How to give and receive gifts in English


A well-known case: everyone loves to receive gifts. However, giving them is also a pleasure. And if you give a Russian souvenir, for example, to an Australian friend, then this is generally an indescribable delight. It remains only to learn how to accompany this process with correct words in English. In this lesson, we will practice doing this.

To begin with, it should be said that the "act of giving" consists of giving a gift, accepting it, and thanking it. As a bonus, we will offer you notes that you can put in the package.

So, when donating , it is recommended to use the following suggestions:

  • This is for you.
  • I thought you might like this for Christmas…
  • It's only something small, but I hope you like it.
  • I thought this might go well with your (new dress / Prada bag..)

If you are the recipient of a gift, it would be useful to say something like:

Table. How to accept gifts in English

gift like Don't like the gift
Thank you so much! It's lovely / fantastic / wonderful.

It's something I've always wanted!

Wow! What a thoughtful present!
Thank you so much!

How kind of you!

It's lovely, thank you!

In principle, this can end the exchange of courtesy when giving a gift. However, if you want to seem original or show additional attention to the addressee, then we suggest that you remember a couple of beautiful words that you can write on a postcard or a note that comes with the gift.

  • To (name) with love from (name)
  • Wishing you a happy birthday, love (name)
  • With our love to you, (name of the giver)

If the gift is given not to a family member, but to a friend, boss, employee, etc., then it makes sense to write another sentence: With best wishes for a happy Christmas, (name).