Examples of the the word, cat , in a Sentence Context

The word ( cat ), is the 1796 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Stops the car and Bruce searches for Selina in vain. He does find Selina's, cat , however, which he takes with him and leaves. The camera then pans up to the
  2. To the hearing ability, and the presence of a blue eye can indi cat e that the, cat ,is deaf to the side the blue eye is lo cat ed. However, a great many blues and
  3. A shell script that does everything. It is the shortest of these methods: $, cat ,grepinawk pattern=$1 shift AWK '/'pattern'/' " $@" $ The pattern in the AWK
  4. E. D. Wives ". After a worrying interval she reveals that E. D. Wives is a, cat , His Lordship observes that cat s do not have initials. " This one does ", says
  5. Such as color or shape to experiential abstractions such as a specific, cat ,to semantic abstractions such as the" idea" of a CAT to classes of objects
  6. The national press at about the same time of the official denial of alien big, cat ,evidence on Bodmin Moor. The skull was sent to the Natural History Museum in
  7. Hopkins was understudying me and walked away with the part of Edgar like a, cat ,with a mouse between its teeth. " Despite his success at the National, Hopkins
  8. Demand ", the vast majority of Australians use the short vowel from the word ", cat ,". In South Australia however a high proportion of people use the broad vowel
  9. That it was a genuine skull from a young male leopard, but also found that the, cat ,had not died in Britain and that the skull had been imported as part of a
  10. Sound are for the most part produced linearly in time (that is, in a word like, cat ,the a sound comes after the c sound, and the t sound comes after that),they
  11. Flowers have a strong odor. The odor tends to resemble the smell of strong, cat ,urine or the spray of a male cat . Also, touching the leaves an
  12. Barking (it makes a low, liquid ululation instead) and cleaning itself like a, cat , Often, the Benji is commonly referred to as the shrieking dog, or screaming
  13. Or balding),and green eyes that are repeatedly described as shining" like a, cat ,'s" when he is struck by a clever idea. Frequent mention is made of his
  14. Part of private collections or zoos, later escaped or set free. An escaped big, cat ,could not be reported to the authorities due to the illegality of owning and
  15. Airstrip (nicknamed the" Cheshire Airstrip ", after Lewis Carroll's Cheshire, cat ,) which briefly appears when water is sprayed onto its camouflaged asphalt, and
  16. CDC believes that the patient, a veterinarian, contracted plague from a stray, cat , As the cat wasn't available for necropsy, this could not be ultimately
  17. In Ankara and its surrounding region in central Anatolia, along with the Angora, cat ,and Angora goat. The rabbits were popular pets with French royalty in the mid
  18. Pop band Katzenjammer uses two contrabass balalaikas, both of which have, cat ,faces painted on the front. They are named Barge and Baker. Ian Anderson plays
  19. Known as The Beast of Bodmin Moor like The Beast of Exmoor, is a phantom wild, cat ,purported to live in Cornwall, in the United Kingdom. Bodmin Moor became a
  20. Color, in practice it can be considered a color, as in expressions like" black, cat ," or" black paint ". Etymology The word black comes from Old English bloc ("
  21. The suffix -and,-ant,-inch,-once) mostly have an /æ/ vowel as in, cat ,but there are some speakers who use the vowel in cart (/a/) for these words
  22. Hunting instinct to such a degree that they find it impossible not to chase a, cat ,that is moving quickly. The hunting instinct is triggered by movement and much
  23. To a world-famous cat breed — the Turkish Angora, called Ankara Medici (Ankara, cat ,) in Turkish. It is a breed of domestic cat . Turkish Angoras are one of the
  24. The hunting instinct is triggered by movement and much depends on how the, cat ,behaves. Health Life expectancy is 7 to 10 years. Exceptional individuals have
  25. Are denied such luxuries.; The Cat: Never seen to carry out any work,the, cat ,is absent for long periods, and is forgiven because her excuses are so
  26. The American system of state regulation of alcoholic beverage sales * Alien big, cat ,or phantom cat , a large feline that has been purported to appear in regions
  27. Character ’, and his views on merchandising and corporations. Watterson's, cat , Sprite, very much inspired the personality and physical features of Hobbes.
