Examples of the the word, plains , in a Sentence Context

The word ( plains ), is the 9686 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Centre stands the town of Ajmer, may be considered as the highest point in the, plains ,of North India; from the circle of hills which hem it in, the country slopes
  2. Of the Media River and the Bulk Endears River as well as some interior high, plains ,in Anatolia, mainly around Tub Gold (Salt Lake) and the Kenya Basin (Kenya
  3. Probably the site of an inland sea. Running along the south of desert is the, plains ,region known as the Sahel. The arid region, the Sahara — the largest desert in
  4. Of water. Brazilian topography is also diverse and includes hills, mountains, plains , highlands, and scrublands. Much of the terrain lies between and in elevation.
  5. Are separated by the River Krishna. The third region is Coastal Andhra. The, plains ,to the east of Eastern Ghats form the Eastern coastal plains . The Eastern Ghats
  6. The Deccan Plateau, where shrub vegetation is more common. Most of the coastal, plains ,are put to intense agricultural use. The west and southwest parts of Andhra
  7. The middle of the country, north of the Rose Valley. Hilly countryside and, plains ,lie to the southeast, along the Black Sea coast, and along Bulgaria's main
  8. Basin of the southwest, the Jalalabad basin in the east, and the Turkestan, plains ,along the Amu River in the north, where temperatures average over in July.
  9. Turks; from the north Bulgarians and Places descended unchecked to ravage the, plains ,of Macedonia and Thrace, and Kalyan of Bulgaria annexed several important
  10. These form the last undulations of the Venetian Alps, as they subside into the, plains ,of Trevino. At three years of age Canola was deprived of both parents, his
  11. Is known for its active Furn as do Encore and mixture of volcanic cones and, plains ,; São Jorge is a long slender island, formed from fissure eruptions over
  12. Andalusia there is considerable climatic variety. From the extensive coastal, plains ,one may pass to the valley of the Guadalquivir, barely above sea level, then to
  13. And Commands had moved from the upper Kabul River valley into the valleys and, plains ,west, north,and northeast of Peshawar. The Africa had long been established
  14. Are mined on other islands. The larger islands have some fertile valleys and, plains , Of the main islands in the Aegean Sea, two belong to Turkey – Bozcaada (
  15. Pradesh is composed of most of the eastern half of the Deccan plateau and the, plains ,to the east of the Eastern Ghats. Andhra Pradesh is divided into three regions.
  16. Land is rare and largely confined to the deltas of the Kill River, the coastal, plains ,of Fukuoka and the valley floors of the Media River and the Bulk Endears
  17. The 1919 Treaty of Rawalpindi. Geography A landlocked mountainous country with, plains ,in the north and southwest, Afghanistan is described as being located within
  18. That the river brings from the Alps, and the former swamps have become fruitful, plains ,: they are known as the" vegetable garden of Switzerland ". From here the AAR
  19. And Plus (elms) are also abundant; poplars are cultivated in the, plains ,of Granada. The Andalusian woodlands have been much altered by human settlement
  20. And up (Houston, Absheron). The rest of Azerbaijan's terrain consist of, plains ,and lowlands. Hydrometric marks within the Caucasus region vary from about −28
  21. Andhra. The plains to the east of Eastern Ghats form the Eastern coastal, plains , The Eastern Ghats are discontinuous and individual sections have local names.
