Examples of the the word, poverty , in a Sentence Context

The word ( poverty ), is the 1806 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Serious and permanent consequences. The lack of basic security leads to chronic, poverty ,when it simultaneously affects several aspects of people’s lives, when it is
  2. The equivalent to US$1.50,AUD$2 or 1 pound per day. The eradication of extreme, poverty ,and hunger was the first Millennium Development Goal, as set by 179 United
  3. Undergoing severe urbanization stresses as the failing rural economies drive, poverty ,stricken landless peasants to the cities. The growth of modern cities through
  4. 2005) which places approximately 18 % households in the city below the, poverty ,line (defined as 60 % of the mean income). Conversely, an Aberdeen postcode
  5. AIDS, malaria,tuberculosis) as crucial factors in and consequences of extreme, poverty , Extreme poverty is most common in Sub-Saharan Africa. The Analytical Engine
  6. 26,419. About 4.6 % of families and 16.6 % of the population were below the, poverty ,line, including 7.3 % of those under age 18 and 5.1 % of those age 65 or over.
  7. 18,759. About 11.6 % of families and 15.9 % of the population were below the, poverty ,line, including 22.0 % of those under age 18 and 9.6 % of those age 65 or over.
  8. Of one sentence," details vividly and with rhetorical emphasis the grinding, poverty ," but feels emotion solely for members of his own class. Swift’s use of
  9. As a result, African Americans, who have a disproportionate occurrence of, poverty ,and unemployment as a group, are more often uninsured than non-Hispanic whites
  10. Sons, Alexander and Nikolai, were attending university. The family lived in, poverty ,in Moscow,Chekhov's mother physically and emotionally broken. Chekhov was
  11. Compared to male literacy rate in rural AP. The district-wise variations for, poverty ,ratio are high and low for the ratio of female/male literacy rate. Economy
  12. State. The aftermath of the Judea Civil War consisted of popular unrest, poverty ,and grief over the fallen soldiers on both sides. The greatest impact of the
  13. Had been earlier Anglicized as Runty or sometimes Bounty. Struggling against, poverty , Patrick learned how to read and write and from 1798 to teach others. In 1802
  14. Party platform, and second on Lincoln's life story, emphasizing his childhood, poverty , The goal was to demonstrate the superior power of" free labor ", whereby a
  15. By economist Walter E. Williams of George Mason University to be 70 %. The, poverty ,rate among single-parent black families was 39.5 % in 2005,according to
  16. Work had dwindled because of the war, yet Rodin needed to support his family;, poverty ,was a continual difficulty for Rodin until about the age of 30.
  17. 18,881. About 7.6 % of families and 20.4 % of the population were below the, poverty ,line, including 9.2 % of those under age 18 and 4.1 % of those age 65 or over.
  18. As crucial factors in and consequences of extreme poverty . Extreme, poverty ,is most common in Sub-Saharan Africa. The Analytical Engine was a proposed
  19. Historical marginalization when considered as a whole. The racial disparity in, poverty ,rates has narrowed. The black middle class has grown substantially. In 2000,47
  20. And crime. In 2004,24.7 % of African American families lived below the, poverty ,level. Politics and social issues Collectively, African Americans are more
  21. Grand tells Room that he married while still in his teens, but overwork and, poverty ,took their toll (Grand did not receive the career advancement that he had been
  22. In 1898 was the site of marionette performances of ABU ROI. Living in worsening, poverty , neglecting his health, and drinking excessively, Jarry went on to write what
  23. Governance and was less responsive to globalization, has seen an increase in, poverty ,while all other areas of the world have seen no change in rates. * The world
  24. Emotion solely for members of his own class. Swift’s use of gripping details of, poverty ,and his narrator’s cool approach towards them create" two opposing points of
  25. Of both men and women lived their lives consecrated to God under the vows of, poverty , chastity and obedience (or in Benedictine communities, Stability,Conversion
  26. 24,163. About 9.1 % of families and 14.4 % of the population were below the, poverty ,line, including 16.5 % of those under age 18 and 8.7 % of those age 65 or over.
  27. Onward, the city grew much faster than envisioned, because unemployment and, poverty ,forced people to migrate from the countryside into the city in order to seek a
  28. Of our Northern enemies drive us; and thus would we not only be reduced to, poverty , but what is still worse, we should be driven to crime, to the commission of
  29. To succeed him as king. The historian Alvin says that Anetholes was born in, poverty ,but very early in life parlayed his remarkable genius into a career as an
  30. In housing, education,policing, criminal justice and employment; crime, poverty ,and substance abuse. One of the most serious and long-standing issues within
  31. The issue of the Augsburg Interim in May 1548. For various reasons, however, poverty , and personal inclination among others, he did not take a prominent part in the
  32. Tutu in recognition of his outstanding work against hunger, malnutrition and, poverty ,worldwide. Past recipients of the award have included Nobel Laureate and former
  33. Most serious and long-standing issues within African American communities is, poverty , Poverty itself is a hardship as it is related to marital stress and
  34. Access to essential medicines is severely restricted by lack of resources and, poverty , Traditional remedies, often closely resembling or forming the basis for
  35. Rate: 29.8 % (2005) country comparison to the world: 175 Population below, poverty ,line: NA % (2002 est. ) Household income or consumption by percentage share:
  36. Jacques Drought, for their long-standing commitment to fighting hunger and, poverty , In 2008,Anderson Cooper was the first journalist to receive the Action
  37. Over the last four decades, also lifting hundreds of millions out of income, poverty , Yet it was not among the region’s top performers in improving school enrollment
  38. And humanitarian agencies depend on anthropological insights as means to fight, poverty , Examples of applied anthropology are ubiquitous. Focused on a positive light
  39. 14,165. About 15.0 % of families and 20.0 % of the population were below the, poverty ,line, including 27.6 % of those under age 18 and 13.9 % of those age 65 or over
  40. 46.2 %: industry: 15.6 %: services: 38.2 % (2006) Population below, poverty ,line: :26.5 % (2006 est. ) Inflation: 4.4 % Household income or consumption by
  41. Issues such as racism, sexism,sexual abuse, homophobia,reproductive rights, poverty , and war. The combination of personal and political is partially responsible
  42. Influence, the residents of Mahagonny pay for a prostitute. But in Mahagonny, poverty ,is not just a condition the poor bring upon themselves, but a crime to be
  43. Anglican churches in the global south brought new emphasis to issues of global, poverty , the inequitable distribution of resources, and the lingering effects of
  44. Rate is 35 % and roughly the same percentage of its citizens live below the, poverty ,line. About 42 percent of the population live on less than $1 a day, according
  45. Jacob died when Andrew was around three years old, leaving his family in, poverty , Johnson's mother then took in work spinning and weaving to support her family
  46. And subsistence level. Thousands of Angolan small-scale farmers are trapped in, poverty , A serious structural problem of the Angolan economy are the enormous
  47. Four with income as low as $4,600,which is barely one-quarter of the federal, poverty ,line. Property taxes are the lowest in the United States. The current state
  48. Grown substantially. In 2000.47 % of African Americans owned their homes. The, poverty ,rate among African Americans has decreased from 26.5 % in 1998 to 24.7 % in
  49. In the foreseeable future. " In 2005 the World Bank defined extreme, poverty ,as living on less than US$1.25 a day. This meant living on the equivalent of
  50. After the 1975 independence, during the long years of civil war. However, high, poverty , rates and blatant social inequality are chiefly the outcome of a combination of

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