...

As far as I know,...

To my knowledge,...

As far as I know,...

I guess...

I think...

At my best guess,...

In my opinion,...

To my way of thinking,...

In my opinion,...

This play a key / vital / prominent important / major role in ...

It plays a key/vital/prominent/important/major role in...

This aspect is of fundamental / great / vital importance for...

This aspect is of fundamental / great / vital importance for...

We have every reason to believe that...

It can be assumed that...

We can safely assume that...

It's safe to assume that...

There is ample / abundant evidence that...

Quite sufficient/obvious evidence is...

This problem has to do with / relates to / is associated with / is connected with...

This issue has to do with / concerns / is related to...

It's common knowledge that...

It is well known that...

It's well known that...

It is known that...

It has long been known that...

It has long been known that...

So (as) far as is known,...

As far as is known...

To the best of our knowledge,...

As far as we know...

So far as we know,...

As far as we know...

Small wonder that...

No wonder...

It is not surprising that...

No wonder...

It goes without saying that...

It goes without saying that...

It's self-evident that...

It goes without saying that...

It stand to reason that...

It goes without saying that...

To put it in a nutshell,...

In short,...



What's more,...






To add to it,...

In addition,...

In addition,...


In a word,...

In short,...

In a nutshell,...

In short,...

In short,...

Briefly speaking,...

To make a long story short,...

Shortly speaking,...

Summing it up,...


So, to sum it up,...

So, to sum it up...

In conclusion,...
