Examples of the the word, ticket , in a Sentence Context
The word ( ticket ), is the 1786 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Insurance and other costs. Thus, all but a small percentage of the income from, ticket ,sales is paid out to a wide variety of external providers or internal cost
- Was Sarah Pain, the state's governor and the first Alaskan on a major party, ticket , The Alaska Bush, central Juneau, midtown and downtown Anchorage, and the area
- The potential exists in the code to turn Bugzilla into a technical support, ticket ,system, task management tool, or project management tool,Bugzilla's
- Can also be bought on buses and at ticket counters located at major stations. A, ticket ,price inside the Copenhagen local traffic area is distance-dependent and always
- M., Daddy Cool, opened in London in August 2006 to mixed reviews and sluggish, ticket ,sales, causing it to close again in February 2007. From April to July 2007
- For governor and nominee for lieutenant governor run together on the same, ticket , Alaska's court system has four levels: the Alaska Supreme Court, the court of
- The boat leaves Chetumal enroute to Ambergris Came every day at 3:30 p. m. and, ticket ,cost is $30 US, one way,$55 US, round trip. Travelers through Mexico can
- Air passes are obtainable for multiple flights, when buying an international, ticket ,on TAC. Halcyon air a private carrier with Portuguese and Cape Verde an
- Of Power in Europe, but the final seven UK dates were cancelled because of poor, ticket ,sales. For the first time in their career, the band's touring cycle did not
- In that class as a paying customer or on a premium cabin frequent flyer award, ticket ,(not as an upgrade). The only exception to this rule is for Cineworld Emerald
- He was searched with a hand wand. The Nazi brothers checked in together at the, ticket ,counter at 07:29. Hand Hangout checked in separately and arrived at the
- Leaving the Republican Party and briefly joining the Alaskan Independence Party, ticket ,just long enough to be reelected. He subsequently officially rejoined the
- Highest rail fares in the world. For example, the (discounted) annual season, ticket ,from London to Brighton (standard 2nd class) as of January 2010 costs £3,280
- Both airlines' permission to merge and to co-operate with American Airlines on, ticket ,prices and schedules for transatlantic routes of all three airlines. On 20 July
- Only forty minutes to reach Regina; the regular ferry takes about an hour, with, ticket , prices for adults within the 4-15 euro range. There are regular bus services
- Then the airlines, who collect and pass through fees and revenues to them from, ticket ,sales. While airlines as a whole earned 6 % return on capital employed (2-3.5
- Is that of origin-destination control (" O&D control" ). Someone purchases a, ticket ,from Melbourne to Sydney (as an example) for AU$200 is competing with someone
- Are installed at all stations, and ticket s can also be bought on buses and at, ticket ,counters located at major stations. A ticket price inside the Copenhagen local
- Provide ticket s to people at the head of the queue to guarantee them a hot, ticket ,item, and canvass queued-up shoppers to inform them of inventory limitations.
- And flat without a backing track, fans won't pay up to $300 for a concert, ticket , " Giddings adds," it was reported Britney Spears fans prefer her to
- Secretary and in 1856 would run for Vice President on the American Party, ticket , The relationship between the President and Emily became strained during the
- Audience: relative to other spectator pastimes, the National League's set, ticket ,price of 50 cents in 1876 was high, while the location of playing fields
- Vested The governor and the lieutenant governor are elected on the same, ticket ,by popular vote for four-year terms. Legislative branch The Legislature, or
- Hannibal Hamlin of Maine was nominated for Vice President to balance the, ticket , Lincoln's success depended on his reputation as a moderate on the slavery
- Zones. Zones 1,2 and 3 make up the city core of Copenhagen. Tickets. The same, ticket ,is valid for travel on bus, train,and metro networks. Ticket machines are
- For day games and 37,400 for night games. " That is: a sellout only covers, ticket ,sales, not spectators in physical seats. ) *On September 2,2011, the Red Sox
- Governors. The governor and lieutenant governor are not elected on the same, ticket , Alabama was a strongly Democratic state before the Civil War, electing only
- Governor Sarah Pain became the first Republican woman to run on a national, ticket ,when she became John McCain's Vice Presidential running mate. She continued to
- Price) or 24 hour travel card (130 DKK). The fine for not having a valid, ticket ,is 750DKK. The main junction stations for interchange between system or lines
- Arts in Johannesburg. Unable to dance, Theron flew to Los Angeles on a one-way, ticket ,her mother bought her. She later fired him as her manager after he kept sending
- His own policies, and fend off efforts by Radicals to drop him from the 1864, ticket , At its 1864 convention, the Republican Party selected Andrew Johnson, a War
- To watch games at Franklin Field. However, Bell would customarily buy his own, ticket ,to home games and sit among the fans. Bell's funeral on October 14, 1959,at
- Be applied to cyberspace. Judge Patricia A. Sat found that the" virtual, ticket ,counter" of the website was a virtual construct and hence not a" public place
- Subway downtown" ); such American introductions as commuter (from commutation, ticket ,), concourse,to board (a vehicle),to park, double-park and parallel park (
- Went on sale in the US and sold out within a few minutes. One dollar from each, ticket ,sold went to local charities. The Beastie Boys toured South America and
- With the rise in popularity of other team sports with much higher average, ticket ,prices—football, basketball,and hockey—professional baseball had become among
- Landscape of the island. Not long after arriving, he threw his return train, ticket ,into the sea near Fourteen Harbor. * The Nobel Prize winning author, Heinrich
- Tram network also covers the city. An inter ticket ing system means that a STAB, ticket ,holder can use the train or long-distance buses inside the city. The commuter
- As the vice presidential candidate in 1864 on the National Union Party, ticket , He and Lincoln were elected in November 1864 and inaugurated on March 4,1865.
- Second run-off round on 8 May 2005,defeating Martin Miguel, who ran on the, ticket ,of the MLPC, the former ruling party. The National Elections Commission
- As a result, Griffith had to seek new sources of capital for his film. A, ticket ,to the film cost a record $2 (equal to $ today). The film premiered on
- Trains to southern and western Sweden depart every 20 minutes. (A special, ticket ,fare system exists between the Copenhagen local traffic area and the most
- Graft (bribery),bad-mouth, vacation,major, backpack,backtrack, intern, ticket , ( traffic violations),hassle, blacktop,peer-review, dope and OD, and,of
- New York State Assembly member Rubén Díaz, Jr., running on the" Bronx Unity ", ticket , won this election with 29,420 votes (86 %) against 4,646 votes (14 %) for
- Of casino games: table games, electronic gaming machines, and random number, ticket ,games such as Keno and simulated racing. Gaming machines, such as slot machines
- Restricted access to the service to high society members only and increased the, ticket ,price. It ceased operation 15 years later, and no further such services are
- Crucial during tough economic times as airlines undertake massive cuts to, ticket ,prices in order to retain demand. Operating costs Full-service airlines have a
- Area is distance-dependent and always between two and nine zones (a nine zone, ticket ,goes for all zones). Price is currently (2011) 12 DKK for each zone. There
- UK operates in exactly the same cabin as UK Domestic but with a fully flexible, ticket ,and pre-flight lounge access. Euro Traveler is British Airways' economy class
- Nearly half of the US dates would eventually be cancelled because of poor, ticket ,sales. One vocalist whose status is disputed, both inside and outside Black
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