Examples of the the word, bunny , in a Sentence Context

The word ( bunny ), is the 9676 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Chess player, also referred to as a" fish "," wood pusher "," duffer ", or ", bunny , " (, to bungle. ) Pawn: Pawn and move: A type of odds game, common in the 18th
  2. The ability for the characters to jump, done to eliminate the practice of, bunny ,hopping-type evasive maneuvers. The players can still climb onto or hurdle over
  3. PC version),the camera pans over a verdant field complete with flowers and, bunny ,rabbits, only to reveal a burning city and a bunny 's head impaled on a stake:
  4. Of the rabbit is not recorded. Collins: Okay,we'll keep a close eye for the, bunny ,girl. Toad and toadstool" The toad was seen by Chinese Taoists as ... the moon
  5. Similar to paper bags commonly found in grocery stores, with the famous, bunny ,head logo printed in jet black on both sides; however, up to and into the 1970s
  6. Salutations. The primacy of the reference to the telephone indicates that the, bunny ,is in his mother's room and his mother's bed. Film, TV,music, or theatrical
  7. Chick that made the sound" Veep! Veep! " Backlash, censorship and ", bunny ,strips" Kelly's use of satire and politics often drew fire from those he was
  8. Years later, a revised version of this seminal advertisement had the Energizer, bunny ,escaping the stage and moving on (according to the announcer, he " keeps going
  9. America. The text is a poem, written in simple masculine rhyme, describing a, bunny ,'s bedtime ritual of saying" goodnight" to various objects in the bunny 's
  10. Sharp eared locals can detect from word usage (soda versus pop, hoodie versus, bunny ,hug) where one originated," Down east," east of (Salt Ste. Marie and
  11. To make Wasteland a better place for forgotten characters, especially his ", bunny ,children" and his girlfriend Hortensia. At the end of Epic Mickey,Oswald's
  12. Of the different ways the player can maneuver through the game. For example:, bunny ,hopping or strafe jumping can be used to move faster than normal, while rocket
  13. In the room, which is never explicitly mentioned in the text, portrays a, bunny ,fly-fishing for another bunny , using a carrot as bait. This picture is also a
  14. His antagonists most often refer to the character as a" rabbit. " The word ", bunny ," is of no help in answering this question, as it is a synonym for both young
  15. Clitoral stimulator. For most rabbit vibrators this comes in the form of ", bunny ,ears" which sit each side of the clitoris. *Luxury vibrators have an increased
  16. Date October 2010. Her books for children are: *Jeremy, the tale of an honest, bunny , published 2000. *Violet Comes to Stay, published 2006 by Viking Children's
  17. Goodnight" to various objects in the bunny 's bedroom: the red balloon,the, bunny ,'s dollhouse, the kittens, etc. One aspect of this book is the wealth of detail
  18. A bunny 's bedtime ritual of saying" goodnight" to various objects in the, bunny ,'s bedroom: the red balloon, the bunny 's dollhouse, the kittens, etc. One
  19. Tarim! Who would believe a sword could get rusty enough to turn black? ” * The, bunny ,girl in Gainax's legendary Diego IV short for the opening of the 22nd Annual
  20. For the female disguise: Tax, Elmer Fund, Yosemite Sam were fooled by this sexy, bunny ,(woman) and in Hare Trimmed, Sam discovers the real face of" Granny" ( Bugs
  21. For Prince Valiant. Lola Granola says that Playboy has offered her a job as a, bunny , which Opus dislikes. Milo Bloom is seen with a snake swallowing him head first
  22. Of the movie's plot was spoofed in the 1993 comedy Fatal Instinct. The term ", bunny ,boiler" has now passed into popular parlance as a term for a jealous mistress
  23. Have some mystical potential. In Knight-mare Hare he was able to return to his, bunny ,form (after being transformed into a donkey) by removing his donkey form as
  24. Pistes. Rope tows can also be used on short slopes (usually beginner hills or, bunny ,slopes). Larger ski areas may use gondolas or aerial trams for transportation
  25. The background. Eventually, a lightning bolt strikes Bugs dead. Upon seeing the, bunny ,'s corpse, which is strangely intact, Elmer immediately regrets his wrath and
  26. Once received a letter at its Chicago, Illinois offices with its distinctive ", bunny ," logo as the only identifying mark, appearing where the mailing address
  27. Green circles, and are typically fairly flat and smooth. Sometimes known as ", bunny ,slopes ", they are usually groomed by specially equipped snow cats every night.
