Examples of the the word, pricing , in a Sentence Context

The word ( pricing ), is the 3577 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Average fares tend to drop 20 % or more. The added competition, together with, pricing ,freedom, means that new entrants often take market share with highly reduced
  2. For consumer privacy and autonomy, advertising truthfulness and fairness in, pricing ,& distribution. According to Bergeron, and Schroeder (2008),marketing can
  3. Be complex, and there are many variables to consider. Arbitrage-free, pricing ,is a central topic of financial mathematics. For futures/forwards the arbitrage
  4. Versions AutoCAD is licensed at a significant discount over commercial retail, pricing ,to qualifying students and teachers, with a 36-month license available. The
  5. Suggested that growth in electricity demand would overwhelm these downward, pricing ,pressures, leading most designers to introduce plants in the 1000 We range.
  6. Ability. Applications of electronic visual displays include electronic, pricing ,labels in retail shops, and digital signage,timetables at bus stations
  7. Ads on the home page and in sleep mode, in exchange for substantially lower, pricing ,compared to the ad-free devices. Abacus (also spelled Ecus, Greek ) was a
  8. Centrally planned economies ', aside from some token intra-corporate, pricing , As pointed out by Kenneth Arrow and others, the existence of firms in free
  9. Sabre, allowed airlines to easily perform cost-benefit analyses on different, pricing ,structures, leading to almost perfect price discrimination in some cases (that
  10. General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) about anticompetitive dumping, pricing ,practices * Austrian Development Agency, a development aid agency * Australian
  11. Products sold in the construction industry, or extracted into a data file for, pricing , materials estimation, and other values related to the objects represented.
  12. Quote generation, and product knowledge. Modules for Web 2.0 e-commerce and, pricing ,are new, emerging interests in SFA. Even so, a 2009 study revealed that only 39
  13. Input-dependant (meaning the final price depends heavily on how we derive the, pricing ,inputs). Therefore, it is common that OTC derivatives are priced by Independent
  14. Are forced to make constant adjustments. Most airlines use differentiated, pricing , a form of price discrimination, in order to sell air services at varying
  15. There can be complexities. However, for options and more complex derivatives, pricing ,involves developing a complex pricing model: understanding the stochastic
  16. Rolling stock leasing market and believed that there may have been excessive, pricing ,on the part of the Roscoe. In June 2006,Gwyneth Dunwoody, the House of Commons
  17. Returned to normalcy, major airlines dominated their routes through aggressive, pricing ,and additional capacity offerings, often swamping new startups. Only America
  18. Aircraft (first, business and economy) into a number of travel classes for, pricing ,purposes. A complicating factor is that of origin-destination control (" OD
  19. Speeds varying from 50 to 200 km/h (30 to 125 mph). Distance charges or zone, pricing ,may be used. Non-English names include Trend suburban in Italian, Cercanías in
  20. One academic study (Jefferson,2003) found that demutualized societies ', pricing ,behavior on deposits and mortgages was more favorable to shareholders than to
  21. In Maclean's newsmagazine. Criticism Adobe has been criticized for its, pricing ,practices, with retail prices being as much as twice as high in non-US
  22. Unplanned economies,i.e. the market economy, where production, distribution, pricing , and investment decisions are made by the private owners of the factors of
  23. Embezzlement, and their original name was the Incorruptible Cashier. that is odd, pricing ,came about because by charging odd amounts like 49 or 99 cents, the cashier
  24. And biopiracy in the pharmaceutical industry; the fair trade movement; transfer, pricing , *Issues such as globalization and cultural imperialism. *Varying global
  25. Wine (World of Wine, Europe ). Consumer Reports did, however,criticize SA8's, pricing , a situation which was disputed by Amway. Consumer Reports conducted blind
  26. Regulations. These construction drawings and specifications are also used for, pricing ,the work, and for construction. Construction role Architects typically put
  27. A June 2006 complaint by the Department for Transport alleging excessive, pricing ,by the Roscoe, the Office of Rail Regulation announced that it was minded to
  28. Booked load factor, the forecast of total demand by price point, competitive, pricing , in force, and variations by day of week of departure and by time of day.
  29. Occurs by simultaneously buying in one and selling on the other. See rational, pricing , particularly arbitrage mechanics, for further discussion. Mathematically it is
  30. As wood, papyrus,and stone. In the edict, Diocletian declared that the current, pricing ,crisis resulted from the unchecked greed of merchants, and had resulted in
  31. Corporate Greenhouse Gas abatement; Miscellaneous; Transfer Pricing *Transfer, pricing , a commonly used Transfer Pricing method Celestials are a Roman Catholic
  32. Airlines to Computer Reservation Systems across the world. The extent of these, pricing ,phenomena is strongest in" legacy" carriers. In contrast, low fare carriers
  33. With a deregulated airline industry have more competition and greater, pricing ,freedom. This results in lower fares and sometimes dramatic spurts in traffic
  34. For collectors of all things baseball to trade with each other. Regionalized, pricing ,was wiped away, and many objects, baseballs,bats, and the like began selling
  35. Were exported out of China in 2002. Offered at $34 a ton, Chinese cement is, pricing ,itself out of the market as Thailand is asking as little as $20 for the same
  36. 1920 article" Economic Calculation in the Socialist Commonwealth" that the, pricing ,systems in socialist economies were necessarily deficient because if government
  37. Retail prices not to be exceeded. Penalties are laid out for various, pricing ,transgressions. In the most basic terms, the edict was ignorant of the law of
  38. Both foresaw a role for private entrepreneurs and markets based on trade and, pricing ,rather than central planning. An interesting anecdote on this note is the first
  39. S-Video, for connection to the popular Commodore 1702 monitor. Aggressive, pricing ,of the C64 is considered to be a major catalyst in the North American video
  40. Lack of seats. Since an average of ⅓ of all seats are flown empty, stimulative, pricing , for low demand flights coupled with overbooking on high demand flights can help
  41. Charged without driving the consumer elsewhere). The intense nature of airfare, pricing ,has led to the term" fare war" to describe efforts by airlines to undercut
  42. No risk-free profits can be made by trading in these contracts; see rational, pricing , Determining the market price For exchange-traded derivatives, market price is
  43. In domestic markets. It becomes difficult for these markets to compete with the, pricing ,set by foreign markets. In 2009,the International Trade Commission has been
  44. For options and more complex derivatives, pricing involves developing a complex, pricing ,model: understanding the stochastic process of the price of the underlying
  45. Assign prices to their services in an attempt to maximize profitability. The, pricing ,of airline tickets has become increasingly complicated over the years and is
  46. Avoid distorting those perceptions and interactions. Marketing ethics involves, pricing ,practices, including illegal actions such as price fixing and legal actions
  47. Accept a lower expected return for the sake of avoiding risk. See Capital asset, pricing ,model for a further discussion of this. For the sake of the example (and this
  48. Coordinate system of astronomy *The dividend yield on the Black-Scholes option, pricing ,formula *Signifies a major seventh chord in jazz music notation. *Ratios of
  49. Moving toward market-based economies by allowing the private sector to make the, pricing , production, and distribution decisions. Although most economies today are
  50. Willing to pay $1300? Airlines have to make hundreds of thousands of similar, pricing ,decisions daily. The advent of advanced computerized reservations systems in

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