Examples of the the word, eternity , in a Sentence Context

The word ( eternity ), is the 9693 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. From something inside, that will itself never decay, something that stores for, eternity ,the same inherent, indivisible properties. The basic question is: why has
  2. By escaping from the sensible world or being engulfed by it, by yielding to, eternity ,or enclosing oneself in the pure moment. ". Ethics cannot be based on the
  3. Di pylon Hours). His slender face and the deep eyes express an intellectual, eternity , These freestanding statues were usually marble, but also the form rendered in
  4. In propositions 6.4311 and 6.45 he alludes to a Spinoza understanding of, eternity ,and interpretation of the religious concept of eternal life, stating that" If
  5. Believe that only 144,000 people will receive heavenly salvation and thus spend, eternity ,with God in heaven, as under priests and co-rulers under Christ. Paralleling the
  6. To the heavens. Other common shapes for churches include a circle, to represent, eternity , or an octagon or similar star shape, to represent the church's bringing light
  7. For deliverance from the daily trials of life is warranted when the glories of, eternity ,await. Newton saw himself a sinner like David who had been chosen, perhaps
  8. With thorns, and Pasternak was picked out and marked by God. He believed in, eternity ,and he will belong to it ... We excommunicated Tolstoy, we disowned Dostoevsky
  9. It is unconditionally grounded in God's mercy alone. God has chosen from, eternity ,to extend mercy to those He has chosen and to withhold mercy from those not
  10. Between Heaven or Hell (as opposed to being sent to either one by God),the, eternity ,of Hell (one could leave but would never want to),and that all angels or
  11. Described the Drupe as" mountain dwellers, monotheists,who believe in 'soul, eternity ,' and reincarnation. " Early history The Drupe faith began as a movement in
  12. Themselves as part of Brahman, and after attaining Marsha expect to spend, eternity ,in a Loki (heaven),in the company of their chosen form of Ishtar. Thus, it
  13. And Mass; *claiming the existence of a plurality of worlds and their, eternity ,; *believing in metempsychosis and in the transmigration of the human soul into
  14. Augustine's teachings rests on the assertion that God has foreordained, from, eternity , those who will be saved. The number of the elect is fixed. Sacramental
  15. Eternality in this verse would result in the contradictory phrase“ end of, eternity ,”, so the question arises whether it should ever be so. Proponents of Universal
  16. Souls, free from the cycle of reincarnations, are able to rest in happiness for, eternity , Death and literary treatments Diogenes Laertes records the legend that he
  17. Possible worlds will contain all possibilities, with our finite experience of, eternity ,giving no reason to dispute nature's perfection. " Leibniz would on occasion
  18. That of the recognition of God's existence and of His absolute sovereignty, eternity , unity, and in corporeality, as taught in revelation, especially in the
  19. Interpretation of the religious concept of eternal life, stating that" If by, eternity ,is understood not eternal temporal duration, but timelessness, then he lives
  20. For he does his work alone and if he is a good enough writer he must face, eternity , or the lack of it, each day. " From the end of the year in 1955 to early 1956
  21. A running gag that Sinatra would manage to work the phrase" from here to, eternity ," into each episode, a reference to his Oscar-nominated performance. In 1953
  22. Its first ever intellectual hero and martyr, but guaranteed the democracy an, eternity ,of bad press at the hands of his disciple and enemy to democracy Plato. In the
  23. Of feasts, Celebration of celebrations, : on which we praise Christ for all, eternity , Every other religious festival in their calendar, including Christmas, is
  24. In those who partake of it sweeter hopes regarding both the end of life and all, eternity ,". In the Homeric Hymn to Demeter, dated to about the seventh century BC, she
  25. Accounts,“ is a specified time period; it is an age, an eon, a division of, eternity ,; it is the time between two identifiable events. And each day, of whatever
  26. In the wind of incantation Rising up to the heavens Seek for, eternity , ::: :Kristian Jack Peterson Those lines have been interpreted as a claim
  27. That Paulus" could have freed himself from all sorrow and ascended into, eternity ,and national immortality, but he prefers to go to Moscow. " The German public
  28. Unconditional election ": This doctrine asserts that God has chosen from, eternity ,those whom he will bring to himself not based on foreseen virtue, merit,or
  29. Some ethical teaching. * the anagogical sense, which applies to eschatology, eternity ,and the consummation of the world Regarding exegesis, following the rules of
  30. Will inherit eternal life, the unfaithful with the unbeliever will spend, eternity ,in hell. Their sins and their unbelief will torture them as fire. " The
  31. Arminius defined election as" the decree of God by which, of Himself, from, eternity , He decreed to justify in Christ, believers,and to accept them unto eternal
  32. Or“ age-during ”. Other English versions most often translate them to indicate, eternity , being translated as eternal, everlasting,forever, etc. However, there are
  33. Of the idea of the vampire. Rice's characters were depicted as struggling with, eternity ,and loneliness. Their ambivalent or tragic sexuality held deep attractions for
  34. Religious ceremonies that Mormons believes will seal family units together for, eternity , Mormons believe that this fulfilled a biblical prophecy stating that the
  35. And do not succeed in anything. ”:“ He who does not refer every thing to, eternity , is never likely to live either well or happily in time. ” A. C. 1831 VI p. 619
  36. Demonstrate the futility of existence. In the myth, Sisyphus is condemned for, eternity ,to roll a rock up a hill, but when he reaches the summit, the rock will roll to
  37. After which he will return with them to this earth to dwell with them for, eternity ,in his kingdom. # The non-immortality of the soul. That is, the dead have no
  38. Even after the death of their bodies, living together in heaven to, eternity , Emanuel Swedenborg claimed to have spoken to angels who had been married for
  39. Virgil's welcome as he returns among the great ancient poets spending, eternity ,in Limbo. The continuation of the line, L'umbra SUA torn, ch'era bipartite ("
  40. A closed system),the room is destined to remain in the same condition for all, eternity , Therefore, following the same reasoning but considering the whole universe as
  41. The King is officially the Head of State and is the symbol of unity and ", eternity ," of the nation, as defined by Cambodia's constitution. From September 24
  42. Be taken as" created" or as" possessed" was used in the debate over the, eternity ,of Christ. Both these meanings are used in the Old Testament but many
  43. Traditions to give posthumous names and titles to royalty) of president" in, eternity ," (while all real power, as party leader, itself not formally created for 4
  44. And/or" being ", though it then tended to mean" age "," forever" or" for, eternity ,". It is a Latin transliteration from the Kline Greek word {{ poly tonic|ὁ word
  45. Eternal life, so the people that do not accept him cannot burn in hell for, eternity ,because Jesus has not given them eternal life, instead it says they will perish
  46. Who" claims to find a contradiction between the Greek pagan insistence on the, eternity ,of the world and the Aristotelian rejection of the existence of any actual
  47. As a place where God debates Talmudic law with the angels, and where Jews spend, eternity ,studying the Written and Oral Torah. Jews do not believe in" Hell" as a place
  48. Chronos, the specific times during which they are celebrated),and entry into, eternity ,(KaiOS). They consist of a large degree of litanies asking for God's mercy
  49. Grave under the clear sky of the icy world, with the whirring of the wings of, eternity ,through space. " In 1926 Nansen was elected Rector of the University of St
  50. Of Hell, where five humans are tormented by an all-knowing computer throughout, eternity , The story was the basis of a 1995 computer game, with Ellison participating in

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