Examples of the the word, centre , in a Sentence Context

The word ( centre ), is the 1791 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And it had undergone a transformation from the political to the intellectual, centre , of Greece. Aristophanes was part of this transformation, and he shared in the
  2. Its heyday. Currently, the largest employers on Chill are two hotels and a call, centre , In late 2009 Ireland's only Turbot farm opened in the Tuncurry Business
  3. Coat of arms of Amsterdam is composed of several historical elements. First and, centre , are three St Andrew's crosses, aligned in a vertical band on the city's
  4. English writer Honor Tracy lived there until her death in 1989. * In the, centre , of Reweigh is a commemoration plaque to Don Album, the first man to row across
  5. One of Europe's largest courses. It is situated near Dam Square in the city's, centre , Tourism Amsterdam is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Europe
  6. Designed an entire ring of 19th century neighborhoods surrounding the city’s, centre , with the city preserving the ownership of all land outside the 17th century
  7. Of Flemish printers and the city's intellectual tolerance made Amsterdam a, centre , for the European free press. The 17th century is considered Amsterdam's Golden
  8. Andorra from developing a full academic program, and it serves principally as a, centre , for virtual studies, connected to Spanish and French universities. The Virtual
  9. And Kim Nora started their careers in Amsterdam. Amsterdam has its garment, centre , in the World Fashion Center. Buildings which formerly housed brothels in the
  10. Of Pintos who came there around 300 BC and developed the city as a trading, centre , for the commerce of goods between the Black Sea ports and Crimea to the north;
  11. Arrangements with creditors. Van Vogt and his wife opened their own Diabetics, centre , partly financed by his writings, until he" signed off" around 1961. At the
  12. Is Angola. The best known of these is the Kingdom of the Kongo that had its, centre , in the northwest of contemporary Angola, but included important regions in the
  13. Shortly thereafter,Schopenhauer's mother Johanna moved to Weimar, then the, centre , of German literature, to pursue her writing career. After one year
  14. To grain or to dairy farming, with mixed farming more common in the north and, centre , while ranching and irrigated agriculture predominate in the south. The Alberta
  15. Featured a concrete track with high-speed banked corners. Brook lands was also a, centre , of the aviation industry, with Kickers setting up a factory and aerodrome there
  16. Alberta's capital city, Edmonton,is located approximately in the geographic, centre , of the province. It is the most northerly major city in Canada, and serves as a
  17. Seemingly ordinary canal side house fronts. One example is the current debate, centre , de Rode Hoed. A large influx of foreigners of many religions came to
  18. Stock Exchange, the oldest stock exchange in the world, is located in the city, centre , Amsterdam's main attractions, including its historic canals, the Rijksmuseum
  19. Edmonton, the capital city of Alberta, is located near the geographic, centre , of the province and is the primary supply and service hub for Canada's oil
  20. Strongly associated with his oracular inspiration. Their two figures hold the, centre , In the pediment of the temple of Zeus in Olympia, the single figure of Apollo
  21. Highly decorated and ornate, with oddly shaped windows and doors. The old city, centre , is the focal point of all the architectural styles before the end of the 19th
  22. A metro started operating in 1977 between the new suburb of Wilmer and the, centre , of Amsterdam. Further plans were to build a new highway above the metro to
  23. And Turkey. ) Ancient history The oldest settlements in and around the city, centre , of Ankara belonged to the Hatti's civilization which existed during the Bronze
  24. Of European visitors. Two thirds of the hotels are located in the city's, centre , Hotels with 4 or 5 stars contribute 42 % of the total beds available and 41 %
  25. The S100 Centering is a smaller ring road circumnavigating the city's, centre , Amsterdam was intended in 1932 to be the hub, a kind of Kilometer Zero, of the
  26. By TD Bank Financial Group found the corridor to be the only Canadian urban, centre , to amass a U. S. level of wealth while maintaining a Canadian style quality of
  27. The 19th century. Jugendstil and Art Deco are mostly found outside the city’s, centre , in the neighborhoods built in the early 20th century, although there are also
  28. Theatre and hospitals. Geography The city lies roughly at the geographical, centre , of Denmark on the peninsula of Jutland. Forests reach from the south into the
  29. Although there are also some striking examples of these styles in the city, centre , Most historic buildings in the city center and nearby are houses, such as the
  30. A so-called city-ditch from the year 850 which might have marked the trade, centre , upon which the city is built. The finding of six rune stones in and around
  31. With forests and meadows; the city itself is very hilly north of the, centre , ( by Danish standards, that is; see The Highest hill, Denmark ). The coastline
  32. Large-scale production vehicle to feature permanent all-wheel drive through a, centre , differential. Commonly referred to as the" Ur-Quattro" ( the" Your-" prefix
  33. Of the war and other incidents of the 20th century, almost the entire city, centre , had fallen into disrepair. As society was changing, politicians and other
  34. Expanded rapidly during this period, new buildings adjacent to the city, centre , were also built in this style. The houses in the vicinity of the Museum Square
  35. The population in the city proper now counts about 50 %. Transport In the city, centre , driving a car is discouraged. Parking fees are expensive, and many streets are
  36. Abundance of small and medium-sized IT and service companies dotting the city, centre , The Ceres Brewery, part of Royal Unibrow, was originally founded in Aarhus.
  37. Among which Ankara Santa Tiyatrosu who have their own stage in the city, centre , is a notable example. Ankara is host to five classical music orchestras: *
  38. On the old canals, companies are increasingly relocating outside the city, centre , The Goods (English: South Axis) has become the new financial and legal hub.
  39. And is located at the Mundelein. Path Arena is located a metro ride from the, centre , and includes an IMAX auditorium. Path City is scheduled to reopen in 2010. Art
  40. Stadsherstel Amsterdam, were founded with the aim of restoring the entire city, centre , Although the success of this struggle is visible today, efforts for further
  41. Of these styles in the city center. Most historic buildings in the city, centre , and nearby are houses, such as the famous merchants' houses lining the canals.
  42. Reach from the south into the city to within a kilometer (0.6 mi) of the city, centre , because the city has grown around the forest, and some forest areas are
  43. Until the early 20th century. A small river, the Ankara Cays, ran through the, centre , of the Roman town. It has now been covered and diverted, but it formed the
  44. Windshield wiper as the historian Gee rt MAK calls it – and not from the, centre , outwards,as a popular myth has it. The canal construction in the southern
  45. Is one of the most bicycle-friendly large cities in the world and is a, centre , of bicycle culture with good facilities for cyclists such as bike paths and
  46. Royal Unibrow announced the closure of Ceres in 2008. Culture Aarhus is a, centre , for education on the peninsula of Jutland. It draws students from a large area
  47. Players earn a place in the Audi apartments located in a large tower in the, centre , of the Audi Space. In both the Home Terminal and Vertical Run spaces, there are
  48. Architecturally impressive sights include the 13th century cathedral in the, centre , of the city; Århus Dunkirk is the tallest cathedral in Denmark, as well as the
  49. To build a new highway above the metro to connect the Central Station and city, centre , with other parts of the city. The incorporated large-scale demolitions began in
  50. The provinces of Utrecht and Flevoland. The river Hostel terminates in the city, centre , and connects to many canals that eventually terminate in the IJ.

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