  22. Canadian beef is produced in Alberta. Alberta is one of the prime producers of, plains ,buffalo (bison) for the consumer market. Sheep for wool and lamb are also
  23. Features. Even within small parts of the country, the land may be divided into, plains , plateaus, hills,mountains, basins,gorges, and deep river valleys. The
  24. States become states ready to produce and to sell. In the Plan alto (the high, plains ,), the most important states were those of Be and Bail undo, the latter being
  25. Especially in the vast countryside of the Guadalquivir valley and the high, plains ,of Granada and Almería-with a considerably lesser and more geographically
  26. Deep ocean floor is thought to be fairly flat with occasional deeps, abyssal, plains , trenches, seamounts,basins, plateaus,canyons, and some guests. Various
  27. Takes place on the last" character ", Planet,with its" rolling red ocher, plains ,", and " bands of lonely terraformed green ". Plot The story unfolds via the
  28. In the north, the mountainous Sierra Moreno separates Andalusia from the, plains ,of Extremaduran and Castile-La Manchu on Spain's Peseta Central. South of that
  29. Jewish, Moorish and Kabyle communities, and the lower city (always, or 'the, plains ,') which was the administrative, military and commercial center of the city
  30. Thirds of Regina. The northern and western side consist of stony but fertile, plains , which are well cultivated and produce luxuriant crops of grain, with some
  31. The Guadalquivir; almonds, which require far less water, are grown on the high, plains ,of Granada and Almeria. In monetary terms, by far the most productive and
  32. Excessive variations of temperature. Great heat is experienced in the lower, plains ,and desert regions of North Africa, removed by the great width of the continent
  33. Snowfalls each winter. This is not only due to its closer proximity to the, plains ,states, but also to the higher elevations found throughout the Ozark and
  34. Of the height zones in Bulgaria: More than two-thirds of the country is, plains , plateaus, or hilly land at an altitude less than 600 m. Plains (below 200 m)
  35. Differences are due to variations in the amount of rainfall. The wide heated, plains ,of the Sahara, and in a lesser degree the corresponding zone of the Kalahari in
  36. Basin of the Guadalquivir). The Sierra Moreno separates Andalusia from the, plains ,of Extremaduran and Castile-La Manchu on Spain's Peseta Central. Although
  37. Everywhere were 130 meters lower, and there were large well-watered coastal, plains ,instead of much of the northern Aegean. When they were first occupied, the
  38. Valleys and coast regions. Tropical flora disappears, and in the semidesert, plains ,the fleshy, leafless,contorted species of Kansas, mesembryanthemums, aloes
  39. Renowned of all the lands;: For loyal sons beyond the seas: We've boundless, plains ,to share;: With courage let us all combine: To advance Australia fair.: In
  40. Alluvial soil deposited by these rivers has created some of the most fertile, plains ,in the world. Bangladesh has 57 trans-boundary rivers, making water issues
  41. Name "/NP"> Spontaneous"/>" Lightning's blue glare fills Oklahoma, plains , the train rolls east casting yellow shadow on grass Twenty years ago
  42. The river enters the enormous Amazon Rainforest. The river systems and flood, plains ,in Brazil, Peru,Ecuador, Colombia and Venezuela, whose waters drain into the
  43. Of all the lands;: For those who've come across the seas: We've boundless, plains ,to share;: With courage let us all combine: To Advance Australia Fair.: In
  44. Two arching branches of the Eastern Ghats is a mineral rich area. The coastal, plains ,are for the most part delta regions formed by the Goddard, Krishna,and Penned
  45. In the relatively small territory of the country there are extensive lowlands, plains , hills, low and high mountains, many valleys and deep gorges. The main
  46. Highland plateau. The north of Belize consists mostly of flat, swampy coastal, plains , in places heavily forested. The flora is highly diverse considering the small
  47. Of Thrace. Relief and natural resources About 30 % of the land is made up of, plains , while plateaus and hills account for 41 %. The mountainous southwest of the
  48. The highlands; grassland similar to the Argentine pampa covers the sea-level, plains , The Mato Grosso swampland (Pant anal Mato-grossense) is a Florida-sized
  49. Gates (Rule Pass),northwest of Adana. Toward the east, the extensive, plains ,around Adana,Turkey's fourth-largest city, consist largely of reclaimed flood
  50. Ranges from less than one person per square kilometer in the southeastern, plains ,to about ten per square kilometer (25 per sq. mi) in the central highlands.

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