Examples of the the word, syllabus , in a Sentence Context
The word ( syllabus ), is the 9675 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Prescribed by the state government. The aided schools also follow the state, syllabus , In addition to this, there are four Kendra Himalayas run directly by the
- The curriculum framework however provides for some flexibility in the, syllabus , so that subjects such as religious education can be taught. Most school
- American School. This suggests that the school follows a U. S. curriculum and, syllabus ,in addition to British" O"-levels or incorporate core elements of U. S.
- Dogma was mandatory and Jewish history and religion had no place on the, syllabus , Ingo, not yet four, remained at home. Otto was often teased by Catholic
- Many private schools across the country, some church-run, which follow the same, syllabus ,but charge fees. A very small number offer international qualifications. From
- Has also recently approved several significant changes to the introductory, syllabus , These changes include expanding the parameters of the course to include more
- Recognize this fact. " District of Columbia v. Heller Judgment According to the, syllabus ,prepared by the U. S. Supreme Court Reporter of Decisions, in this decision the
- Six episodes from series one were a core text in the Year 12 English Advanced, syllabus ,for the Higher School Certificate in New South Wales (2000–2008) for Module C
- Struggle with their" Mother Tongue" language are allowed to take a simpler, syllabus ,or drop the subject. Education takes place in three stages:" Primary education
- Sentential use). Of the six canonical texts or Vedanta that formed the core, syllabus ,in Brahminic education from the 1st century AD till the 18th century, four
- The syllabus : Gaelic for learners (equivalent to the modern foreign languages, syllabus ,) and Gaelic for native speakers (equivalent to the English syllabus ). An
- Of Frontline have been analyzed for the Media topic in the Year 10 English, syllabus ,in New South Wales since at least 2001. Notes Claude Frédéric Bastian () (29
- With many of the international actuarial bodies as well as approval of the, syllabus ,from the International Actuarial Association. Sweden Actuarial training in
- These schools marked the beginning of modern schooling in India and the, syllabus ,and calendar they followed became the benchmark for schools in modern India.
- The control of a common university Governing Council and following a common, syllabus , The state has recently made strides in setting up several institutes. Andhra
- Authority offer two streams of Gaelic examination across all levels of the, syllabus ,: Gaelic for learners (equivalent to the modern foreign languages' syllabus )
- Mines, continuing to study mathematics in addition to the mining engineering, syllabus ,and received the degree of ordinary engineer in March 1879. As a graduate of
- Languages syllabus ) and Gaelic for native speakers (equivalent to the English, syllabus ,). A Common Gàidhealach performs assessment of spoken Gaelic, resulting in the
- Facing Poland. Latin and Ancient Greek are part of the classical education, syllabus ,offered in many secondary schools. According to a 2004 survey, two-thirds of
- The schools follow the missionary school model in terms of tutoring, subject /, syllabus , governance etc. with minor changes. Schools in India range from schools with
- Analyze, and interpret the lines of the Aeneid that appear on the course, syllabus ,in Latin. " As a result, many phrases from this poem entered the Latin language
- Would be to consider one martial art's syllabus against another martial art's, syllabus , But then again that would yield only theoretical hypotheses and claims without
- Which was also added to the examinations at Cambridge, remaining on the, syllabus ,until the 1920s. For his services in defense of the faith, with the publication
- Where, in the period up till 1936,he reorganized the laboratories and the, syllabus ,in chemistry. He received the 1921 Nobel Prize in chemistry for his research in
- The http://www.necta.go.tz National Examination Council Of Tanzania (NECTAR), syllabus , Private secondary education schools include Some International Schools
- Explored in religious education in relation to different beliefs, as part of a, syllabus ,set by a local Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education. In 2006 the
- Stomp was simply, side,together, side,touch. In the DVINA Nightclub Two-Step, syllabus , this action is called a Traveling Cross. No Wave was a short-lived but
- Early in elementary school. He mastered the whole of the high school, syllabus ,by the beginning of the fourth year and began to tutor students for their
- Boards which follow CBSE and/or ICSE syllabus and/or BIOS syllabus and/or state, syllabus , The first International school in Kerala, The Trivandrum International School
- Families in Tennessee opposed the novel's inclusion in the public school, syllabus ,and filed a lawsuit. They based their opposition to the novel on its depicting
- Feel that a school not teaching martial aspects somewhere in their, syllabus ,cannot be said to be actually teaching the art itself, that they have
- State Boards of various boards,Anglo-Indian Board, and so on. The typical, syllabus ,today includes Language (s),Mathematics, Science - Physics, Chemistry
- Himalayas run directly by the Central government, which follow the CBSE, syllabus , and private schools run by educational trusts or boards which follow CBSE
- Is one of the available poetry texts in the AQA English Literature A Level, syllabus , while High Windows is offered by the OCR board. The Philip Larking Society was
- OCR) also specifically mentions and deals with creationism in its biology, syllabus , However, this deals with it as a historical belief and addresses hostility
- Wrote The Canon of Medicine in Persia, which remains a text book in the, syllabus ,of Nazi medicine in the colleges of India and Pakistan. While he was primarily
- Educational trusts or boards which follow CBSE and/or ICSE syllabus and/or BIOS, syllabus ,and/or state syllabus . The first International school in Kerala, The Trivandrum
- At Play provides pre-school and primary education based on the New Zealand, syllabus , The teacher is appointed by the Governor from suitable qualified applicants
- European universities. Note that these terms are not yet standardized nor has a, syllabus ,been agreed upon. Hence there is vast variance in qualification and skills
- Higher School Certificate as part of the preliminary (Year 11) Modern History, syllabus , The laws of infernal dynamics are an adage about the cussedness of the
- System. Although their system has fewer grades than the above patch system,the, syllabus ,covers the same core techniques and principles. Although there are some
- Martial art against another martial art would be to consider one martial art's, syllabus ,against another martial art's syllabus . But then again that would yield only
- Saudi Arabia. Nasser used his influence with Alcázar to create changes in the, syllabus , which trickled to the lower levels of Egyptian education. He allowed
- Has been discontinued. Relatedly, some components of the previous mathematics, syllabus ,are now examined as electives. ) An alternative Matrix examination is offered
- Schools run by educational trusts or boards which follow CBSE and/or ICSE, syllabus ,and/or BIOS syllabus and/or state syllabus . The first International school in
- In Denmark, it is mandatory to receive education answering to the basic school, syllabus ,until the 10th year of school education. Since 2009 has it been compulsory also
- The government schools are run directly by the state government and follow the, syllabus ,prescribed by the state government. The aided schools also follow the state
- One has to demonstrate proficiency in all the Practitioner and Graduate, syllabus ,' and have excellent fighting skills. Beyond Expert 5 there is the rank of
- To 100 dollars for any early back issues on eBay. Dancing Raving in itself is a, syllabus ,free dance, whereby the movements are not predefined and the dance is performed
- With the administration over the delayed appearance of infinitesimals in the, syllabus , At any rate, Cauchy continued using infinitesimals throughout his career and
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