Examples of the the word, wound , in a Sentence Context

The word ( wound ), is the 4343 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. America),large ants, especially army ants, are used as surgical sutures. The, wound ,is pressed together and ants are applied along it. The ant seizes the edges of
  2. Discomfort. Some modern research suggests Aloe vera can significantly slow, wound ,healing compared to normal protocols of treatment. Other reviews of randomized
  3. On April 26. An Army surgeon, Doctor Charles Leave, assessed Lincoln's, wound ,as mortal. The dying man was taken across the street to Petersen House. After
  4. Labeling the Soviet Union's military engagement in Afghanistan" a bleeding, wound ,", Soviet General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev began a withdrawal of Soviet
  5. Παιών: touching)," epikourios" ( επικουρώ: help)," Julius" ( ουλή: cured, wound ,) and" limits" ( λοiμός: plague). In classical times his strong function in
  6. Interpretation, the queen's answer reveals her determination not to let the, wound ,opened by the killing of her father be healed through a ritual act, thus openly
  7. CCF, voted for the fringe British Columbia Social Credit Party (Soc reds),who, wound ,up with the largest number of seats in the House (19),only one seat ahead of
  8. Ltd had a flow-on effect to Claridge's Company, which was itself compulsorily, wound ,up, ceasing operations in 1917,having invested a substantial amount of funds
  9. Body is then cut off and the head and mandibles remain in place to close the, wound , Some ants of the family Powering have toxic venom and are of medical
  10. And suffered an ambush. During the rescue, Albuquerque received a severe, wound ,and had to retreat. Soon after the failed attack on Cali cut, Albuquerque
  11. Harris asked:" General, are you wound ed? " Johnston glanced down at his leg, wound ,and replied with his last words:" Yes, and I fear seriously. " Harris and
  12. During combat, he is injured in his back, fatally (Chapter 6) — the resulting, wound ,is large enough for Paul to see Haie's breathing lung when Himmelstoß carries
  13. As Crohn's disease) or diabetes. Often the abscess will start as an internal, wound ,caused by ulceration, hard stool or penetrative objects with insufficient
  14. Held Orestes for ransom, the ransom being Achilles' aid in healing the, wound , Odysseus reasoned that the spear had inflicted the wound ; therefore, the spear
  15. They wore underclothes called four and had their hair dressed properly and, wound ,waist cloths called Ranku, ponkut, etc. around their bodies. When women
  16. From the lower court cases were left undecided. By the time that the trial, wound ,its way through nine years of legal battles, the U. S. prosecuting attorney had
  17. This is debatable since the smallest of the close confinement boxes caused his, wound ,to reopen and begin to bleed again. Indeed, John Kyriakos, a CIA officer who
  18. In all of his body except for his heel. As he died because of a small, wound ,on his heel, the term" Achilles' heel" has come to mean a person's
  19. Karol had to win the final game to draw the match and retain his title, but, wound , up losing, thus surrendering the title to his opponent. The final score was
  20. Able to detach from the harpoon when it penetrated an animal, and remain in the, wound , There were three main kinds of harpoon that the Aleut’s used: a simple harpoon
  21. Concupiscence is not a being but bad quality, the privation of good or a, wound , Augustine's understanding of the consequences of the original sin and of
  22. Price marking labels, promotional graphics materials, and for skin contact (, wound ,care dressings, EKG electrodes, athletic tape, analgesic and transdermal drug
  23. Mindanao Network that United States hostage Martin Burnham sustained a gunshot, wound ,on the back during a recent exchange of gunfire. 2002 * July 21 - A provincial
  24. Of Spa, Belgium:" But we did not go into Spa itself. We left the main road and, wound ,into the leafy fastnesses of the hills, till we reached a little hamlet and an
  25. If he unlawfully offers or attempts, with force or violence, to strike, beat, wound , or do bodily harm to, another. Republic of Ireland Section 2 of the Non-Fatal
  26. Popular Atari 2600. The 5200 was created to compete with the Intellivision, but, wound , up more directly competing with the ColecoVision shortly after its release. The
  27. Broadhead" ) that widens further, to facilitate both penetration and a large, wound , Hunting Using archery to take game animals is known as bow hunting. Bow hunting
  28. He was wound ed, taking a bullet behind his right knee. He did not think the, wound ,serious at the time, and sent his personal physician to attend to some wound ed
  29. The Wagnerian Natural History Society, a former Scottish learned society, is, wound , up. *1862 – American Civil War: The Battle at Lee's Mills in Virginia. * 1862
  30. As their fluids will not clot in the case of a laceration or puncture, wound , Polydorus polytheists are known as pests of abalone. Human use The meat (foot
  31. A shorter derivation of the EAP. The P80 booster casing is made of filament, wound ,graphite epoxy, much lighter than the current stainless steel casing. A new
  32. Hard stool or penetrative objects with insufficient lubrication. This, wound ,typically becomes infected as a result of the normal presence of feces in the
  33. In March 2010. Interim analysis of data from this study suggests that ", wound ,packing may significantly increase the failure rates. " A small pilot study has
  34. Had no power to compel the states to fund this obligation, and as the war, wound ,down after the victory at Yorktown the sense of urgency to support the military
  35. The assassin's dagger in his breast. Alp Asian died four days later from this, wound ,on 25 November 1072 in his 42nd year, and was taken to Mere to be buried next
  36. Pressed together and ants are applied along it. The ant seizes the edges of the, wound ,in its mandibles and locks in place. The body is then cut off and the head and
  37. S Suffrage Societies (indeed it was their property until 1928,when they were, wound ,up after women won the right to vote – see above in relation to Millicent
  38. Sanders had approached many of the engineering staff to work for AMD as DEC, wound ,down their semiconductor business, and brought in a near-complete team of
  39. Reports that the Delphic Pythias sent a lord of Proton to be cured of a chest, wound , Minus Marcellus (XXII.8) attributes the healing to waters (aqua) on
  40. A pair of shears. Capone was admitted into the prison hospital with a minor, wound ,and released a few days later. Capone completed his term in Alcatraz on January
  41. Spear must be able to heal it. Pieces of the spear were scraped off onto the, wound ,and Telefax was healed. Troilus According to the Cyprian (the part of the Epic
  42. Aid in healing the wound . Odysseus reasoned that the spear had inflicted the, wound ,; therefore, the spear must be able to heal it. Pieces of the spear were scraped
  43. Caused nerve damage or numbness to his right leg and that he did not feel the, wound ,to his leg as a result. The bullet had in fact clipped his popliteal artery and
  44. He went to Rules pretending to be a beggar and asked Achilles to heal his, wound , Achilles refused, claiming to have no medical knowledge. Alternatively
  45. Their actions had on Vietnam:" But members of the U. S. antiwar movement, wound ,up being involved in the betrayal of Far Eastern nations, in a genocide and in
  46. I believe a speck of dust would have caused him more pain than a bullet, wound , Yet this quaint dandified little man who, I was sorry to see, now limped badly
  47. Finally taken by force, but not before Alexander received a serious shoulder, wound , As in Tyre, the male population was put to the sword and the women and
  48. S claim to have been the son of Zeus-Ammon, Anaxarchus pointed to his bleeding, wound ,and remarked," See the blood of a mortal, not actor, such as flows from the
  49. Certifying him as sporadically not responsible for his actions due to a head, wound , though he is clearly quite sane and exploiting his license, so he can stay in
  50. Ruled by King Telefax. In the resulting battle, Achilles gave Telefax a, wound ,that would not heal; Telefax consulted an oracle, who stated that" he that

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