  28. Was actually a parody of other well-known advertisements until the Energizer, bunny ,suddenly intrudes on the situation, with the announcer saying" Still going ...
  29. By Dalton and Hard away. This is short, the first where he is depicted as a gray, bunny ,instead of a white one, is also notable for Happy's first singing role.
  30. Quite a bit in common. For example, Susie is shown on occasion with a stuffed, bunny ,rabbit named" Mr. Bun," and Calvin, of course, has Hobbes. Susie also has a
  31. Reversed (play actors are feminist" thespians"/ Oberon falls in love with a ", bunny ,girl" ). It is set in the 1970s with many social references and satire. Magic
  32. And a lot of slides were put into service. In 1983,the Green-pink, bunny , Iceberg Rabbit, became a symbol of Iceberg. In 1991,the Iceberg Guest AB
  33. As Christians throughout the United States with candy-filled baskets," Easter, bunny ," stories, dyed eggs, and Easter Egg hunts. Folk beliefs One folk custom is
  34. Suggests that he turn into a pink-winged fly. Willie instead turns into a pink, bunny ,rabbit, which he believes is more cute, and catches Mickey, Donald and Goofy
  35. Explicitly mentioned in the text, portrays a bunny fly-fishing for another, bunny , using a carrot as bait. This picture is also a reference to The Runaway Bunny.
  36. The reason for the abundance of eggs at Easter time. The idea of an egg-laying, bunny ,came to the U. S. in the 18th century. German immigrants in the Pennsylvania
  37. Attention to Mentor in favor of India, a trans-dimensional man dressed as a, bunny , that in the anime appeared only in the first OVA and in the fifth movie.
  38. Innocence. To facilitate Hopkins' performance, Fleischer dressed in a Roger, bunny ,suit and" stood in" behind camera for most scenes. * Christopher Lloyd as
  39. Way Trio was costumed and filmed. " Why does Trio get to wear the skin-tight, bunny ,suit? ... Why would Trio want to wear the bunny suit? ... How would you react
  40. The bedside clock disappears in the final room scene *in the last page the word, bunny ,is gone off the brush Literary significance and reception Goodnight Moon slowly
  41. Green skirt," Ayanna" in demon dress, and " Bunny Suit Anya" in removable, bunny ,suit. A repaint of" Bunny Suit Anya" was featured in the Vengeance Book
  42. Is a painting of a cow jumping over the moon. * the painting of the fly-fishing, bunny , which appears only in two color plates, appears to be black and white (or
  43. Sunday, April 14, 1963,George and Jeanne De Morhenschildt brought an Easter, bunny ,to baby June Oswald, and when Marina was showing Jeanne their new apartment
  44. Complete with flowers and bunny rabbits, only to reveal a burning city and a, bunny ,'s head impaled on a stake: the demons have invaded Earth, paving the way for
  45. Boo-birds: Fans who boo their own team when they play badly. * (He did the), bunny , hop in the pea patch: He was called for traveling. * (You could) call it with
  46. Strangely intact, Elmer immediately regrets his wrath and tearfully carries the, bunny ,off, presumably to Valhalla in keeping with the Wagnerian theme, per Act III of
  47. The game uses ASCII graphics for its visual display. The player controls a dust, bunny ,(* on the ASCII representation),which is chased by several vacuum cleaners
  48. She did appear on the cover of Playboys October 1978 issue wearing a Playboy, bunny ,outfit, complete with ears (the October 1978 Playboy issue also featured
  49. Shirt and shorts. This new Oswald model was adapted directly from a non-Oswald, bunny ,in another Last cartoon: the two-strip Technicolor Fox and the Rabbit (1935)
  50. Trio get to wear the skin-tight bunny suit? ... Why would Trio want to wear the, bunny ,suit? ... How would you react to a psychologist dressed like this? " At least

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