  28. Upward to repeat the exercise. The call is a plaintive penalty, similar to a, cat ,'s meow. Steppe Buzzard The Steppe Buzzard, B. (b. ) vulpine breeds from east
  29. Report, a boy was walking by the River Iowa when he discovered a large, cat ,skull. Measuring about four inches wide and seven inches long (10 × 18 cm)
  30. National Assembly of Turkey. Fauna Angora cat Ankara is home to a world-famous, cat ,breed — the Turkish Angora, called Ankara Medici (Ankara cat ) in Turkish. It
  31. Of state regulation of alcoholic beverage sales * Alien big cat or phantom, cat , a large feline that has been purported to appear in regions outside its
  32. Species. The report stated that" the investigation could not prove that a 'big, cat ,' is not present. " Skull Less than a week after the government report, a boy
  33. That each letter has a name and sounds. Just like a dog says" woof" and a, cat ,says" meow ", the " I" says" eye" and" EE ". Acrostic songs There are also
  34. Of the concept" cat " or the concept" telephone ". Although the concepts ", cat ," and" telephone" are abstractions, they are not abstract in the sense of the
  35. A particular cat or a particular telephone is an instance of the concept ", cat ," or the concept" telephone ". Although the concepts" cat " and" telephone "
  36. Objects in graph 1 above. We might look at other graphs, in a progression from, cat ,to mammal to animal, and see that animal is more abstract than mammal; but on
  37. Of the differences among six allophones of the phoneme, namely unreleased as in, cat , aspirated as in top, glottalized as in button, flapped as in American English
  38. Called Ankara Medici (Ankara cat ) in Turkish. It is a breed of domestic, cat , Turkish Angoras are one of the ancient, naturally-occurring cat breeds, having
  39. Is used for a variety of animals, including dog coats, some rat coats, cat ,coats, some chicken breeds, some horse coat colors and rabbit coat colors.
  40. Description sitting-on (graph 1) is more abstract than the graphic image of a, cat ,sitting on a mat (picture 1),the delineation of abstract things from
  41. Abstract ideas since despite their varying appearances, a particular, cat ,or a particular telephone is an instance of the concept" cat " or the concept
  42. In the opposite direction to instantiation. Doing so would make the concepts ", cat ," and" telephone" abstract ideas since despite their varying appearances, a
  43. That the patient, a veterinarian, contracted plague from a stray cat . As the, cat ,wasn't available for necropsy, this could not be ultimately confirmed. * From
  44. Of domestic cat . Turkish Angoras are one of the ancient, naturally-occurring, cat , breeds,having originated in Ankara and its surrounding region in central
  45. Although very intelligent, basenjis have an independent nature like a, cat ,and do not do things simply to please their owners. One theory explains that
  46. County, Utah. * In May 2006,Arizona media reported a case of plague found in a, cat , * One hundred deaths resulting from pneumonic plague were reported in Turn
  47. This. This shell script accesses the environment directly from within AWK: $, cat ,grepinawk pattern=$1 shift AWK '$0 ~ ENVIRON"pattern" '" $@" $ This is a
  48. In which an argument to AWK can be seen as an assignment to a variable: $, cat ,grepinawk pattern=$1 shift AWK '$0 ~ pattern' " pattern=pattern" " $@" $
  49. Odour tends to resemble the smell of strong cat urine or the spray of a male, cat , Also, touching the leaves an unpleasant smell on the hands. The fruit
  50. Meet in the park near the Grand National Assembly of Turkey. Fauna Angora, cat ,Ankara is home to a world-famous cat breed — the Turkish Angora, called Ankara

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